Buddha's Hand citron is considered a very popular plant, which is characterized by certain characteristics. To achieve success in growing a crop, you need to properly care for it. In this case, it is necessary to water the plant in a timely manner and moisten its leaves. Fertilization and protection from diseases and pests are of no small importance.
Origin story
Citron belongs to the Citrus genus of the Rutaceae family. As early as 4000 BC, this culture grew in Mesopotamia, India and China. Today citrons are common in the tropics and subtropics.
Citron is mentioned in the Bible. This fruit was mentioned in the works of the ancient Roman poet Virgil and the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus. The healing and aromatic properties of citron were recognized by Alexander the Great. It was he who contributed to the spread of citron beyond the borders of the Euphrates and Tigris valleys.
Today there are many varieties of culture known. In addition to the Buddha Hand, there is a variegated citron. There is also a Maxima citron, which resembles a lemon in appearance.
Description and characteristics of Buddha Hand Citron
This variety of citron has gained popularity among lovers of citrus fruits. This is due to the unusual appearance of the plant. Culture has no serious industrial purpose. Most often it is grown for decorative purposes.
Features of flowering
The plant is characterized by large flowers, which reach a diameter of 5 centimeters and are characterized by a single arrangement. The inflorescences are characterized by a pronounced pleasant aroma and a white tint. Flowering is observed in the second half of spring. At the same time, a certain number of inflorescences appear in the summer. The fruits ripen in late autumn or winter.
Description of fruits
This plant is characterized by unusual fruits that resemble fingers. However, they do not always open. This may happen in 10-20% of cases. The rest of the fruit looks like a clenched fist.
If the fingers do open, the citron has 5-9 shoots. They differ in size and shape. The fruits of this plant are characterized by a thick peel, which in volume reaches half the size of the fruit. On top there is a lumpy skin of a rich yellow hue.The fruits have a distinct pleasant aroma.
The average weight of the fruit is 400 grams. Separately, it is worth mentioning the taste characteristics. Citron has a slightly dry pulp. It is characterized by a cotton consistency. Citron can taste bitter or neutral. It is not eaten fresh.
The fruit contains many essential oils. They also contain rare glycosides. The fruit includes large seeds that resemble pumpkin seeds. There can be quite a lot of them. Often the seeds are located directly under the skin. This is especially common on overripe fruits.
Typically, citrons are used to make candied fruits. They can also be added as a seasoning to various dishes. First, the fruit should be withered or dried. In addition, the fruits are used to decorate holiday dishes.
Crown characteristics
In open ground the plant reaches 3.5 meters. In a pot, the size of the culture does not exceed 1.5 meters. The plant is distinguished by long branches that grow vertically and are covered with sparse thorns.
Citron is characterized by beautiful leathery leaves that are light in color. They are located on short petioles. The shape of the leaves may vary. Almost always the sheets are elongated and have rounded ends. On average, the leaves reach 9-14 centimeters.
With proper care, the tree is characterized by rapid development. It can be easily propagated by rooting cuttings. Today, breeders have managed to develop the variegated citron. Its foliage is covered with cream stains.
Specifics of growing a plant
To grow a strong plant at home, you need to follow a number of recommendations.Under natural conditions, the culture grows in the tropics and subtropics. However, if desired, it can also be grown indoors. Moreover, the fruits obtained at home usually do not exceed 500 grams in weight.
When growing crops, you may encounter certain difficulties:
- First of all, it is worth considering that the plant does not tolerate a strong decrease in temperature. This indicator should not be less than +10-15 degrees.
- Citron has difficulty with exposure to direct sunlight.
- The plant needs abundant watering. You should also systematically moisten the leaves.
- Culture requires specific conditions. It needs a special substrate, a drainage layer, and fertilizers.
Plant care tips
To achieve success in growing citron, you should follow the basic recommendations for its cultivation.
The culture is considered light-loving. However, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight, which will harm the plant.
Humidity and temperature conditions
Citron is considered a heat-loving crop. In summer, the optimal temperature should be +20-25 degrees. In autumn and winter, this indicator should not fall below +10-15 degrees. If the temperature is maintained, the citron will be able to bloom well and produce a bountiful harvest.
The plant needs moderate air humidity. It should be at the level of 50%. To do this, it is recommended to place the citron pot in a tray with wet pebbles. Expanded clay is also suitable for this purpose.
Every evening it is worth spraying the plant with warm water. The plant responds well to regular showers with warm water. The procedure is carried out maximum 1 time per month. The soil should first be covered with film. This will help prevent it from overflowing.
In summer, the plant should be systematically moistened. It is recommended to do this daily - morning and evening. In spring and autumn, the soil is moistened as it dries out. In winter, the amount of watering should be kept to a minimum. It is worth moistening the soil once a month, since the plant is dormant. To do this, you should use warm water. It must be boiled or settled.
Top dressing
In spring and autumn, the plant should be fed once a week. It is recommended to do this with nitrogen fertilizers and products based on phosphorus and potassium. Superphosphate would be an excellent option for citron. A home remedy that can be used is a manure solution. To do this, 1 liter of fertilizer is mixed with 10 liters of water.
Diseases and pests
The development of diseases is usually caused by violation of the rules of plant care. If the soil is not sufficiently moistened, the leaves begin to turn yellow and crumble. This is due to a deficiency of useful elements in the soil. With excessive watering, the foliage begins to curl and wither.
The plant rarely faces pest attacks. They can fall on the citron from other indoor flowers. When infected by parasites, the foliage becomes pale, dries out and crumbles. Affected plants should be treated with Aktara or Aktellik.
Harvest and storage
It is recommended to collect the fruits in November. However, they can remain on the branches until summer. When the fruit dries, the peel is difficult to separate from the pulp. Eating this fruit is prohibited. Ripe fruits can be kept in the refrigerator for a maximum of 10 days.
Citron has a thick skin and a specific bitter taste. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat it fresh. In Asia, the fruits are often soaked in salt water. This procedure helps reduce bitterness.
Most often, citron fruits are used to prepare sauces, salads, and baked goods. They are often used to make various drinks. The peel is used to make candied fruits, marmalade, and jam. It is also used to obtain essential oil, which is a natural flavoring agent.
The essence prepared from the zest of this plant is used quite actively. It is added to pasta to give it a green tint.
The substance is used to aromatize indoor air.
The essential oils of the plant are often used in the perfume industry.
Buddha's Hand Citron is an interesting exotic plant that is popular with many gardeners. To achieve success in growing a crop, it needs to be provided with complete and high-quality care.