Description and characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the Galbena Nou grape variety and the subtleties of cultivation

Not every summer resident decides to plant grapes on his plot. The reason is that the crop is difficult to care for. Plants often get sick and without performing some mandatory techniques, you may not expect a harvest. Gardeners speak positively about Galbena Nou grapes. In order to appreciate this species, you need to try to grow it.

History of selection of the Galbena No variety

The famous All-Russian Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after Potapenko created this variety. It appeared as a result of crossing two species:

  • Frumoasa albe;
  • Karinka.

The grapes inherited positive characteristics from their parent varieties. Thanks to the properties characteristic of the culture, summer residents learn about this variety and it becomes popular.

The second name of the species is New Yellow or Zolotinka among the people.

Advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid

Galben Nou has many positive qualities, thanks to which summer residents choose him. Every gardener can appreciate the variety.

Galbena grapes


  • high stable yield;
  • early ripening;
  • undemanding to soil composition;
  • the vine ripens completely;
  • ability to self-pollinate, in cloudy cold weather, without the participation of insects;
  • cuttings take root well;
  • frost resistance;
  • immunity to certain diseases.


  • vigorous growth;
  • high susceptibility to wasps and birds;
  • cannot resist oidium;
  • low commercial quality of brushes and berries.

grape variety

Zolotinka is absolutely not suitable for growing on an industrial scale. It's not a matter of taste, but of appearance. Such brushes do not attract buyers.

External data of Zolotinka

To avoid mistakes when growing, it is necessary to study the characteristics of the plant.

Bush and shoots

Height 3 m, suitable for grapes for decorating a site. The vigorous plant allows it to be planted on facades, gazebos, sheds and other buildings.Thanks to this feature, Galbena No is in demand among those who create decorative structures.

Leaves and berries

The grape leaves are not large. The fruits are round in shape, light green or yellowish in color. As the berries ripen, they turn amber. The taste characteristics are high, there is a pronounced nutmeg aroma.

bunches of grapes

There are no seeds. The brushes are formed with medium looseness. They weigh up to 700 g. One berry weighs 9 g.

Characteristics of grapes

Certain properties that all grape varieties possess are key when selecting a variety for cultivation. These qualities are:

  • immunity;
  • productivity;
  • winter hardiness;
  • demands for care and more.

For each summer resident, the main criteria are different.

Low temperature resistance

According to manufacturers, the Galbena Nou variety is able to withstand temperatures down to -24 ⁰C. Summer residents do not recommend bringing plants to a critical point; it is better to insulate the bushes for the winter.

grapes on the ground

Immunity to diseases

Grape bushes are excellent at resisting gray rot and mildew. But against oidium, constant treatment is required. It is better to prevent the occurrence of a disease than to treat it later.

By following all agrotechnical practices and following the advice of experienced summer residents, it is possible to avoid widespread disease damage.

Features of agricultural technology

By strictly following the manufacturers' advice when planting, a novice gardener can avoid most common mistakes.

Landing technology

Planting holes are prepared in advance; it is preferable to plant grapes in the spring. But this variety is best planted in November. Initially, a place to grow the crop is selected. A well-lit area, which, if possible, will be closed from drafts, is suitable.

earth in hand

The Galbena No variety has no preference for soil composition.

Seedlings for planting are checked for defects and the roots are carefully examined. If there are damaged or injured roots, they are removed.

The planting hole should be 50 cm in diameter. The depth depends on how long the seedlings' roots are and should be a little deeper.

A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom, then soil mixed with humus and superphosphate.


Each region has its own planting dates. It all depends on the climatic characteristics of the growing area. It is preferable to plant Galbena Nou grapes in November. But so that the seedling has time to take root before the first frost.

Planting schemes

Since the grapes are vigorous, they need a lot of space. The distance between rows is 3 m, between seedlings 2-2.5 m.watering grapes

Vineyard care

The yield depends on how well the plants are cared for. By carrying out standard agrotechnical practices in a timely manner, the gardener receives the declared harvest.


Regular watering is necessary only at the initial stage. Water is especially important in the first years of a bush’s life. Water regularly after the top layer of soil dries. To preserve moisture, it is recommended to loosen the top layer.

Adult plants are watered only 3 times: before flowering, after fruiting and in preparation for winter.

The berries of the grapes crack, so watering should be moderate, but it is also better not to allow the soil to dry out.


Feeding is necessary for young and adult plants. Galbena No requires organics, but you can’t go too overboard. Oversaturation will cause leaves and shoots to begin to grow, but there will be no berries.

In early spring and autumn, it is recommended to feed the bushes with complex mineral fertilizers.

Pruning and shaping the vines

Gardeners recommend pruning in the fall, then the procedure will be painless for the plants. 45 eyes are enough for normal growth and development of the hands.

Bushes are also pruned in the middle of summer, but this only applies to inflorescences. A large number of ovaries will result in small berries.

grape growing

If there are few brushes, all the strength of the bush will go to forming the vine, it will be thick. Trimming brushes should be done experimentally. The gardener himself determines the number of ovaries that need to be left.

Seasonal prevention and pest control

Oidium is a disease that damages the Galbena Nou variety. Therefore, preventive measures and treatments are required. If you follow all agricultural techniques, the bush is rarely susceptible to disease.

Treatment with colloidal sulfur or fungicides will help save the plant from the spread of the disease.

It is recommended to carry out autumn-spring treatment of grapes as a preventive measure. Then the plants will not get sick.


This is done to retain moisture in the soil. This will also help prevent weeds. Gardeners recommend using well-rotted dry humus as mulch instead of dry grass. It will also perform the function of feeding the bush.

mulching the soil

Reproduction methods

Grapes are propagated in three ways; the gardener has the right to choose a method convenient for himself:

  1. Seeds. The mother's genes are not preserved, the process is long, the first fruits are obtained after 5-6 years.
  2. Cuttings. A common method. The cuttings are cut and dug into the ground, and after roots appear, they are transplanted to a permanent place.
  3. Vaccination. This method requires high-quality rootstock and scion. Maternal characteristics are preserved.

Deciding on the method of growing grapes is not difficult; you need to weigh the pros and cons.

When the vine begins to bear fruit

Fruiting begins in the 2nd year, subject to planting standards and care rules.

Berry ripening period and harvest

The berries ripen by mid-July. Therefore, the grape variety became widespread in the northern, cold regions. The fruits ripen en masse, making it easier to pick ripe berries. The application is universal; grapes are used for any method of processing and fresh consumption.

Galbena Nou grapes are an unpretentious and productive variety, suitable for growing in regions with cold climates.
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