What fertilizers are best to feed spring barley, timing and application methods

Barley has been cultivated on Earth for a long time. This is one of the oldest cereals, which is still used today for the production of malt, cereals, and feed additives for livestock. There are spring and winter varieties of the crop. To get a high yield, the plant needs fertilizing. What fertilizers for spring barley are used when growing the crop, this is what today’s story is about.

Fertilizers for spring barley

Crops need many nutrients. Fertilizing allows crops to withstand adverse weather conditions (wind, drought), reduces the likelihood of developing fungal infections, improves grain quality and yield per hectare.Spring barley is fertilized with nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium mineral complexes.

Nitrogen is necessary at the initial stages of crop development and during the period of active growth. Insufficient content of the element in the soil causes growth inhibition, the plant develops poorly, the crops will be stunted, and the grains in the ear will be small.

To increase the amount of nitrogen in the soil, crops are fertilized:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • urea;
  • urea-ammonia mixture;
  • lime-ammonium nitrate.

The choice depends on the acidity of the soil and weather conditions in the region. The amount of fertilizer applied depends on the purpose of the barley. Cereals for malt and cereals require slightly less nitrogen than the forage variety.

The level of nitrogen affects the development of the root system and the entire plant; fertilizers are applied during the tillering period, then during ear formation.

Nitrogen affects the amount of protein in grains, so more of it is required for feed spring barley. Excess nitrogen fertilizing can lead to lodging of the crop.

Phosphate and potassium fertilizers improve the flowering of barley and affect its ability to resist fungal infections. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate are used. Superphosphate is available in the form of powder, granules, and there is double superphosphate. The powder is prone to caking and absorbs water at high humidity in the room. Granular superphosphate is most often used due to its ease of use and convenient form. It dissolves well in water, the components are uniformly released and affect the development of crops.

Superphosphate improves the development of the plant's root system and the taste of the grain, affects the flowering of barley and increases the yield. Double superphosphate is used in arid climates.Potassium sulfate is produced in the form of a white crystalline powder or granules. Increases productivity, reduces the risk of fungal infections, improves the circulation of substances inside plants.

Important: any types of fertilizers are applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions; increasing the amount of fertilizing can harm the crops.

There is a liquid form of fertilizing. Liquid complexes easily penetrate the underground and above-ground systems of cereals and are better absorbed by plants (80-90%).

Crop rotation

The alternation of crops in a certain area, allowing to obtain an optimal harvest, is called crop rotation. To produce malt, spring barley is sown after corn, sugar beets, potatoes, and other row crops. Cereals for the production of cereals are sown after legumes. Barley is an excellent precursor for winter wheat.

Terms and methods of depositing

The main complex of mineral fertilizers is applied during autumn plowing of fields. Potassium, nitrogen and phosphate complexes are used. In this case, the substances penetrate into the deep layers of the soil, are evenly distributed, and in the spring they penetrate to the roots, nourishing the plant. On light soils, fertilizers are applied in the spring, before sowing seeds or together with sowing. This allows you to avoid loss of substances in the autumn-winter period.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the fall, the next feeding is necessary in the spring, during the tillering period of the cereal, the last one - when it goes into the tube. Feed barley requires an increased concentration of nitrogen in the soil.

If the phosphorus content is low, fertilizer is applied twice: during autumn plowing and when sowing barley. On acidic soils, additional liming is carried out, bringing the soil pH closer to neutral (value about 7).Barley does not tolerate acidic and alkaline soil well. It is convenient to use liquid mineral complexes; they additionally contain copper, boron and zinc, easily penetrate the soil and are absorbed by the plant. Such varieties are economical due to their high absorption by the crop.

Fertilizing spring barley is necessary; a lack of minerals reduces yield and increases the risk of developing infections. Compliance with the rules of crop rotation and proper application of fertilizers allows you to grow high-quality grain, reduce the cost of growing cereals and reap an excellent harvest.

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