Types and composition of nitrate, for which the chemical formula of the fertilizer is used

Saltpeter is a nutrient that is often used as fertilizer. Today there are many varieties of such fertilizers, each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages. In order for the drug to give the desired effect, it must be used correctly. Strict adherence to safety rules is of great importance.

What it is?

All types of nitrate are classified as nitrate fertilizers. Moreover, each of them has its own purpose and application features.The chemical composition and formulas of the substances are not identical. Each of them consists of a unique set of components. So, experts distinguish the following types of nitrate:

  1. Ammonia - looks like crystals that do not have a special shade. This type of feeding contains the most nitrogen components. That is why it has high value for plants. Crystals of the substance absorb a lot of moisture from the air. Therefore, they need to be kept in dry places.
  2. Barium - presented in the form of white crystals. The substance can give the flame a greenish tint. It is prohibited to use the product as a top dressing.
  3. Potash - also called Indian. It contains a lot of potassium, which is very important for the development of crops.
  4. Sodium - it is also called Chilean. It is considered a very valuable supplement.

Types of saltpeter

Today, quite a few varieties of saltpeter are known, each of which has certain characteristics.


This product is a nitrate nitrogen fertilizer that is produced in the form of granules. They are used before planting crops and at the stage of early feeding of vegetables. The product contains 33-34% total nitrogen, 5% hydrogen and 60% oxygen.

Nitrogen promotes the development of green mass, stimulates fruiting and growth processes. With the help of this substance it is possible to significantly increase productivity.

big bags


This remedy is a potassium substance that includes many nitrogen components. It is produced in the form of water-soluble transparent crystals. The active composition of the product includes 45% potassium and more than 13% nitrogen.

The use of fertilizer stimulates metabolism in plants, activates the growth of seed material, and regulates the ripening of fruits. The composition also helps strengthen the seedlings.

potassium nitrate


This substance is a salt of nitric acid. It is produced in the form of transparent crystals. The composition includes 27% calcium, 9% nitrogen and phosphorus each. The product also contains a small amount of copper, zinc, molybdenum, and cobalt.

The substance is suitable for application to acidified soil. With its help, it is possible to intensify the development of above-ground plant fragments, improve the growth of seedlings, and strengthen the root system.

chemistry with calcium


This product is produced in the form of solid white crystals. The composition contains 27% sodium and 16% nitrogen. The product helps neutralize acidic soils and combines well with water-soluble preparations based on phosphorus and potassium.

small balls

Instructions for using saltpeter

Nitrate is used for root and foliar feeding of plants. It contains almost no chlorine. Therefore, the composition can be used for crops that are afraid of this substance. These include, in particular, grapes and potatoes.

However, experienced farmers do not recommend feeding cabbage or radish with saltpeter. It is best to fertilize cucumbers during fruiting. Thanks to this, it is possible to increase productivity and avoid active growth of green mass.

Saltpeter is used for various crops. It is important to strictly follow the instructions. When planting root crops in the soil, you need to add a maximum of 30 grams of the substance per 1 square meter of beds. If the soil has not been previously treated, the dose is increased to 50 grams.

sprinkle under strawberries

When fertilizing garden crops, it is necessary to use 15-18 grams of the substance per 1 square meter. To make an effective working solution, you should mix 25 grams of saltpeter with 1 bucket of water. Most often, the product is used a week after the start of flowering.Next time the composition can be added after 1 month.

Security measures

Using saltpeter as a fertilizer is not very difficult. However, it is important to follow certain safety rules:

  1. To prevent the accumulation of nitrates in plants, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage and timing of adding the composition to the soil.
  2. Nitrate can slightly increase soil acidity parameters. This is due to its chemical properties. Therefore, fertilizing with saltpeter should be used for soil that has a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.
  3. After applying the drug, the plants need to be watered abundantly. This helps compensate for moisture loss by the root system. It is also better to administer the drug in the form of an aqueous solution.
  4. When using the substance, it is important to ensure that the liquid does not get on the foliage and branches of plants. Saltpeter dries them out greatly and can cause burns to the greenery.

protective gloves

Advantages and disadvantages

Nitrate has many advantages:

  • good solubility in water;
  • Possibility of use in different types of soil;
  • the possibility of heating the soil in early spring;
  • mild effect on plants;
  • the ability to apply fertilizing in different ways;
  • complex effect on soil and plants;
  • compatibility with fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium.

However, this product also has a number of disadvantages:

  • toxic properties;
  • specific requirements for storage conditions - the composition does not tolerate high humidity;
  • impossibility of independent application of the composition in tank mixtures;
  • the risk of accumulation of nitrates in fruits - appears when the regime and method of fertilizing are violated.

pour into the ground

Compatibility with other substances

It is prohibited to prepare tank mixtures based on nitrate yourself.

How to store it correctly

One of the features of the substance is considered to be hygroscopic properties. Saltpeter absorbs a lot of moisture from the air and loses its properties. To avoid such problems, special means are added to the bags containing fertilizer to absorb moisture.

Crushed shell rock is best suited for this purpose. It perfectly absorbs moisture from the atmosphere, but at the same time leaves the saltpeter dry. It is important to consider that the substance is prohibited from being kept on the street or in open areas. The room in which the product is stored should be as dry as possible.

crowded warehouse

Another characteristic feature of saltpeter is considered to be a fire hazard. Smoking or using open flames is prohibited in the warehouse containing the substance. Electrical wiring must have reliable insulation. In addition, oil or kerosene lamps and other open flame sources should not be used.

It is prohibited to keep materials that can react with it near the storage areas of the substance. These include dry grass, flammable substances, peat, sawdust. It is recommended to place the package with saltpeter on a fire-resistant base. A concrete slab works well for this. Saltpeter cannot be heated to a temperature exceeding +30 degrees. Therefore, the warehouse must have protection from the sun.

saltpeter at the factory

What can be replaced

There are no exact analogues of nitrate. Therefore, instead of it, you can use mineral fertilizers with the appropriate components in the composition.

Nitrate is an effective substance that is often used to feed plants. It is important to strictly follow the instructions.

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