Apple - this fruit has been known for thousands of years, it is a storehouse of vitamins and simply a very tasty fruit, which is devotedly loved in Russia and grown almost everywhere. There are different varieties of apple trees, different fruits - everyone will find the optimal treat for themselves. The apple tree variety Young Naturalist is grown in the Middle Zone, bears fruit well in the Moscow region, has spread to the Volga-Vyatka region, and is suitable for industrial cultivation.
Growing up to 4 meters in height, apple trees have a rounded dense crown with branches located almost horizontally to the trunk, the shoots are light brown, the bark is dark in color. The branches droop under the weight of the fruit.
The leaves are small, dark, veined; in mature trees they are slightly pubescent on the underside.
The fruits weigh up to 130 grams, greenish-yellow, with a bright red, slightly striped color. They are stored until December and transported without loss of commercial quality. Young Naturalist is a mid-late variety, harvested in the last ten days of September.
According to the description, the varietal tree produces up to 100 kilograms of juicy, sweet and sour apples, which are good natural and excellent for processing (drying, making preserves and jams, squeezing juice). The Young Naturalist apple tree is often the choice of gardening farmers.
History of variety development
The Young Naturalist apple tree is a success of Russian selection. The variety was obtained in 1935 by the team of the Michurinsk Research Institute. The ancestors are the following varieties: Winter Welsey and Autumn Cinnamon Striped, which were obtained by experimental crossing into Young Naturalist or Yunnat, as this apple tree is also called. The project was led by Sergey Isaev.
Advantages and disadvantages
Seedlings should be purchased from trusted suppliers and be sure to check the documents for the plants upon purchase.
The advantages of this variety include:
- ability to produce high yields;
- early start of fruiting (already 3-4 years);
- cold resistance;
- practically not affected by scab.
It is these qualities that made the Young Naturalist variety popular among gardeners.There are few disadvantages: the frequency of yield, which is typical for most apple varieties, and chopping of fruits at high yields. To avoid this, carry out regular pruning and do not forget to fertilize the tree.
Winter hardiness and disease resistance
Young Naturalist is one of the best winter-hardy varieties. An adult apple tree is quite capable of surviving a fairly harsh winter. The young naturalist grows well and bears fruit in the Middle Zone and more northern regions.
It is not susceptible to scab; ailments and pests from which the apple tree must be protected include:
- Apple flower beetle. The brown beetle damages apple and pear trees by eating flowers and young leaves. Capable of completely destroying a crop. Timely pruning of the tree, removal of dry leaves and digging in reduce the likelihood of spread. To protect the tree, it is sprayed with an insecticide (Atkara; Enzhio 247 SC) during the period when the buds just begin to bloom. In this case, you should strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. You can use protective belts.
- Codling moth. The pest destroys young apples from the inside; protective belts are used to combat it; butterflies are caught using fermenting solutions (beer, kvass, compote) - they are hung on a tree and attract insects. As a last resort, spraying with insecticides is carried out.
- Sawyer - to combat this pest, the apple tree is treated with karbofos.
Timely removal of dry branches, trimming bark, whitewashing trunks and digging in trees - all this is done to ensure that apple trees remain healthy and fertile.
Fruiting and ripening
It begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting.If the tree is not fertilized and the seedling is not cared for after planting, the waiting time for fruit increases significantly. The apple tree needs additional pollination. Medium and late varieties are suitable for pollination. Blooms in the Middle Zone at the end of May-June.
The harvest takes place from the last ten days of September to the beginning of October. The harvested crop is well stored in a cool, dry room until December. Apples for storage should be sorted and carefully placed in boxes. A clean and dry wooden or plastic container will do.
Regions of distribution
Yunnat conquered the gardeners of the Moscow region, captured the Yaroslavl, Tula, Oryol, and Ivanovo regions. Since 1993, it has been included in the Register of Varieties for zoning in the Volga-Vyatka region, due to its frost resistance.
Today, Young Naturalist on a dwarf rootstock is becoming increasingly common. Such an apple tree requires less space (trees are planted at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other); a harvest from a 2-3 meter tree is harvested without problems and often, even without the use of a ladder. Fruits from a low tree practically do not fall off and, even if they fall, do not break or lose their presentation. The shallow location of the roots makes it possible to plant small trees even in areas with close groundwater.
The disadvantages include the need to build additional supports for the trees (due to increased fragility) and to intensively protect the apple trees from pests.
When choosing a seedling, you must ensure that the variety is zoned, and that the specimen itself has well-developed roots and 4-5 crown branches.
If the tree is properly cared for, the Young Naturalist will repay it with a high harvest.