What to feed squirrels in the park and forest, what animals should not eat, can they be fed by hand?

When meeting a squirrel, many people want to feed this animal. They usually use products they have on hand for this. However, this is strictly forbidden. Poor nutrition leads to various health problems. So, what should you feed squirrels in the park and forest, is it possible to feed them by hand, and what is not? These animals prefer nuts, fruits, berries and vegetables. However, there are many nuances to this issue.

What can squirrels do?

Squirrels that live in nature primarily feed on the seeds of various plants.In the taiga they mainly eat pine, larch and spruce seeds. In broad-leaved and mixed forests, squirrels feed on beech nuts, hazel, and oak acorns. In summer, animals willingly eat flowers, buds, shoots and all kinds of wild berries.

With the arrival of autumn, animals begin to eat mushrooms - porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms. Moreover, squirrels not only eat mushrooms immediately, but also store them for the winter. The animals love boletus and boletus mushrooms most of all. It is also worth considering that they are small predators. Therefore, animals can eat insects, egg laying and even small chicks.

Nuts and berries

Squirrels love nuts very much. They even participate in the reproduction of hazel. The fact is that the animals hide nuts all over the area. However, they have such a short memory that they forget about it. With the arrival of spring, nuts begin to sprout. Squirrels also love pecans, almonds, and hazelnuts. They happily eat acorns, cashews, and chestnuts.

Nuts contain the optimal amount of protein and fat for squirrels. At the same time, there is a lot of information on the Internet that almonds pose a danger to these animals. This is true. However, 2-3 such nuts will not harm the animal.

Squirrels also enjoy eating berries - 2-5 pieces each. They can be given to animals in any form - fresh, frozen or dried. Among the permitted fruits, the following are worth highlighting:

  • currant;
  • strawberry;
  • blackberry;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • raspberries;
  • grape;
  • blueberry;
  • blueberry;
  • Rowan;
  • cherries or pitted cherries.

Fruits and vegetables

Squirrels enjoy eating apples and pears. They can be fed with quinces, watermelons, persimmons, and tangerines. Animals can also eat apricots and peaches. It is important to give these fruits seedless.You can feed the animal a small piece of banana. Fruits are given to squirrels fresh or dried. It is important to ensure that they do not contain additives.

feeding squirrels in the forest photo

Animals can also eat fresh, frozen or dried vegetables. Suitable options include pumpkin, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, and zucchini. Squirrels also eat lettuce well.

Other permitted products

Other products approved for squirrels include the following:

  1. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds. They can only be given to animals raw. 1 squirrel is allowed to eat up to 10 sunflower seeds. Excess of this product will harm her. Pumpkin seeds are given in even smaller quantities - a maximum of 2-4 pieces. The fact is that this product has a laxative effect.
  2. Dried fruits. Dried pears and apples can be used as food. Squirrels can also eat cranberries, plums and pitted cherries. In this case, the animal is allowed to eat no more than 1-2 dried fruits. You should not give animals figs, raisins, dried apricots or prunes.
  3. Mushrooms. They can be given fresh or dried. Among the permitted mushrooms, it is worth highlighting honey mushrooms, boletus, and white mushrooms. Squirrels can also eat russula, chanterelles, boletuses, and saffron milk caps. In addition, the animals eat chaga well. However, it is not recommended to use oyster mushrooms and champignons.
  4. Young plants. At the end of spring and during the summer, squirrels should be fed with young seedlings of blueberries, wild strawberries, and strawberries. The animals also happily eat shoots of quince, hawthorn and rosehip. Some animals willingly eat rose buds and wheat or oat sprouts.

What not to give to an animal

Certain foods are dangerous to squirrels.They can provoke diarrhea, disrupt digestive functions and cause increased gas formation. If you give an animal prohibited foods, it may even die. In addition, it is not recommended to overfeed squirrels.

So, these animals should not be given the following:

  1. Bread and any flour products. Squirrels should not eat white bread or any foods made with wheat flour. Crackers, cookies and other products are also prohibited. They cause fermentation and lead to pain.
  2. Dairy products. These animals are unable to digest lactose. Therefore, they are not recommended to offer milk or fermented milk products. They only bring harm to animals.
  3. Peanut. This product cannot be called a nut. This plant is considered a member of the Legume family. Peanuts contain trypsin, which interferes with the complete absorption of protein. As a result, this product provokes metabolic disorders.
  4. Fast food, sauces, smoked and fried foods. Do not give squirrels sausage or alcoholic drinks.
  5. Chocolate and other sweets. Excess sugar can cause a heart attack in a squirrel.

You should also not give the following foods to animals:

  1. Dry food for dogs or cats. It causes stomach upset in squirrels.
  2. Fruit seeds. They include hydrocyanic acid, which poses a mortal danger to animals.
  3. Selected vegetable crops. Squirrels are prohibited from giving potatoes, turnips, and white cabbage. These products provoke the occurrence of flatulence.

feeding squirrels in the forest

Is hand feeding allowed?

Squirrels that live in parks approach people without fear. They are not afraid to take treats from open hands. However, you should not try to pet the animal or pick it up.If the animal senses danger, it may scratch or bite.

To feed a squirrel, it is recommended to place a piece of treat in the palm of your hand and gently extend it towards the animal. The animal will approach the person, take the food, run some distance away, and only then start eating.

Animals living in forest areas rarely approach people. For such animals, you can place a feeder on a tree and systematically add treats to it. After some time, the animals will understand that people are bringing treats and will be able to come closer. It is important to take into account that contact with forest squirrels can be quite dangerous. The fact is that these animals carry rabies.

To feed a squirrel, you need to understand what foods it is allowed to give. This animal can eat vegetables, fruits, and nuts. You can also give him young sprouts, seeds and mushrooms.

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