The history of grapes in Moldova goes back more than one decade. During this time, the variety has become a popular fruit and berry crop. An unpretentious shrub can often be found in gardens in the southern regions. Due to its resistance to low temperature changes, it is cultivated in the central, northern regions. The sweet taste of the berries, ease of care, abundant and regular harvests made it a favorite among other similar plants.
History of the variety
Moldova grapes are an ancient variety. It was obtained experimentally in Moldova. A group of breeders crossed the species Guzal Kara and Save Villar.The result was a new variety. Its second name is Kodryanka Pozdnyaya, Black Prince. In Russia, Moldova began to be cultivated en masse in the second half of the 20th century. The southern regions are excellent for its cultivation: Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region. The variety is characterized as a hybrid of the European-Asian region.
Description and characteristics
A description of the external features and characteristics of the Moldova variety must be taken into account when planting and caring for the plant:
- The shrub prefers warmth. In the southern regions it will bring a more abundant harvest.
- The variety is considered late ripening. The first fruits appear in mid-September.
- Frost resistance is average.
- The grapes grow and multiply quickly. Seedlings are characterized by rapid adaptation after planting on the site.
- Pollination does not require additional pollinators.
- Medium-sized cylindrical or cone-shaped clusters. The weight of one reaches 350-1000 g. The berries are not densely located. Color - dark blue with a purple tint. The taste is sweet.
- Grapes are used fresh, as a dessert, and canned in compotes, juices, and jam.
If the Moldova variety is planted in the northern regions, then climate conditions may negatively affect the fruiting of the bush. The berries may become smaller and become sour.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Moldova grapes are an excellent option for planting in a summer cottage. It has many advantages compared to other similar crops:
- Easy to care for.
- Does not require additional pollinators.
- Brings abundant harvests.
- The berries can hang on the bush for a long time, maintaining their presentation.
- High resistance to plant diseases and pests.
- Tolerates temperatures as low as -22 degrees.
- Recovers quickly after pruning.
- The taste of the fruit is sweet. Highly appreciated by gardeners and winemakers.
The specific features of the variety must be taken into account when organizing proper plant care:
- Quite late ripening period. For this reason, in many areas it does not have time to reach maturity before the first frost.
- Underloading and overloading with the harvest can have a bad effect on the plant and the quality of the fruit.
If ripe grapes are not picked for too long, this will reduce their transportability and worsen their taste.
Tips for planting and care
The procedure for planting grapes in Moldova includes several mandatory recommendations:
- The best soil for the variety is light and contains useful minerals and fertilizers. Groundwater should not lie close to the roots.
- Choose sunny, windless areas.
- Planting is carried out in the spring. This will allow the grapes to adapt as much as possible.
- For a young seedling, holes are prepared with a mixture of soil and fertilizers. They lower it down, straighten the roots, install additional support, cover it with earth, and compact it.
- After planting, water. One bush requires 2-3 buckets of warm water. The soil around is mulched.
For planting in autumn, grape seedlings are waxed. This will help him survive the cold.
Caring for grapes involves performing standard activities:
- Watering should be once a month until flowering. During periods of drought, moisturizing is performed as needed.
- Potassium and mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil and dug up.
- In spring and autumn, mulch with humus.
- Pruning is done twice a season.
- The area around the bush is regularly cleaned.
- Before the onset of cold weather, cover with a special film.
About diseases and pests
The Moldova variety is characterized by high resistance to fungal diseases. Fruits are rarely affected by wasps and other insects. Most often, grapes suffer from oidium - powdery mildew. For treatment and prevention, plants are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.
The Moldova grape is a famous shrub with a long history and numerous advantages. The excellent taste of the fruit allows the variety to be used in many areas of the household. It brings regular, abundant harvests. Thanks to this, many gardeners choose Moldova for growing on their plots.