Characteristics of the Sokolovskoye apple tree variety, description of fruits, yield and winter hardiness

When you want to grow your own fruits and vegetables, gardeners are puzzled by choosing the best varieties to grow. Sokolovskoye apple trees are becoming popular due to their high yield and long lifespan. storing apples. In addition, this is a natural dwarf apple tree that requires virtually no maintenance. It is used for cultivation on an industrial scale.

History of variety development

Mazunin M.A. and Putyatin V.I. developed this variety and gave it a name in honor of director N.F. Sokolov. This decision was due to the fact that Sokolov supported scientific work and contributed to it in every possible way, including financially. The basis of the variety is seedlings of the Vydubetskaya Weeping Apple tree.

apple varieties

Thanks to their contribution, the Sokolovskoye apple tree variety was developed, which was subsequently zoned for the Ural region. In nature, this species thrives in Siberia. The tree also grows in the Moscow region, but it absolutely cannot stand the heat. As a result of its impact, productivity decreases.

Description of the Sokolovskoye apple tree

Due to their short growth, trees of this variety are often planted in small gardens. They take up little space and produce an excellent harvest:

apple tree Sokolovskoe

  • height 1-2 m;
  • bark dark brown;
  • medium-sized flat-round apples;
  • weight 200 g;
  • thin skin;
  • the color is yellowish-green, covered with a dark burgundy blush on top;
  • the pulp is dense;
  • taste sweet and sour;
  • tasting score 4.3 points;
  • Shelf life up to 120 days.

The tree begins to bear fruit at 3-4th year after planting.

According to the manufacturer's description, apples contain a large amount of nutrients. 65 kg of fruits are collected from one tree.

The annual growth on the tree is 15% less than that of other fruits. Every year this figure decreases.

average size

What are the varieties?

This variety has 3 varieties of trees. These include:

  • creeping;
  • dwarf;
  • on a vegetative-clonal rootstock.

Each of these species has distinctive characteristics in growth and crown formation. Depending on the desire of the gardener, any of them is grown that is most suitable for planting conditions.

crown formation


This variety requires the summer resident to skillfully shape the crown.The branches bend to the ground, thus producing branches that grow horizontally.

For bending, special devices, small branches or metal tubes are built. They must fix the crown in the desired position. Subsequently, the branches are pruned and thinned.


This is the main type of apple tree found in natural conditions. You don't need to do anything to form it. It is necessary to plant a seedling and care for it in the same way as other apple trees.

main view

On vegetative-clonal rootstock

A godsend for gardeners who strive to get the maximum apple yield from a small plot. On such a rootstock, an apple tree grows up to 1.5 m, gives an excellent harvest, the early fruiting of such trees depends on the rootstock on which the apple tree was grafted.

What are the advantages and disadvantages

Each tree has its pros and cons. When choosing a variety for cultivation, this must be taken into account. Experienced gardeners begin by considering these characteristics. Select only varieties that are suitable for growing conditions.

clonal rootstock


  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste of fruits;
  • large fruit;
  • long shelf life;
  • versatility in use;
  • winter hardiness;
  • dwarfism;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • resistance to scab;
  • preservation of the vitamin composition even after heat treatment.


  • the buds from which the fruits are formed do not tolerate winter well;
  • fruiting is irregular, this problem can be resolved by proper care, timely pruning, fertilizing and other techniques.
  • Even with abundant watering, the tree categorically does not tolerate heat.

All of these characteristics depend on the quality of care and other related factors. A responsible approach will help avoid many problems.Including crushing of fruits and deterioration of taste characteristics.

taste characteristics

Frost resistance of apple trees

Sokolovskoye is an apple tree variety that tolerates winter well. The tree is resistant to low temperatures. Does not freeze in harsh conditions. Only the fruit buds of the apple tree suffer.

To be on the safe side, some summer residents cover the roots by insulating the root zone area.

Disease resistance

Scab is the only disease to which the Sokolovskoye apple tree has immunity. For other diseases, the use of folk remedies and chemicals is required.

Chemicals are used before flowering and the formation of the ovary, since the active substances penetrate into the future fruits and remain in them, thereby causing harm to humans.

ovary formation

Many options are used from folk remedies, it all depends on what disease or pest the gardener is fighting. In early spring, trees are whitened with lime; it protects against most pests and helps get rid of some pathogens.

Best Growing Regions

Sokolovskoye feels best in Siberia; the apple tree is completely adapted to the Ural region. It is strictly not recommended to plant this variety of apple tree in the southern regions.

lying on the ground

Harvest and storage

The fruits are harvested a little later than other similar varieties of apple trees. Due to the small size of the tree, the fruits are removed directly from the branches; there is no need to shake the crown.

Store in cellars or special rooms with a constant temperature. It is advisable to place them in wooden boxes and sprinkle them with sawdust or wrap them in newspapers. Be sure to sort.

blooming trees

Reviews from summer residents who grew Sokolovskoye apple trees on their plots

A novice gardener trusts more in the opinion of experienced people who have encountered or are actively involved in breeding the variety. So they look for comments and apply the information from there:

reviews from summer residents

  • Marina: “A low tree with many fruits attracts attention. It’s a pity I don’t harvest from it every year. Otherwise I'm happy with it. I recommend thinning out the branches, this way the apple tree produces more yield and it is more stable. I dry it a lot and then use it for compote in the winter. I don’t create special conditions for storage; I store apples on the balcony.”
  • Irina: “The apple tree has grown only 1.5 m. It blooms and bears fruit every year. I remove the apples and store them in a cold room. They are stored there until the end of winter. The taste is excellent, that's why I love them. She planted the tree in a place protected from the wind and surrounded it with lupins. Recommended as a supplement. I water regularly and abundantly. I also feed it constantly. I’m not involved in formation.”
  • Vyacheslav: “The apple tree has grown low. I try to provide consistent care while there are no interruptions in fruiting. The apples are tasty, the presentation is excellent. They are stored for a long time; if optimal storage conditions are created, they generally remain until mid-spring. Care as desired. If you want to get an annual harvest, then you need to perform many agrotechnical techniques. With complete lack of care, the apple tree takes a break. I recommend feeding in early spring; you can also feed it in winter to improve wintering.”

It is not difficult to grow Sokolovskoye apple trees on your plot. With persistent desire and conscientious fulfillment of all requirements, the tree will bear fruit every year. Moreover, regardless of weather conditions.

grow on site
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