Description of the apple tree variety Pink filling (Robin), advantages and disadvantages, cultivation

Fruit trees of folk selection have gained great popularity among gardeners due to their good adaptation to the region of growth. Among the variety of varieties, summer residents especially highlight the Pink Filling apple tree. It is distinguished by high taste qualities of fruits and good yield. Before purchasing seedlings, it is recommended to study the varietal characteristics, planting rules and subsequent care.

Description and characteristics of the Malinovka apple tree

Because of its beautiful pink color, Pink Fill is often called Malinovka among the people. The tree is also confused with the Suislep subspecies, which is characterized by lower productivity and poor winter hardiness. The largest distribution of Pink filling is in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Refers to summer ripening varieties. The fruits reach technical maturity in June and July. The harvest is stored only until the second half of October. After this, the apples begin to rot and spoil. Fruits cannot be harvested for the winter.

Fruits are suitable:

  • for fresh consumption;
  • canning;
  • for the production of juice and wine.

The fruits also make delicious cider, jelly, and compote. The variety is self-fertile. But in order for the ovaries to form more abundantly, it is recommended to plant pollinators nearby:

  • Melba;
  • Grushovka.

apple tree pink filling

The variety bears fruit annually. Depending on climatic conditions, the yield varies every year. With a lack of moisture, productivity does not decrease. The variety tolerates heat up to +40 °C.

Tree dimensions

A small, compact tree reaches a height of no more than 3 meters. The crown is dense and resembles a pyramid. This structure is the main external feature of the variety. The barrel is powerful.


An adult tree pleases gardeners with an abundant yield of up to 50 kilograms of apples in a good year.

Some specimens are capable of producing up to 80 kilograms of fruit.

Tasting assessment

The fruits are round and slightly flattened. They grow large in size, weighing about 130 grams.Apples are juicy and have firm flesh. The taste is pleasant, sweet and sour. Tasting score: 2.9 points.

apple tree pink filling

Features of wintering

Belongs to a highly winter-hardy variety. It tolerates harsh winters down to -35 °C.

Disease resistance

Is immune to many diseases. In summer, with prolonged rains, fruit rot develops. The tree is often attacked by the codling moth, which damages the fruits.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The apple tree has many advantages:

  1. Endurance. Tolerates high and low temperatures perfectly.
  2. Undemanding to soil and amount of nutrients.
  3. Pleases with early fruiting. You can enjoy the taste of the first fruits two years after planting.
  4. Due to the high pectin content in their fruits, apples are excellent for making mousses, jellies and jams.
  5. Fruiting. Mature trees, starting from 15 years of age, produce a stable, abundant harvest.
  6. The variety is immune to the most common disease of apple trees. The tree is very rarely affected by scab.
  7. The fruits are held tightly to the branches. The variety does not have a tendency to massive apple drops.
  8. The fruits are resistant to sunburn.

apple tree pink filling

Negative qualities include:

  1. Lack of immunity to the codling moth. To prevent the caterpillar from spoiling the entire harvest, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.
  2. Rainy, hot weather provokes the appearance of fruit rot.

The tree lives for about 70 years, and bears fruit for no more than 40 years.

How to choose the right seedlings

When choosing a plant, pay attention to some points:

  • there should be 5 branches on the crown;
  • grafting at a distance of 8 centimeters from the roots;
  • the bark should look healthy;
  • seedling height - one and a half meters;
  • the plant must have many roots.

apple tree seedlings

Preliminary inspection of seedlings before purchase is the key to good fruiting in the future.

Landing rules

In order for the variety to take root well and develop, it is necessary to pay special attention to planting rules. The ideal time for planting seedlings is March, April. The plant is also planted in September and October. In autumn, Pink filling is planted before the soil freezes.

Choosing a location on the site

The apple tree does well in a well-lit area with breathable soil. Prefers soil:

  • loamy;
  • sandy loam;
  • moisture-intensive.

soil for planting

The place should be sunny.

Pit preparation

The hole will need to be deep. Diagonal - 90 centimeters. Depth - 80 centimeters. Peat and humus are added to the soil.

Scheme of planting seedlings

Seedlings are planted at a distance of 3 meters from other trees and fruit crops.

Features of plant care

The variety is resilient and unpretentious. Therefore, care will not require complex manipulations.

Soil care

The adjacent area around the apple tree must be carefully weeded and loosened regularly. The plant does not get along well with weeds. To reduce the number of weedings, you can mulch the circle around the trunk with any available materials: grass, sawdust, fabric, paper, bark, etc.

apple tree planting

Top dressing

Every spring the tree is fed with mineral and organic fertilizers.


Requires annual thinning pruning. Every year the branches intensively grow in width, and the crown thickens. Trim off excess parts after the snow melts, before the buds open. After the procedure, treat with copper sulfate.

Protection from cold and rodents

In the fall, it is necessary to whiten the trunk and compact the fallen snow tightly around the tree. This will help the plant tolerate severe frosts more easily.

whitewashing the trunk

To prevent rodents, the trunk is tied with spruce or pine legs.To do this, the branches are collected and tied to the tree from top to bottom.

Preventative treatment

It is impossible to fight fruit rot. Only prevention helps. To do this, spray the ovaries with a preparation containing fungicides. Then it is processed a month before the technical maturity of the fruit and 2 weeks after the full harvest. The solution should be applied liberally to each branch. To control pests, organic insecticides with a high phosphorus content are used. When processing, strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Preventive measures against codling moth:

  • in spring and autumn, they clean the old bark under which the caterpillars hibernate;
  • regularly during the summer season they shake the branches and collect carrion;
  • codling moths are afraid of bees, so it is recommended to plant flowering bushes next to the tree, which attract beneficial insects with their smell;
  • The smell of tomato seedlings helps drive away caterpillars;
  • good protection is a hunting belt, which you can easily make with your own hands from adhesive tape.

wood processing

A combination of mechanical and chemical treatments will help protect crops from pests and preserve the harvest.

Variety options

There are various varieties of the variety that have their own characteristics.


Plant up to 8 meters high with a wide pyramidal crown. Blooms regularly in May. The fruits are small and bright. The tree is highly winter hardy.


The plant grows with one trunk. Fruits are formed on shortened fruit structures. The apple tree has practically no branches - this makes it easier to collect fruits and significantly reduces labor costs when caring for the tree.

columnar apple tree


A distinctive feature is the foliage of the tree. It is painted red. Refers to hybrid varieties.It is resistant to diseases and is unpretentious to growing conditions.


The fruits are sweet and have a long shelf life. They do not fall off during ripening. The fruits are medium in size and dark red. Harvest - September. The variety resists diseases well and tolerates frost well.

Growing in Russian regions

Before purchasing seedlings, you need to know about the growing characteristics of the variety in different regions.

In the Moscow region and Leningrad region

The climate of these areas is ideal for growing Pink Bulb. There are no special care requirements in these regions. They are guided by the basic rules for growing fruit trees.

ripe apple trees

In the middle lane

In the west of the country, in the southern region and the middle zone, the variety is zoned for cultivation on an industrial scale, for decorative purposes and for subsidiary plots. Therefore, if necessary, it will not be difficult to find a seedling suitable for a particular area that will not require additional costs and care.

In North-west

In these areas, despite their frost resistance, trees require shelter for the winter. Special mats and other means of protection from the cold are suitable for this purpose.
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