Chelated forms of fertilizers are becoming increasingly popular. These products include a balanced combination of mineral and organic components, which have a complex structure. The use of this type of fertilizer helps to achieve an excellent effect and quickly saturate the plants with nutrients. It is important to strictly follow the instructions for use.
What is chelate form
In essence, chelate compounds are a balanced combination of mineral and organic substances that have a complex structure.This type of feeding is based on a special chelating agent that captures substances like claws. This is how the name of fertilizers is translated from English.
The compound retains trace element ions in a soluble state and avoids the production of salts. When the drug interacts with the plant, organic matter decomposes. In this case, the element itself is actively absorbed by root cells or enters the seeds.
The composition of beneficial substances resembles vitamins and chlorophyll. They are easily absorbed by plants. Chelates have a long shelf life. They do not deteriorate during transportation and do not contain synthetic impurities.
Almost all innovative products that are used to treat plants and increase their vital activity are made on the basis of chelates. Chelating agents are complex acids. They differ in the strength of ion binding and acidity ratio.
Microelements in the form of chelates are much more effective compared to ordinary organic substances. Many gardeners and professional companies use similar fertilizers for soil and hydroponic systems. Such substances have the following advantages:
- economical consumption - this is due to the high concentration of nutrients and a good degree of their absorption;
- high degree of absorption of active components - this leads to increased yield parameters and improved taste;
- safe to use, no risk of nitrate accumulation, gentle on plants, environmentally friendly.
Types of chelated fertilizers
Chelated fertilizers are made on the basis of vital microelements - zinc, iron, copper, magnesium.They all differ in chemical formula.
Chelating substances are responsible for binding microelements:
- EDTA – for soil with acidity parameters 1.5-6;
- DTRA – for soil with pH 1.5-7;
- EDDNA – for soil with pH parameters 3-10;
- EDF - for soil with acidity 4.5-11.
Typically, the type of chelating agent is listed on the packaging. The drug may include 1 component or several at once. They are produced in the form of crystals or liquid.
When are they needed?
Chelates are used for different types of plants - fruits, berries, vegetables. It is also permissible to feed ornamental crops with these fertilizers.
In order for fertilizers to have the desired effect, they must be applied at certain stages of crop growth. The following can be processed using these tools:
- Seeds before planting. They can be soaked in a fertilizer solution, combining this procedure with pickling.
- Seedlings and saplings. Thanks to irrigation with chelates, it is possible to improve the survival and development of crops in a new place, accelerate their adaptation, and increase resistance to infections.
- Crops before flowering. This helps increase the number of ovaries.
- Plants during fruit growth. Chelates help increase yield parameters and make fruits of higher quality.
Chelates can be combined with pesticides or their solutions can be used after chemical treatment. This will significantly speed up crop recovery.
How to take minerals
The use of chelate fertilizers requires compliance with a number of rules and recommendations. The maximum effect can be obtained by processing the seed material with subsequent fertilizing. During the growing season, the product can be used by root or foliar methods.
In addition, fertilizers in the form of chelates can be combined with other drugs and chemicals. Before using the products, be sure to read the instructions. Chelated fertilizers can be used in the following ways:
- In the form of a solution for soaking seed material before planting.
- In the form of root feeding. Depositing funds at the root has the only drawback. The fact is that some of the nutrients may go too deep into the soil. This makes them inaccessible to plants.
- In the form of foliar feeding. When chelates get on the surface of the leaves, they easily penetrate the structure and release nutrients to the plant.
- In the form of drip irrigation. This is a fairly effective method that ensures that chelates reach the roots.
Security measures
When using chelate fertilizers, you should use protective equipment. After completing the work, you need to wash your face and hands with soap.
There are no exact analogues of chelating agents. However, they can be replaced with complex mineral or organic fertilizers.
Chelated forms of fertilizers are considered very effective. They are easily absorbed by plants, saturating them with nutrients.