Technology for growing and caring for beans at the dacha in the open ground

Various bean varieties grown by many gardeners in their summer cottages. The culture has a number of useful properties and requires a responsible approach to cultivation. In order to get a bountiful harvest and not waste time and money, it is important not only to know how beans should grow, but also to follow basic agricultural practices, planting and care rules.

Vegetable beans - description of garden crop

The annual herbaceous plant belongs to the legume family. The average height of the plants is 60 cm. The stem forms lateral shoots, the roots with a core structure penetrate to a depth of about 1 m. During the period of active ripening, the beans produce fruits in the form of pods with beans. The leaves of the plant are voluminous, rich green, oval in shape. When flowering, white, pink or purple inflorescences form on the stems. The agricultural technology of beans depends on the variety grown and allows you to obtain pods with beans ranging in size from 6 to 15 cm.

Varieties and types of beans

There is a wide variety of bean types, which differ in ripening time, cultivation characteristics and taste characteristics. To obtain a good and mature harvest, you need to select varieties in accordance with the conditions where sowing will be carried out. When planting in temperate climates, mid- and late-ripening varieties can be used. In regions with frequent rainfall, it is better to grow early-ripening varieties that will bear their first fruits a couple of months after sowing.

bean varieties

Based on their taste properties, bean varieties are divided into shelled, sugar and semi-sugar. The first ones are distinguished by the fact that their doors are unsuitable for food, but they are easy to clean after drying. The other two varieties can be used in cooking along with the pods even at the stage of incomplete ripening of the beans.

How to process beans before sowing

Proper planting of beans requires preliminary preparation of the seeds before planting. The seed needs to be warmed up; it is better to do this naturally. To do this, it is enough to leave the seeds in the open air at a temperature of about 30 degrees.

If weather conditions do not allow warming up, you can use an electric dryer.

After this, the seeds need to be soaked in warm water for 24 hours.

different beans

Where is the best place to plant beans - choosing a place on the site

To grow the crop, you should choose a place with good natural light, without drafts or strong wind.

The type of soil is not particularly important, but practice shows that the plant does not germinate well when planted in clay soil.

This is due to low moisture permeability, as a result of which the root system rots.

Predecessors of beans

For active and proper growth of the crop, it is recommended to choose potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage and various root varieties as predecessors for beans. You should not sow beans after growing sunflowers, as the soil will be clogged with carrion and there will be a risk of the plants being destroyed by gray and white rot.

bush of greenery

Secondary crops cannot be placed in the same place, since the likelihood of developing diseases significantly increases the following year. Beans can be replanted on the site no earlier than after 5 years. Legumes themselves serve as good precursors for any crops, provided that the rules of agricultural technology are followed. Plants saturate the soil with nitrogen and leave soil free of weeds after harvesting.

Soil requirements for planting

The soil for sowing legumes must have a normal alkaline reaction.Soil that is highly acidic can result in stunted growth and reduced yields. Dolomite flour or wood ash dusting helps reduce the acidity of the soil. If it is not possible to measure the acidity level before planting, it is worth adding ash to the hole just in case for better germination.

ash in the garden

Sandy and heavy clay areas are not suitable for growing the crop. The soil should be light, fertile and moderately drained. Before planting directly, you need to clear the ground of weeds and remnants of previous plants.


All varieties of beans are plants that require intense light. For ripening, a daylight period of no more than 10-12 hours is sufficient.

When starting sowing, it is better to find out in advance about the upcoming length of daylight hours in the forecast.

Provided there is good lighting, the plants will quickly move to the fruiting stage and produce a large harvest. In areas with longer daylight hours than the plant requires, seeds are planted in the second half of summer or the beds are covered with opaque frames with covering material.

sunny day

It is important to comply with strict requirements for illumination of beds only at the beginning of the development of seedlings. With further growth, the beans continue to develop and bear fruit with less dependence on light. In addition, breeders have developed several varieties that are immune to daylength.

How to plant beans in the country - a description of the planting process

Knowing how to plant correctly bean seeds, it will be possible to create suitable conditions for active vegetation. The most acceptable and common option for planting beans is the row scheme. Seeds should be planted at a depth of about 5 cm every 20-25 cm.The optimal distance between rows is 30-40 cm.

To plant, you need to carefully dig holes and place several seeds in each.

Immediately after sowing, the soil is watered and compacted. To speed up germination, the soil can be covered with a protective film or non-woven fibrous material.

Landing dates

Beans can be sown at any time, from early spring to early August. As a rule, bean planting begins simultaneously with the mass flowering of chestnut. In the southern regions, legumes can be grown as a repeat crop after harvesting previously planted vegetable crops.

sowing beans

Repeated sowings with an interval of 10-12 days allow you to harvest fresh crops over a long period of time. It is enough to set aside a small bed and periodically pick the pods before direct cooking.

Planting process

Having prepared the seeds, you need to dig holes in the beds, maintaining spatial isolation, and add fertilizer to them. Several seeds are poured into each hole, and after the formation of the first leaves, only 3 seedlings are left. The remaining seedlings can be carefully transplanted or removed.

The nuances of planting bean seeds depend on the soil and other conditions in which the plant is grown.

For example, when using the seedling method, sprouted beans are transplanted into the ground according to a scheme that differs from simple sowing.

In the open ground

Most often, beans in summer cottages are grown in beds, so before sowing you should familiarize yourself with when to plant plants in open ground. The crop does not tolerate low temperatures, so sowing in open soil is carried out when the upper layers warm up to +12...+14 degrees. It is also important that the risk of late spring frosts passes.

beans in hand

It is better to grow legumes away from tall trees and shrubs that can block natural light. In addition to shading, you should avoid areas where there is a possibility of through wind.

