Description and characteristics of the cherry variety Vocation, history and cultivation characteristics

Gardeners and summer residents are attracted to the Vocation cherry variety by the relatively small height of the tree combined with good yield. In addition, it does not require special care, can easily tolerate low temperatures in winter, and the berries have a pleasant taste.

History of origin

This variety was bred in the city of Melitopol by breeders of the Ukrainian National Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture under the leadership of N.I. Turovtsev. The working name of this variety is Rosinka. Cherry was created by crossing the following two varieties: Samsonovka and Melitopol dessert.This circumstance has led to the fact that people also call it Samsonovka Melitopol. The exact time of breeding of this variety has not been recorded, but it is known that in the 80s of the twentieth century it was already planted in horticultural farms.

Description of the variety

The height of the Vocation variety cherry tree can reach up to 2-2.5 meters. But in appearance it is not a shrub, but a dwarf tree, with a rounded crown and lush foliage.

Interesting! During the period of flowering and ripening of berries, Vocation cherries can be a decorative decoration for a personal plot.

This dwarf plant is mainly grown in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine. The description of the variety notes that in the winter months this variety can easily withstand frosts down to -25 degrees. The fruits have a flat-round shape and a relatively large weight - 5-6 grams per berry. The pulp inside the fruit is red-burgundy in color. The middle is juicy.

The taste is intensely sweet, with a slight sourness. The squeezed juice has a rich red tint. The stone is freely separated from the pulp after the fruit ripens. Expert tasters rate its taste at 4.6 points on a 5-point scale. The berries contain: 10.3% sugar, 0.96% acid, 16.48% dry matter.

cherry calling

Features of cultivation

Plants can be planted in the ground both in spring and in autumn. But where the temperature is very low in winter, planting in the fall is undesirable. Young seedlings may die.

Selecting a location

A favorable growth forecast for those cherry trees of the Prizvanie variety that grow in sunny, windless areas. It is not recommended to plant a cherry orchard in areas where cherry trees also grew less than 5 years before.

If the soil at the planting site is heavy, it can be lightened by adding sand. Acidic soils are alkalized with wood ash. Planting in areas where groundwater approaches the surface less than 1.5-2 meters is strictly contraindicated.

cherry calling

It is not advisable to plant plants of the nightshade family, which have some cherry tree diseases. Cherries also have common diseases with gooseberries, currants and sea buckthorn.

Good neighbors are:

  1. Cherry plum.
  2. Turn.
  3. Honeysuckle.
  4. Grape.
  5. Rowan.


Cherry trees are planted with seedlings approximately 1 meter high. The length of the root system should not be less than 20-30 centimeters. The foliage on the seedlings should not show signs of damage or disease. Immediately before planting, the root system is soaked with a solution of the fungicide Maxim.

fungicide Maxim

Spring planting of seedlings is carried out before the buds bloom on them. The distance between planted plants should be about 3-4 meters to ensure maximum sunlight exposure to the plant. The young tree is placed in a hole in which a peg is pre-installed. The root system is evenly spread out, and then it is sprinkled with earth to the level of the root collar. The seedling is tied to a peg and watered, and the soil is mulched.


Basic requirements that must be met when growing cherries:

  1. Irrigation mode.
  2. Pruning branches.
  3. Feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers.
  4. Protection from diseases and pests.

olive tree


Do not over-water the planted cherries. It is enough to ensure that the soil around it is moist at all times. Excess moisture negatively affects the root system, which begins to rot.

Top dressing

During the process of planting a tree, organic fertilizers are applied. At the fruiting stage, the next stage of feeding begins. In spring and at the beginning of the summer season, fertilizers containing nitrogen are used. After harvesting, fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is applied.

fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.


Pruning of unnecessary branches is carried out in the spring, before the buds open. At this time, you can remove damaged branches, as well as dried ones. In addition, branches whose growth is directed inside the crown should be removed.

Pros and cons of the variety

The positive aspects of the Vocation cherry variety include the following:

  1. Increased yield - up to 30 kilograms per tree.
  2. Positive taste qualities of fruits.
  3. A simple cleaning process due to the small height of mature trees.
  4. Early ripening of berries.
  5. Versatility of use.
  6. Good ability to resist diseases and pests.
  7. Undemanding to watering.

ripe cherry

The disadvantages of the variety include the following:

  1. The need to plant pollinators near trees.
  2. Weak frost resistance.

Diseases and pests

To protect the tree from fungal diseases, after harvesting the fruits, before the leaves fall off, spray with a urea solution (take 1 tablespoon of the product per 1 bucket of water). After the leaves fall, the tree is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

In the spring, before the buds begin to bloom, they are also sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. After the buds bloom, the trees are treated with Horus, Skor or Topsin-M.

As a preventive measure against the invasion of harmful insects, the branches are treated twice a season with Fitoverm or a prepared aqueous solution of tobacco dust.
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