Eggplants Anet F1 are made in Holland, and this variety is no more than twenty years old. This means that, in fact, this is not a variety - a hybrid, which in the second generation gives absolutely unpredictable results. It is best to buy it in stores, but not in private, after reading reviews and consulting with people who have already dealt with it.
- Description of the plant and fruits
- Characteristics of the variety
- Advantages and disadvantages
- How to grow eggplant correctly
- Landing dates
- Sowing seeds
- How to care for seedlings
- Soil preparation
- Rules for planting seedlings
- Plant care
- Watering and fertilizing
- Loosening and weeding
- Pest Control
- Protection from diseases
- Collection and storage
Description of the plant and fruits
The Anet bush has the following characteristics:
- height - up to one and a half meters, does not grow higher;
- bushiness - average, the bush is collected, does not spread in breadth;
- fruits are standard for eggplants, dark purple thin skin, light flesh, without traces of bitterness.
The length of the fruit is up to 25 centimeters. You can grow more, but then they will be bitter and there will be no benefit from them.
Characteristics of the variety
Anet is intended for cultivation in Russia and Ukraine. At the same time, it grows in two variants:
- on open ground - only in the southern regions, where the temperature in summer does not fall below fourteen degrees even at night;
- in greenhouses - in northern regions, where cold wind, rain and drop in temperature are considered the natural course of things.
The characteristics of the variety are as follows:
- yield is average, up to four kilos can be harvested from one square meter;
- frost resistance - absent; if the temperature drops, the planting will freeze;
- resistance to diseases and pests is high, it was for this characteristic that Anet was originally bred;
- commercial quality is high, nine out of ten fruits can be sent for sale;
- early harvest - eggplants can be harvested 70 days after planting.
Due to its average yield, Anet is usually planted on small farms where the crop will be used either for retail or for personal use. Large farmers prefer time-tested and 100% productive varieties.
Advantages and disadvantages
Anet has the following advantages:
- easy to transport - this is important if you are going to sell your crops;
- good taste - especially if you do not overcook the eggplants on the bush;
- stability - rarely gets sick;
- the yield is sufficient to satisfy the needs of one family;
- It bears fruit gradually from the beginning of summer until frost.
There are two disadvantages. Firstly, it will not be possible to propagate Anet on your own - no one can predict what will come out of the seeds obtained from home-grown eggplants. Secondly, for northern regions it is better to choose varieties that are more resistant to frost. Otherwise, you will have to spend time, effort and money on building a greenhouse.
How to grow eggplant correctly
Like most eggplants, Anet is not particularly fussy.
Landing dates
Given the size of Russia, it would be stupid to give definitive recommendations. You should look not by the date on the calendar, but by the temperature outside.
To germinate - or take root - Anet needs sunny weather, as well as a temperature of fourteen degrees. If there is frost in the first two weeks, the crop will die.
Therefore, the optimal time for planting is the end of April and the whole of May, depending on what weather prevails in the area where you live.
Sowing seeds
Before sowing seeds into the soil, they need to be prepared. Anet is often sold already mixed with a growth stimulant, so it is better to clarify this issue with the seller.
If there is no growth simulator, the following steps will be required:
- checking germination - seeds are placed in water and only those that have sunk to the bottom are selected;
- warming up - you can put a saucer with them on the radiator, or you can put them on a cloth filled with warm water;
- disinfection - it is best if it is potassium permanganate, but you can use other compounds, for example, aloe juice;
- growth stimulator - it can be ash, the same aloe juice or something from a gardening store.
If the growth stimulator is on the seeds, then you can move on to the next stage of the plan right away. And the next step is germination. The seeds are placed on a soft damp cloth and kept warm and dark until they germinate.
When they have persistent roots, they can be planted in containers - one seed at a time. The soil usually consists of humus, turf and sand.
How to care for seedlings
For seedlings to grow strong, they will need:
- water - you need to water regularly, with warm water, so that the soil is always slightly moist;
- light - it is better to buy a fluorescent lamp and illuminate the seedlings with it;
- warm - from twenty-five during the day, from thirteen at night;
- fertilizing - standard fertilizer will do, but in small quantities.
Before planting seedlings, they need to be hardened off - taken out into fresh air for two weeks and left there for a couple of hours.
Soil preparation
The soil should be light, without high acidity, in a sunny place where the cold north wind does not blow. In the fall, it is worth adding organic fertilizer, and before planting, burying hay or sawdust - they increase the chance that the eggplants will not freeze.
Rules for planting seedlings
Planting seedlings is simple:
- holes are dug - at a distance of 40 centimeters from each other, the rows are separated by at least 60 centimeters, the depth is no more than 15 cm;
- Warm water is poured into each hole - about a glass;
- the soil along with the eggplants is dumped into the resulting mud;
- sprinkled with earth and peat on top.
During the first two weeks, you need to water the seedlings frequently so that the water is always moist.
Plant care
And, of course, in order for Anet’s eggplants to grow well, they need to be looked after.
Watering and fertilizing
Water them twice a week, the water should be heated in the sun and poured directly to the root.
Three feedings are needed - two weeks after planting in the ground, when the first flowers appear and when you are about to pick the first fruits. Suitable for her phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, bird droppings, slurry. The main thing is not to put too much on the leaves. Fertilizers can harm them.
Loosening and weeding
The roots need to breathe, so loosening should be done after each watering so that the soil does not bake into a hard crust. Do this carefully, trying not to touch the roots. Don’t dig too deep, don’t dig too far—earth within a radius of about fifteen centimeters will be enough.
You need to loosen at approximately the same frequency. Weeds should not grow high, otherwise the shade will begin to interfere with the eggplants.
Pest Control
The main pest of eggplants is the Colorado potato beetle. To prevent it from reaching the harvest, it is worth planting calendula, mint, basil or beans next to the beds.
If a beetle appears, the bed is treated with insecticides or the beetle is collected by hand.
Protection from diseases
Anet steadfastly resists most diseases, so the main concern of the gardener is prevention. It is forbidden plant eggplants where potatoes, tomatoes and other eggplants grew. The soil needs to be treated against fungus. Then, most likely, treatment will not be required.
Collection and storage
Collecting Anet begins in August and continues until late autumn. You need to remove those fruits that have reached 20-25 centimeters, and carefully, with sharp pruning shears.
Store in a cool place for no longer than one and a half months.
If you do not have time to eat the harvest, it is recommended to use it for homemade twists.