Description and characteristics of the Mechta apple tree, planting, cultivation and care
The main features of the Mechta apple tree are its ability to produce high yields, resistance to low temperatures
Description and characteristics of the Paradise apple variety, planting, cultivation and care
Now the small apple of paradise is becoming popular again, which with the advent of large-fruited varieties turned out to be unclaimed
Description and characteristics of the Modi apple tree, productivity, planting and care
An apple tree is the main decoration of any orchard or summer cottage. All varieties of this
Description and characteristics of the Chudnoye apple tree, variety yield and cultivation
Among the abundance of fruit crops, one must definitely highlight the Chudnoe apple tree, which is distinguished by many characteristics that are certainly
Description, characteristics and subspecies of the Uslada apple tree, subtleties of cultivation
Gardeners planning to fill their garden with compact, abundantly fruiting trees are advised to pay attention to the Uslada apple tree.
Description, characteristics and history of selection of the Bratchud apple tree, planting and care
Many gardeners, both beginners and experienced, have already appreciated the advantages of the Bratchud apple tree. Fruit
Description and characteristics of Idared apples, history and subtleties of cultivation
It is no secret that the Idared apple tree has many advantages that
Description and characteristics of the Orlinka apple tree, planting, cultivation and care
When planning to grow a luxurious garden, gardeners are advised to pay attention to the Orlinka apple tree, which can boast
Description and specific characteristics of the Uralets apple tree, planting and care
Breeding methods combine apple tree varieties with the best qualities to produce results that are superior to the originals.
Description and characteristics of the Jubilee apple tree variety, planting, cultivation and care
Beginners who are just planning to grow an orchard are advised to carefully select varieties. Attention
Description and characteristics of the apple tree variety Yablochny Spas, history and cultivation characteristics
Triploid varieties have three complete sets of chromosomes. Therefore, they differ from their brothers in resilience and
Description and characteristics of the Stroevskoye apple tree variety, cultivation and care
The summer resident strives to get the best for his plot. Therefore, he is looking for such varieties and species,


