How can you replace a fungicide at home and how to use the products

The conditions necessary for growing indoor plants often favor the occurrence of fungal infections and the appearance of colonies of insect pests. People from tropical forests require frequent watering, partial shade, and no drafts. It is difficult to combat infection in an apartment using synthetic means of protection, due to the danger to human health. What can replace fungicide at home?

What can replace fungicide at home?

Manufacturers of plant protection products offer a wide selection of chemical compounds. Using them indoors is often inconvenient due to toxicity to humans and animals and the need for long-term ventilation. Natural organic and inorganic substances have fungicidal properties. Knowing how to properly prepare a protective agent at home, you can successfully fight not only moldy fungi, but also insect pests.

The following can be used as improvised fungicides:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • milk;
  • ethanol;
  • citrus;
  • vegetable crops;
  • tobacco;
  • ornamental and wild plants.

In most recipes for homemade fungicides, a mandatory ingredient is liquid soap, which ensures that the composition adheres to the above-ground parts of the plant. Without this property, effective action of the fungicide on the surface of leaves and stems is impossible.

Milk and salt

For powdery mildew, use a fungicide based on a water-milk-salt solution. Milk and water are mixed in equal proportions (200 milliliters each) and 20 grams of salt are added. Leaves and stems are treated with a sprayer 2-3 times a day, having previously isolated the soil in the pot. Sodium chloride inhibits the development of any microflora. The milk is sticky enough to retain a certain concentration of salt on the plant.

milk and salt

Rapeseed oil and soap

Rapeseed oil has a bitter taste and good adhesion. To repel pests, just add 1 tablespoon of rapeseed oil and a teaspoon of liquid soap to 1 liter of warm water to get a homemade fungicide.

Natural essential oils

Lemon, orange, and bergamot essential oils have an inhibitory effect on the development of fungi, viruses, and leaf-sucking insects. In high concentrations, oils have a burning effect. To spray infected plants or as a preventive measure, dissolve 4-5 drops of oil and liquid soap in 500 milliliters of water. Treatment is carried out for 7-10 days, morning and evening. Essential oils of coniferous plants are not used as fungicides.

Himalayan pink salt

Himalayan salt is mined from salt mines in Pakistan. Unlike rock salt, sea salt contains a large list of microelements, the total amount of which in the mass fraction does not exceed 2-5%. The pink color of salt is given by polyhalites: sulfates of magnesium, potassium, calcium.

Himalayan pink salt

Sodium chloride and potassium salt impart fungicidal and pesticide effects to the saline solution. Pest larvae cannot tolerate the salty taste of leaf blades. For spraying, add a little liquid soap to a 5% solution. The soil is protected from salinization.

Hot pepper+garlic+onion

Chili and cayenne peppers have a fiery taste. When combined with onions and garlic, it produces a fungicide that repels parasitic insects. To obtain a caustic solution, grate the onion and garlic (2 medium cloves) on a fine grater, add 2 teaspoons of ground pepper. Mix all the ingredients and add 1 liter of water at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees to preserve the phytoncides. Infusion time is 24 hours. The fungicide solution is filtered and stored under a tight lid. Before spraying, add a teaspoon of liquid soap.


Instead of onions, you can add mint to the natural fungicide. To prepare the caustic base, pour 20 milliliters of water into a blender.Add peeled cloves from half a head of garlic, 1 teaspoon of ground pepper and mint (dried or fresh in a ratio of 0.5 cups or about a cup).


Turn all the ingredients into a homogeneous paste and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave under a tight lid for 24 hours. Strain. Before use, add a teaspoon of soap. Affected plants are irrigated once a day until the symptoms of infection disappear.


Chamomile infusion has antiseptic properties; it is used against moldy fungi on indoor plants and soil in pots. Prepare the fungicide in a water bath or steam it in a thermos. For 1 liter of hot water/boiling water you will need 1 cup of dried chamomile. The infusion is prepared in a water bath for 15 minutes from the moment the water boils in the container. Holding time in a thermos is 12 hours.

