The Meyer lemon variety produces fruits with an unusual aroma several times a year. The peculiarity of this culture is that hybridization took place under natural conditions. The variety is based on lemon and orange, thanks to which the fruits of the plant differ from the usual ones in color, taste, number of seeds and other characteristics. Meyer's modern form was achieved thanks to Chinese gardeners.
- Description and characteristics of homemade Meyer lemon
- Pros and cons of the variety
- Reproduction methods
- With the help of seeds
- By cuttings
- Landing rules
- How to properly care for a plant?
- Lighting, humidity and temperature conditions
- Watering and fertilizing
- Pruning rules
- Protection from diseases and pests
- Harvesting and storage
Description and characteristics of homemade Meyer lemon
Meyer lemon is suitable for home growing. The popularity of this crop is due to its compact crown and early fruiting. The first lemons ripen on a tree grown from seeds in the fourth or fifth year after planting, which is a record among citrus fruits.
The Meyer lemon variety grows no more than 2 meters in height. The crown of the tree is dense, with bright green leaves that emit a pleasant smell. White flowers also emit fragrance.
The fruits of the tree are small in size and compactly arranged on the branches.
Pros and cons of the variety
Meyer's advantages include the following:
- high adaptability to new growing conditions;
- ability to withstand low temperatures;
- good taste of fruits;
- long and frequent fruiting.
One of the disadvantages of lemon is that it is demanding in terms of care. Failure to comply with growing rules leads to the rapid death of the tree. Meyer fruits are not suitable for long-term storage.
Reproduction methods
This crop is propagated using seeds or cuttings. The latter option is preferable, as it often allows you to grow a fruit-bearing tree.
With the help of seeds
Reproduction in this way is carried out as follows:
- the seeds are pre-washed and dried;
- the prepared seeds are laid out on moistened gauze and hidden in a box;
- after the first shoots appear, the plant is planted in the prepared soil.
The gauze must be constantly moistened before the first shoots appear. After planting, it is recommended to water the plant every two days. When the tree trunk reaches 8 millimeters in diameter, the plant curls.
By cuttings
This method of reproduction involves the following steps:
- a shoot with five leaves is cut from the tree, which is then placed for 20 hours in a weak solution of manganese;
- at the cut site, the cutting is processed with a sharp knife;
- with the exception of the top three, all leaves are removed;
- the prepared shoot is planted in a pot with drainage and soil and covered with plastic film (glass).
The pot with the shoot should be placed in an area that receives diffuse sunlight. After 2-3 weeks, you can remove the polyethylene, first for 2 hours, and then gradually increasing the interval.
Landing rules
Young plants are recommended to be planted in a soil mixture obtained from sand, leaf soil, humus and turf (proportions, respectively, 1: 1: 1: 2). For mature trees, a similar substrate is prepared.
In this case, it is recommended to add one part clay and three parts turf to the mixture, leaving the other ingredients in the indicated proportions.
The root collar of the plant should be placed at ground level. In the first 5 years, the lemon must be replanted annually into a new larger container. In the future, this procedure must be repeated every 3 years. It is highly not recommended to immediately plant a tree in a large container. In this case, the root system may rot.
How to properly care for a plant?
Meyer lemon constantly bears fruit, provided that the tree grows in conditions as close as possible to natural ones. This will require providing the required level of illumination, temperature conditions and regular watering.
Lighting, humidity and temperature conditions
The plant constantly bears fruit provided that sunlight falls on the leaves for 12 hours.Therefore, it is recommended to install a pot with a tree on an eastern or southern window. In winter it is necessary to organize artificial lighting.
The Meyer variety does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature changes. During the summer season, it is recommended to keep the plant indoors at 20 degrees. During the cold season, the room temperature should be 12 degrees. The optimal humidity level is 65-70%. In this regard, the tree should be removed as far as possible from the batteries.
Watering and fertilizing
It is recommended to water the tree twice a week, regardless of the season. It is also necessary to spray the leaves regularly. A mixture containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen is used as a top dressing. Fertilizers should be applied weekly from March to September. To ensure that the lemon receives enough microelements, the tree is fed with a manganese solution every three months.
Pruning rules
A large seedling is shortened to 20 centimeters. Developed buds should remain at the top, from which branches will subsequently appear, forming the skeleton of the future crown. Of these shoots, 3-4 of the healthiest ones are then left. After this, the branches forming the skeleton are cut to 25 centimeters. Subsequent shoots are shortened to 10 centimeters. And branches of the fourth order are cut to 5 centimeters.
Protection from diseases and pests
Meyer lemon is susceptible to attacks from scale insects and spider mites. This plant is not susceptible to diseases. Treating lemon with a stream of water helps to get rid of spider mites, and a mixture of liquid soap and kerosene (2:1 ratio) helps to get rid of scale insects.
For prevention purposes, it is recommended to apply a solution of a liter of water, keltan and karbofos, taken in an amount of 2 grams, to the tree twice a year.
Harvesting and storage
Meyer fruits should be harvested as they ripen. Lemons of this variety are not suitable for long-term storage.