Description and characteristics of Early Express grape variety, planting and care

When choosing a grape variety, various characteristics of the crop are taken into account. First of all, pay attention to the conditions in which the vine develops well and bears fruit abundantly. Early Express grapes tolerate low temperatures well, form strong vines and are early ripening. Harvesting can begin in late July.

A Brief History of Grapes

Thanks to the efforts of the Far Eastern amateur breeder Vaskovsky A.I.Wine grapes with early ripening berries were bred. The selection was based on the Amursky and Early Magarach varieties.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Early Express grape berries have a unique taste and aroma. Sugar content – ​​25-295, acid – 6-9 g/l. The clusters formed by small dark blue berries weigh 250-330 g.

Pros and cons of Vaskovsky Express

Thanks to breeding work, a frost-resistant grape variety was developed.

Advantages and disadvantages
the plant requires minimal care;
the vines are resistant to disease;
when grown in central Russia, it is not necessary to cover for the winter;
the variety demonstrates high yield even in seasons with bad weather.

Of the minuses, it should be noted that the variety is not considered dessert. It is advisable to use the harvest for making wine.

How to grow a crop

As with growing any crop, when planting Express early grapes, certain requirements must be observed.

grape growing

Where and when to plant?

It is not recommended to plant seedlings on salt marshes, in lowlands, or in areas with high groundwater. The best option is slopes located on the southern, southwestern sides.

In regions with cold climates, seedlings are planted in the spring, when the soil warms up to 10-12 °C. An approximate guideline is the first half of May.

Landing technology

To plant a seedling, dig a hole measuring 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.6 m. Increased soil acidity is reduced by adding lime (200 g per square meter). Infertile soil is pre-fertilized. When planting, the roots of the seedling are carefully straightened, soil is added in layers, carefully compacted. The seedling is watered and a support is driven in near the hole.

Plant care tips

When growing Express Early grapes, standard agrotechnical rules for caring for the crop are followed.


Freshly planted grapes should be watered frequently (1-2 times a week, depending on the amount of precipitation). Mature vines are watered as needed (2-3 times per season). In summer, the grapes are watered after the ovary has formed.

watering grapes

Top dressing

It is not recommended to feed seedlings in the first two years. In the third year they begin to apply fertilizers. In spring, urea or saltpeter is used. After flowering, mixtures of potassium, phosphorus, and wood ash are added.


The main care procedure is timely pruning of the vine. In the first year, shoots that have grown to a height of 150-160 cm are pinched. The next year, in the fall, two powerful vines are left, and weak shoots are cut out. The variety is fertile - 6-8 clusters can be tied on one branch. However, it is not recommended to leave more than 1-2, otherwise the berries will become smaller and crumble.

grape pruning

Diseases, pests and prevention

The grape variety is resistant to diseases. However, in wet weather conditions, it is necessary to protect the vines from possible damage by mildew or anthracnose. The drug “Strobi” is used for spraying.

Collection and storage

Harvesting begins at the end of July. The fruits are used to make wine. The variety is not a dessert variety, since the seeds in the berries ripen quite large.

The variety is popular due to its original taste, ease of care and resistance to disease. Saplings planted near the gazebo will beautifully decorate the resting place and provide cozy shade on a sunny day.
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