The finished infusion is filtered and used for washing leaves and stems or for watering. If mold appears on the soil layer, it must be allowed to dry before moistening again.


Acetylsalicylic acid can be used as a fungicide when powdery mildew, gray rot, and blackleg appear on indoor flowers. For 1 liter of warm water you will need 600 milligrams of a synthetic product. After the tablets are completely dissolved, the plants are treated using a soft sponge. The procedure is repeated until the symptoms of infection disappear.

Aspirin tablets

Lemon juice

To combat aphids, using lemons will be effective. An infusion is prepared from lemon peel to water the soil. The peels of 5 lemons are placed in a thermos and poured with 500 milliliters of boiling water. Leave it for a day.The resulting infusion is used for watering, since the aroma of essential oils contained in the crust repels aphids.

The leaves and stems are irrigated with diluted lemon juice from 5 fruits and a glass of water. Irrigation of the above-ground part is carried out by isolating the soil so as not to cause acidification of the soil. The duration of sanitary treatment with a fungicide depends on the degree of aphid infestation: from 3 to 7 days.

Soda + oil

Sodium bicarbonate, when dissolved in water, forms an alkali, the aggressive properties of which help fight fungal infections in plants. For better adhesion, mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and vegetable oil. Pour this mixture into a glass of hot water. Mix well and dilute with 1 liter of warm water. Spray with the resulting mixture every other day.

Soda + oil

Natural laundry soap

Laundry soap contains up to 0.2% alkali, due to which it has antibacterial properties. The soap base enhances the effect of a natural pesticide against aphids. Composition of the solution: 10 grams of finely grated soap and 1 liter of hot water. The soap must be completely dissolved in water to form a homogeneous soap solution.

Liquid soap

The main components of liquid soap that provide detergent properties are potassium stearate and potassium hydroxide (KOH or caustic potassium). Using a 1.5% solution gives good results when used against insects and mold. To enhance the inhibitory effect, you can add baking soda or rapeseed oil to the solution.

Tobacco leaves

Dried tobacco leaves, ground to a powder form, are an insecticide and fungicide. Nicotine has a toxic effect on pests and pathogens of indoor plants:

  • thrips;
  • aphids;
  • spider mites;
  • powdery mildew;
  • gray rot.

Tobacco leaves

Tobacco powder is used to pollinate the soil and water it abundantly. Processing frequency – once every 3 months.

Norms for introducing tobacco dust into flower pots (in grams):

  • in small ones – 50;
  • average – 100;
  • large – 150.

It is not recommended to use other fungicides during tobacco treatment.

Chrysanthemum flowers

Chrysanthemum petals contain coumarin, a substance that has a neurotoxic effect on living organisms, including indoor pests. To obtain the active composition, the flowers are poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos. The ratio of water and flowers: for 1 liter - half a glass of dried or 1.5 cups of fresh flowers.

Rhubarb leaves

Fresh rhubarb leaves are finely chopped and hot water is added at the rate of 1 cup per 1 liter. Place the container with a tightly closed lid in a warm, dark place for 24 hours. Then filter and add a tablespoon of liquid soap. Spray the plants until the pests and infection disappear.

Rhubarb leaves


Ethyl alcohol 70% does not burn the leaves of indoor plants. Wiping the leaf blades with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol helps get rid of spider mites. As a preventative measure, you can wipe the window sill and window frame.

General recommendations for the use of natural fungicides

Natural fungicides and insecticides should not be applied to the entire plant at once. The concentration indicated in recipes may be inappropriate and may cause burns to the leaves and stems. Pre-check the effect after treatment on 1-2 leaves for several days. When processing, it is necessary to distribute the poisonous or neutralizing substance on both the outer and inner parts of the leaves.To avoid salting the soil layer in the pot, cover it with polyethylene during processing.

When carrying out protective procedures, it is necessary to protect plants from direct sunlight. When spraying with compounds with a pungent odor or essential oils, it is useful to use protective equipment for the respiratory system and the skin of the hands.
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