Top 14 delicious and large varieties of honeysuckle, which ones are the sweetest

When choosing a specific honeysuckle variety, people are interested in a variety of criteria. Among them, it is worth highlighting productivity, taste, timing of fruit ripening, and adaptation to climate. Experienced gardeners also advise paying attention to other features - pollination, level of berry shedding, stability of fruiting. At the same time, many are interested in sweet varieties of honeysuckle, and which one produces the most delicious and large fruits.

Top best varieties

Today, thanks to the efforts of breeders, there are many interesting varieties of such plants. This allows you to choose the appropriate option depending on your preferences and the climatic conditions of the region.


The main feature of this crop is its high resistance to frost. Without additional shelter, the plant can withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees.

This plant is a shrub 1.5-2 meters high, which is distinguished by a dense oval crown. The fruits are characterized by a lumpy surface and a pointed apex. They are characterized by a bluish color. Inside there is juicy pulp, which has a pronounced sweet and sour aroma. The fruits of this crop ripen between the 10th and 17th of June.

The Giant's Daughter

This plant comes from the famous large-fruited variety Bakcharsky Giant. It is characterized by large berries, high yield, resistance to severe frosts and temperature fluctuations. The Giant's Daughter also has a strong immune system.

The plant is grown in a variety of regions. It is a medium-spreading bush that reaches a height of 1.7 meters. The culture is distinguished by large berries that weigh 2.5 grams. Inside is an illuminating sweet and sour pulp.


This is a common mid-late variety that has excellent decorative characteristics. This allows you to use honeysuckle even in garden design.


Amphora is characterized by a high degree of resistance to frost. In addition, it is resistant to fruit shedding. In this case, the plant is considered self-sterile. Therefore, it is necessary to plant other varieties of honeysuckle nearby that are suitable for flowering periods. For this it is permissible to use Altair, Morena, Malvina.

This plant is a medium-sized rounded bush. Its height reaches 1.5 meters. The culture is distinguished by the early onset of harvest ripening. The first fruits can be obtained within 3 years after planting. They ripen in medium terms.

The berries are distinguished by their regular pitcher shape. They are characterized by dense and juicy pulp, which has a harmonious dessert taste. It has distinct sweet and sour notes.


A characteristic feature of this honeysuckle variety is its high tasting score, which is 5 points. The average weight of the fruit is 1.3 grams. They are distinguished by their dark blue color and characteristic patina.

Honeysuckle Bazhovskaya has spreading bushes with curved shoots. They reach 1.8-2 meters in height. The leaves are characterized by large sizes and lanceolate shape. The variety is highly resistant to frost and dry weather. It begins to bear fruit in 3-4 years.


This variety is characterized by sparse and tall bushes that can reach 1.5-2 meters. It is distinguished by straight and thick branches and dense elliptical leaves.


Fruiting of Lebedushka begins at 3-4 years. As for the ripening period, this is a mid-season variety. Berries can be picked a week later than early varieties. Mass collection in most regions begins in mid- or late June.

The fruits of this variety reach a length of 1.5-2 centimeters. They are characterized by a barrel-shaped shape and an elongated base. The top of the berries are covered with a bluish-blue and thick peel with a waxy coating. An important feature of the variety is the absence of fruit shedding. They remain on the branches even after ripening.

Lapis lazuli

This crop is considered self-sterile.To pollinate the plant, it is necessary to plant other varieties of honeysuckle. Cubic zirconia, Fire Opal, and Vlada are perfect for this purpose. The culture easily tolerates a variety of climatic conditions. The height of the bush reaches 1.7-2 meters. At the same time, it looks very neat and has excellent decorative properties. This is due to the presence of a thick crown consisting of dark green leaves.

Lapis lazuli is considered a mid-season and large-fruited variety. An adult plant produces fruits weighing up to 2.5 grams. They are dark blue in color and covered with a thick coating. The berries are distinguished by their classic cylindrical shape and thin, tuberous skin. An indisputable advantage of the variety is its high tasting score - 5 points.

Lapis lazuli

Fruiting of Lapis lazuli begins 3-4 years after planting. Harvesting is recommended from late June to mid-July. At the same time, from 1 bush it is possible to obtain 1.4-2.3 kilograms of berries. To reap a good harvest, the plant requires a lot of light and air.


This plant has an average ripening period and excellent taste of the fruit. This variety is characterized by medium-sized spreading bushes. During the ripening period, burgundy-purple spindle-shaped fruits appear on them, the average weight of which is 2 grams. The top of the berries are covered with a thick skin.

The fruits of this honeysuckle variety are characterized by a sweet taste with a slight sourness. An undoubted advantage is the excellent transportability of the berries. They are distinguished by a long shelf life and universal purpose.


