Description and characteristics of Giovanni grapes, planting and cultivation

The emergence of zoned hybrid varieties makes it possible to grow vineyards not only in the south of Russia, but also in more northern regions. Giovanni grapes have advantages over other early ripening varieties. Large dark lilac clusters ripen on the vine, with berries of the same size and slightly elongated shape. The fruits have a dense skin and few seeds, a pleasant sweet-sour taste.

History of selection

Giovanni was bred in Russia.Parent pair: table varieties ZOS-2 (mid-season, sweet and sour taste, with red berries) and FVES-4-1 (early, with muscat taste, pink, large berries).

Description and characteristics of Giovanni grapes

The dessert and table variety is characterized by a dense/loose conical bunch weighing up to 1.5 kilograms on one shoot. The color of a ripe brush is from rich lilac to black with a lilac tint.


  • finger shape;
  • length – up to 35 millimeters;
  • diameter – up to 22 millimeters;
  • weight – 16-22 grams;
  • the skin is dense, dark cherry color;
  • The pulp is fleshy and juicy, contains 25% sugar.

The leaf is dark green with large cutouts. A tall bush with a strong and durable trunk and shoots has a well-developed, deep-lying root system.

The ripening period depends on climatic conditions and care:

  • in regions north of Moscow – up to 140 days;
  • central black earth region, Volga region - 120 days;
  • southern regions – 100 days.

The variety is resistant to some fungal infections.

Pros and cons of the variety

Advantages and disadvantages
short growing season (early variety);
large bunch size;
taste, appearance and size of berries;
frost resistance (the vine can withstand frosts down to -25 degrees);
resistance to mildew and oidium.

The variety is sensitive to soil drying out. Lack of moisture and nutrients leads to crushing of berries (peas). A developed root system and a strong vine allow the formation of an excessive number of brushes, which leads to spontaneous overload of the bush when they ripen. To avoid depletion of the vine, autumn pruning is required. The plant is not immune to grape aphids, anthracnose and gray rot.

Rules for growing crops

The Giovanni variety requires standard vineyard growing conditions.

Dates and place

In regions with warm winters, grape seedlings can be planted at the end of September, beginning of October. In areas with early frosts, Giovanni is planted in late April, early May, when the ground warms up. The site should be sunny, protected from drafts.

planting grapes


A hole up to 90 centimeters deep is prepared for the seedling, which is filled with a mixture of humus, black soil and sand (thickness - 20 centimeters), and black soil (20 centimeters). Layers of grapes are planted. Cover the roots with a layer of black soil (20 centimeters). Water generously with settled, not cold water (10-15 liters). The remaining volume is filled with mulch: straw, dry grass.

The grapes are planted near the house walls (distance up to 1.5 meters from the wall), in rows, securing the shoots to trellises. The distance between seedlings is 2 meters in a row and 2 meters between rows. The liana can be planted not only to obtain a harvest of berries, but also for decorative purposes: around the gazebo or next to the arches.

Bush care

Giovanni requires minimal care:

  • maintaining good aeration of the top soil layer (loosening);
  • removal of harmful plants (weeding);
  • timely watering and fertilizing.

For preventive purposes, bushes are treated against fungal infection.

grape care

Watering and fertilizers

Before the buds swell, potassium and phosphate fertilizers are applied to the grapes in dry form, mulching with soil. During the formation of bunches, the grapes are watered with organic or mineral fertilizers. From 30 to 50/80 liters of water are poured under the bush (depending on the intensity of cultivation of the vineyard).

Organic supplements include mullein infusion and ash decoction.For irrigation, prepare a solution in a ratio of 1:10 (1 liter of mullein per 10 liters of water). Add 1 liter of ash broth to a bucket of water. When watering, use 1 bucket with mullein and 2 buckets with ash infusion.

Watering is carried out through an irrigation pipe dug next to the bush or into prepared holes. The holes are dug at a distance of 50 centimeters from the trunk, to a depth of 30 centimeters. Potassium, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers are used as mineral fertilizers.

Fertilizer consumption rate per 10 liters of water (in grams):

  • nitrogen – 25;
  • potassium – 50;
  • phosphate – 50.

For watering you need 3 buckets of water with each ingredient. There is no difference between watering with mineral and organic fertilizers. After the water has been absorbed, the holes are covered with earth.

During the summer, Giovanni is watered 2-3 times, 2-3 buckets per bush. After harvesting, the grapes are fed with complex fertilizer diluted in water at the rate of 30 grams per 10 liters per bush.


The Giovanni vine needs to be pruned regularly to avoid weakening the plant with too many fruiting clusters. In the first year, 4 eyes are left on the seedling. In the second year - 2 buds on secondary growth, in the third year - 4 buds on tertiary shoots.

Diseases and pests

On young grape leaves, under unfavorable climatic conditions, various types of fungal infections develop:

  • downy mildew (mildew);
  • powdery mildew (oidium);
  • anthracnose;
  • gray rot;
  • black spot.

Preventive treatment of grapes is carried out 3 times during the growing season with fungicidal preparations. The most dangerous pest of grapes is root and leaf aphids (phylloxera). Affected Giovanni bushes are uprooted and burned.

Cleaning and storage

The grape clusters are cut off at full ripeness, starting from the bottom row. The clusters are placed in boxes on a 2-3 cm layer of sawdust. Depending on the height of the sides, Giovanni clusters are laid in one or two layers (in this case, sprinkled with sawdust). The storage temperature for grapes is from 0 to +2 degrees, in a ventilated room, with an air humidity of 85%.
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