The pigeon family of birds includes about 300 species. They differ from each other in appearance, ability to fly, even food preferences. In Africa and Asia, green pigeons are as common as our ordinary sisars, and have several varieties. A detailed description of these amazing birds, their way of life and habits will allow you to get to know the tropical feathered beauties better.
What does it look like?
There are several types of green pigeons.One of them, the Japanese green pigeon Treron sieboldii, is common in Japan, Korea, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and Primorye. This is the only representative of such pigeons in Russia. Others prefer subtropical and tropical climates.
The pink-necked green pigeon Treron vernans gets its name from its characteristic intense pink coloration on the neck and upper chest. The back, underparts and wings of this pigeon variety are yellowish-green or intensely green. This species of birds lives in South Asia, found in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Birds differ slightly in external features. The Japanese green pigeon has short, dense and soft plumage. He has a small head, a short neck and a fairly powerful chest. Small wings rounded at the ends of a more intense color than the head and body. Length – 25-30 centimeters, weight – about 300 grams.
On the ground, these birds rarely feed; they prefer juicy fruits and berries (bird cherry, elderberry). The birds are extremely cautious, therefore they have been little studied, they are included in the Red Book of Russia, and hunting them is prohibited.
The Pink-necked Green Dove is a small, bright, elegant bird. Length – 25-30 centimeters, weight – from 100 to 165 grams. The shimmering colors of blue, pink, orange and green plumage make these birds very elegant. Males are so brightly colored; females have more modest plumage: the color contains green and yellowish shades.
The beak is pale blue, the paws are red-pink.The head is small, the upper part of the neck from the back of the head and the back in males are colored blue, the upper part of the breast is intensely pink, the breast in the middle part may have orange shades, the lower part of the body, wings, and tail are green. The brighter the color of the male, the more attractive he is to the female.
Birds of this species also prefer fruits and fruits and are almost invisible in the branches of trees. At the same time, they are able to fly quickly and are very agile in flight.
The African green pigeon is 24-28 centimeters in length, weighs 150-290 grams, the birds are characterized by dark burgundy spots at the base of the wings, while the head and body are covered with green plumage. Paws are orange. Birds live throughout the African continent. The feathers on the inside of the tail are red.
Bird lifestyle
All species of such pigeons are very careful, they stay away from humans and inhabit deciduous forests. Therefore, there is little information about these green-headed birds. Birds fly well and are very maneuverable in the air. They feed during the day and sleep at night. They live in pairs and, if necessary, form small flocks when migrating.
Due to their color and small size, the birds are almost invisible in the foliage of trees. The birds are monogamous, form a stable pair, and jointly care for the chicks. They make nests in trees at a height of 2-3 meters, and descend to the ground to drink water.
Food cravings
These pigeons do not eat grains or seeds, and they do not need fresh grass. They feed on juicy fruits and fruits, which reminds them of parrots. Due to the abundance of food in the trees, birds rarely descend to the ground. To replenish minerals in the body, drink sea water.
Breeding green pigeons
The dove tenderly cares for the dove.The formed pair builds a nest together. The female lays 1-2 eggs, both parents participate in incubation; if the female needs to leave to eat, the male sits on the clutch, and he is in the nest at night.
Birds are caring parents, capable of ensuring high survival rates for their offspring. The chicks are born naked, and their plumage appears at 1.5-2 weeks. The birds feed the chick together for 4.5-5 weeks. After this, the chick begins to fly and does not need care. It becomes adult and sexually mature at about 1 year.
Habitats and distribution trends
The Japanese pigeon nests in Kunashir. Distributed in Japan, Hong Kong, South and North Korea, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, and Primorye. Pink-necked and African pigeons prefer the tropics of South Asia and Africa. Today these birds can be found in collections in Europe, and it is possible to purchase exotic birds in Russia. Of course, their purchase will be very sensitive to the budget. In order for birds to feel good, they need to create certain conditions:
- the temperature in the room where the birds are located is not lower than +15 °C;
- a diet consisting of fruits and vegetables (apples, peaches, apricots, grapes);
- Regular cleaning of the cage or dovecote.
All types of green pigeons quickly gain excess weight in captivity. Birds need to fly to maintain their shape.
Is the green pigeon a poultry or not?
Of course, any variety of green pigeon is not a domestic bird. The birds are easily tamed and get along well with each other. Since these birds are expensive and must be ordered in advance, they are often kept in cages, like canaries or parrots.
Today, exotic green pigeons have begun to appear in different regions of Russia.They are expensive, but for a person who is in love with these birds, they become a desirable acquisition. Because the Asian and African varieties are easily tamed, they can easily be kept in a cage or enclosure with minimal knowledge and experience. The main thing is to remember that they need to fly, since birds confined in a tight confined space quickly get fat and lose their flight skills.