This early variety is resistant to cold and has strong immunity. That is why it is very popular among many gardeners. This variety is a bush that has a thick and squat crown.

The plant is distinguished by tasty and sweet blue-colored berries. They are covered with a waxy coating characteristic of honeysuckle. The berries remain on the bushes for a long time and do not fall off. Therefore, Altair is well suited for people who rarely come to their dacha.



This plant belongs to the Bakcharsky varietal group. It is characterized by high frost resistance and excellent taste. Self-fertility is considered an important advantage of Yugana. This means that the plant does not require pollinators to produce ovaries. However, if they are available, the yield parameters will be higher.

The bushes of this variety have medium density. They reach 1.8-1.9 meters in height. An important distinctive feature of Yugana is considered to be excellent frost resistance. This plant can withstand temperature drops even down to -50 degrees.

The berries of this crop are distinguished by their universal purpose. They can be consumed fresh and used for making compotes, jams, preserves. Also, tinctures and liqueurs are often made from the fruits of this plant. They are distinguished by a high tasting score, sweet taste and refreshing aroma.


This variety was bred in Siberia on the basis of the Bakcharskoye horticultural farm. This crop is considered hardy and high-yielding. It is resistant to diseases and pests. At the same time, the plant does not tolerate long winter thaws.

Pollinators must be placed nearby to produce crops. Their functions can be performed by Yugana, the Giant's Daughter, Silginka. This variety is characterized by high resistance to frost. The plant can withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees.

The fruits of Delight ripen early - in early June.The berries are characterized by the shape of an elongated spindle. Moreover, they are quite large in size and almost black in color. An important advantage of the fruit is its excellent taste. Their pulp has a harmonious sweet and sour taste without bitterness.


Blue spindle

This is an old variety, bred back in the late seventies of the last century. The culture perfectly withstands drought and severe frosts. In addition, it is highly resistant to pathologies and pests.

Even with minimal care, this plant produces a guaranteed harvest. In this case, it is important for the crop to ensure cross-pollination. To do this, you need to plant other honeysuckle bushes nearby that are suitable for flowering periods. It could be Cinderella, Azure and others.

This plant has a compact size. The height of the bush does not exceed 0.8-1 meters. In addition, it is distinguished by a sparse crown, which does not tend to thicken.

The first fruits appear 5 years after planting. The berries are spindle-shaped and have a dense, bluish-black skin. The pulp has a sweet and sour taste with a characteristic bitterness. From 1 bush you can get 1.5-2.5 kilograms of berries.

Record holders for taste and size

There are several varieties of honeysuckle that can be considered real champions in taste and fruit size.


This culture was bred by crossing two wild varieties of honeysuckle - Kamchatka and Turchaninov. This plant is considered early-bearing and high-yielding. It is characterized by stable fruiting and a high degree of endurance.

This culture is medium in size. Its height is 1.6 meters. The variety is considered very early-bearing. Already in the second year it gives the first harvest.Siberian is distinguished by early ripening and bears large fruits of a dark purple hue. They have a pleasant delicate taste and pronounced aroma.


This plant is characterized by a high degree of resistance to frost. It can withstand even frosts of -40 degrees. This culture is characterized by an attractive appearance. It has low bushes no larger than 1.5 meters in size. They are distinguished by a rounded and wide crown, the diameter of which is 60-70 centimeters.

The berries of this variety reach a length of 3 centimeters. They are distinguished by their elongated, elongated shape and are covered with a dark blue peel. The fruits are characterized by a sweet and sour taste. They are distinguished by dense fibrous pulp.



This variety is considered one of the most delicious. In addition, Silginka berries are characterized by a high level of transportability. This variety has vigorous bushes that reach 1.8 meters.

The fruits are characterized by their large size and weight of 1.4-2.2 grams. The berries are oval in shape with a pointed tip. On top they are covered with a dark blue peel with a coating, and inside there is tender pulp that has a pleasant aroma. An important difference is the sweet taste, which has no astringency.

Which varieties to use for different regions

The yield of honeysuckle and the taste of its fruit depend on the climate. Breeders have developed many varieties that are suitable for certain regions:

  1. Moscow region and middle zone. Here you can grow such varieties of honeysuckle as Antoshka, Kingfisher, Skoroplodnaya.
  2. Siberia. The most frost-resistant varieties include Gerda, Cinderella, and Pride of Bakchar.
  3. Ural. In this region it is permissible to grow honeysuckle Fianit, Lenita, Sineglazka.
  4. Southern regions. It is recommended to plant Violet and Silginka here.

Honeysuckle is an interesting plant that is in great demand among many summer residents. For crop cultivation to be successful, it is important to choose the right variety. Moreover, today breeders offer many types of plants that produce tasty fruits.
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