In the greenhouse

If environmental conditions do not allow legumes to be grown in garden beds, you can plant the seeds in a greenhouse. Planted plants can produce early or late harvests when planted 1-2 weeks apart. The optimal variety for planting in a greenhouse is considered to be a bush variety, which takes up a lot of space, but at the same time gives a high and stable yield.

bean sprout

In outskirts of Moscow

Climatic and soil conditions in the Moscow region allow the planting of mainly low-growing bush varieties. Sowing and cultivation are carried out in open ground in mid-May. Following the instructions of the lunar calendar, it is better to start sowing during the waxing moon phase.

The beds in the Moscow region are prepared in the fall by digging with a shovel and applying phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. At the beginning of spring, the soil is loosened and treated with nitrogen fertilizer.

In Siberia and the Urals

Growing beans in Siberia and the Urals requires compliance with a number of rules. Most crop varieties do not survive in regions with short summers, so it is important to know how to grow plants for a large harvest.

growing beans

In particular, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. Due to the short season, it is better to select early ripening varieties.
  2. It is better to plant seeds dried, without pre-soaking.
  3. Climbing varieties need to be tied up, as frequent rainfall can knock down the sprouts.
  4. When cold weather sets in, it is better to cover the plants with film material.

Features of growing in the country

When growing beans in a summer cottage, the planting technology is standard, but there are several care features. The seeds are preheated and soaked, due to which they germinate quickly. Thick cotyledons require plenty of moisture to swell, and insufficient watering can lead to stunted growth.

watering beans

The longer the shift stays in the soil, the higher the risk of pest damage. Pre-sowing soaking activates the process of seedling formation and shortens the overall growing period.

Black Eyed Peas

Green bean seeds can be grown both in open ground and at home. It is better to plant low-growing varieties in a separate container or peat pots for further replanting.

Green beans does not require additional lighting, it is enough to provide sunlight.

The soil for the asparagus variety should consist of two-thirds soil and one-third humus. As a top dressing, you can use a complex fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium.

black Eyed Peas

Bush beans

Since bush beans are heat-loving plants, it is important to adhere to late planting dates. When sowing, the soil temperature should be above 14 degrees to avoid seed death. The optimal time for planting bush varieties is the first ten days of May. The depth of planting seeds is no more than two centimeters. After planting, covering material should be left on the ground to speed up the emergence of seedlings.

bush beans

Caring for beans in the garden

Beans need aeration, so the soil under the seedlings should always be loose and free of weeds. Caring for beans involves the first loosening when the plant reaches 6-7 cm, the second - together with hilling after 2 weeks. Final loosening is carried out before closing the rows.

beans on the bush

If the bushes grow profusely, it is allowed to cut off some of the leaves. If the planting is dense, you can separate several bushes and transplant them to another location. If the bushes quickly rise up, but do not branch or grow leaves, you need to pinch their tops.


After germination and until 4-5 leaves form, the bushes are watered 2-3 times a week so that the soil always remains moist. Subsequently, watering practically stops until the budding stage. At the beginning of bud development, seedlings can be watered once a week, avoiding excess moisture. Settled warm water is suitable for irrigation. Treatment with cold water can negatively affect the quality of the crop.

watering beans

Features of feeding beans in open ground

During the growing season, the plant is fertilized 2-3 times. Before planting, humus is added to the bed, and the next fertilizing is carried out when the first pair of leaves is present. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used as fertilizing in a ratio of 15-20 g per square of land.

fertilizers in the soil

At the stage of mass budding, another application of fertilizer is required. During this period, beans need an abundance of potassium, which can be replaced with wood ash if necessary. Final fertilizing is carried out at the ripening stage, a week before harvest.

Soil care

The soil on which beans are grown does not require specific care, but to get a good harvest you need to follow basic agricultural practices and care for the soil. It is enough to provide constant watering, loosen the soil and promptly remove weeds. To prevent increased growth of vegetation to the detriment of fruit formation, it is prohibited to fertilize the soil with nitrogen.

Harvest and storage

The timing of bean harvesting directly depends on the type and variety of the crop being grown. Green beans It should not be left in the soil, as legumes lose their beneficial properties when dried. If you want to preserve the crop, you can collect even unripe fruits. Dried pods are suitable for winter preparations.

bean picking

It is not recommended to collect beans from all the bushes at once if some of the pods are still green. In the shade of their own leaves, seedlings may develop more slowly, so it is better to leave them to ripen, which will help increase bean yield. As a rule, if you follow the growing rules, the moment when you can pick fruits without the risk of picking an unripe crop comes 2-2.5 months after planting.

It is recommended to store the crop in a dry and cool place. Beans can be placed in a canvas bag or glass containers. It is important that the crop is not exposed to direct sunlight. Beans should be thoroughly dried first to prevent rotting during long-term storage. If desired, the harvested crop can be frozen by dividing it into several portions. This will allow you to always have a product on hand during the winter that will retain its original beneficial properties and taste.

Diseases and pests

Beans are considered one of the few crops that are completely resistant to pests. The only insects that attack plants are slugs. To prevent damage to beans by slugs, you need to weed the ground in a timely manner, without creating a favorable habitat for pests. If parasites are detected, several traps should be placed near the bushes.

The main diseases inherent in the crop are bacterial rot. Root rot affects plants in which the edges of the roots dry out, as a result of which growth stops and foliage falls off. When seedlings become infected with powdery mildew, a white coating appears on the surface of the leaves, which over time spreads to all above-ground parts, and the plants die. To combat diseases, it is necessary to treat the planting site with insecticidal fertilizers.
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