Coniferous trees are found almost everywhere - in warm and cold areas. In some places they even dominate other species. The most famous plants from this category include spruce, pine, larch, juniper, and fir. These are tall trees, but there are also shrubs. Such plants have characteristic features, but not everyone knows how to distinguish larch from pine.
Why do you need to distinguish trees?
Most often, such trees need to be distinguished at the stage of preparation for construction work. Coniferous wood species are characterized by unique features.They are distinguished by their availability and wide distribution, affordable cost, and ease of processing.
To get quality results, it is important to choose the right quality material. Pine and larch are often used for construction. However, they are characterized by certain features and quality characteristics. This means that the scope of application is also different.
Key Features
Larch is one of the most common coniferous plants. The height of the crop reaches 50 meters. In this case, the trunk in diameter exceeds 1 meter in diameter. The lifespan of the plant is 300-400 years. However, some specimens can reach 800 years of age.
The tree has needles instead of foliage. However, it differs in its characteristic features. Larch needles are soft and annual. In autumn they fall off and the tree stands bare.
Scots pine is also considered a very common coniferous plant. The height of the crop reaches 25-40 meters. The trunk diameter exceeds 1 meter. The age reaches 350 years. The maximum is 600 years.
Pine is characterized by paired needles. The spiny and hard needles reach 4-9 centimeters in length and 2 millimeters in width. They are placed on the shoots in a spiral. At the top the needles are dark green in color, and at the bottom they are bluish-green. Cones are located on the branches singly or in 2-3 pieces. They are distinguished by their elongated shape and reach a length of 7 centimeters.
Both plants are considered very light-loving. Therefore, they are easily replaced by shade-tolerant species. At the same time, the crops are not too demanding on soil moisture and fertility parameters. Scots pine is a cold-resistant crop.
Larch is also able to withstand severe frosts. Under natural conditions, it is found in various regions. The tree is found in Siberia, the Far East, and the Carpathians. There are varieties of larches that are ubiquitous and found in many countries around the world.
Pines grow in the Northern Hemisphere. They predominate in the temperate zone. The distribution area of such crops extends from northern Africa to regions located beyond the Arctic Circle. Such trees are found in European countries, Asia, and North America.
Main differences
Larch differs from pine in that it sheds its needles for the winter. At the same time, pine is an evergreen plant. However, there are other features:
- An adult larch usually has a thicker trunk than a pine tree. At the same time, the crown is more transparent and lighter.
- Pine is distinguished by long needles. At the same time, they grow in a spiral in small bunches. Each of them contains 2 needles. Larch needles also form bundles, but each of them contains up to 50 needles.
- The lifespan of larch often reaches 600 years. The lifespan of a pine tree does not exceed 350 years.
- The differences also affect the shape of the cones. In pine they are distinguished by a cone-shaped shape, as in many other coniferous crops. Larch is characterized by rounded cones.
The best choice as building materials
Wood from both crops is often used in construction. Both options have a number of pros and cons. When choosing a specific type of boards, consider the following:
- Larch is characterized by dense wood. Therefore, it is considered more reliable and has a long service life.
- High-quality larch wood is characterized by a smooth texture. It is distinguished by a minimal number of knots.
- Larch is characterized by a beautiful shade. The boards are reddish or light brown. However, there is also a drawback. Lumber can be difficult to match by color. Almost always the shades are different.
To summarize, the characteristics of larch are valued more. However, the cost of its wood is also very high. Moreover, drying and processing this material is associated with some difficulties. Pine is somewhat inferior in quality characteristics, but is considered a budget option.
Impact on humans
Coniferous trees are characterized by a high content of phytoncides. The use of such rocks in construction provides a number of important advantages. They improve air quality and help improve health. In addition, conifers are considered sources of valuable essential oils. Such substances have a good effect on the condition of the respiratory system. With their help, it is possible to cope with various pathologies.
In folk medicine, pine and larch cones and needles are often used. They are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures. Such remedies help cope with rheumatism, toothache, radiculitis, and gout.
Also, pine needles are often used for colds. Its properties help cure cough, reduce fever and eliminate infections in the respiratory system. Natural remedies based on pine needles successfully cope with inflammation, strengthen the immune system and increase endurance.
Pine and larch are considered common coniferous plants, which have a number of distinctive features. They relate to the appearance of crops and their quality characteristics.This should be taken into account when choosing wood for construction and using needles to treat pathologies.