The name of the tomatoes “Virginia Sweets” is translated as sweets, or Virginia candies. The description of the taste of tomatoes fully corresponds to the name. Gardeners who have already tested the variety on their plots leave rave reviews specifically about the taste characteristics of tomatoes. Everyone talks about the excellent taste, somewhat reminiscent of a peach, and the complete absence of a sour tomato aftertaste.
This is why it is recommended for cultivation, although the variety bred in the USA is heat-loving and demanding to care for.
Main characteristics
Growing the variety in the conditions of central Russia is recommended only in greenhouses. This is what its varietal characteristics look like:
- a variety with a growing season of 90-115 days, which allows it to be classified as mid-season;
- the bush is medium-leafed, not limited in growth, reaches a height of 180-240 cm;
- the leaf is ordinary, smooth, the first raceme is formed above the 9-12 leaf;
- the plant requires the timely removal of stepsons, the formation of a bush of 1-2 stems, pinching the growing point, tying it to a support;
- the fruits are large, weighing 300-500 g, flat-round in shape, with well-defined ribbing;
- the color of the fruit is yellow-orange with pink stripes and spills;
- the pulp is two-colored, lemon yellow with pink splashes, very juicy, with an excellent sweet taste;
- fruits are used for salad purposes, but can be used in winter preparations in crushed form;
- The yield is average and largely depends on the light regime and care.
The peculiarity of the variety is its responsiveness to heat, timely watering, and high-quality care. The fruits are prone to cracking and do not store very long. But the taste is rated by everyone as a solid five, which is the main characteristic for salad varieties. There are examples of successful cultivation of the Virginia Candy tomato, when the fruits reached almost a kilogram in weight. Sweet salad tomatoes have already been recognized by our gardeners.
Features of cultivation
The heat-loving tall variety is grown according to traditional rules. But if you want to collect tomatoes before the onset of frost, which usually begins in the last ten days of August, then you need to plant the plants a little earlier. In addition, in the column on the germination of the variety, the manufacturer indicates a period of 7-14 days.
- They begin preparing and sowing seeds 60-65 days before the planned planting in a permanent place. Seedlings emerge with the appearance of 2 permanent leaves. It is important to maintain a balance of light and temperature, preventing seedlings from overgrowing.
- Plants are planted in a permanent location when the danger of return frosts has passed. The planting pattern is 60 x 60 cm. The planting density depends on how many trunks you intend to form the variety into. When grown in one stem, it is allowed to plant up to 4 plants per 1 square meter. m. The stem must be tied to a reliable support or to a trellis.
- This variety allows the formation of 2-3 stems. This is due to the fact that only 3-4 large fruits are laid on one hand. With this option, per 1 sq. m of area no more than 3 plants are placed.
- In indeterminate varieties, which include the Sweet Virginia tomato, flowering and fruit formation occur more slowly due to the intensive growth of lateral shoots. Each stepson strives to form his own flower bud. This non-stop process takes a lot of energy from the plant.
- For earlier ripening of the variety, it is important to promptly remove all side shoots and defective ovaries, which slow down the growth of the main stem and the ripening of formed fruits. After laying 4-5 brushes, you should limit the growth point.
- Once every 2-3 weeks, fertilizing is carried out, the composition of which is determined by the stage of development and condition of the plant. At the initial stage, you need to provide the bush with the necessary amount of phosphorus. From the moment of flowering and fruit formation, the need for potassium and nitrogen increases.
- After watering, you should loosen the soil and lightly hill up the base of the stem. Loosening prevents moisture from evaporating from the surface, which means it provides lower humidity in the closed volume of the greenhouse. It is also necessary to remove all leaves to the level of the first flower cluster, which enhances ventilation and air exchange in the lower part of the bush.
- The variety requires moderate soil moisture; if there is an excess of moisture, the tomatoes will crack.You should not allow tomatoes to overripe, which leads to liquefaction of the pulp and spoilage of the fruit right on the branch.
Simple and clear techniques for caring for tall tomatoes help the plant form flower clusters in time and allow the fruits to ripen during the growing season.