Peas are a common crop that is very popular among many gardeners. This plant is often used in cooking and serves as an excellent garden decoration. Moreover, not every person is familiar with the structure of peas, their fruits and flowers, the roots of the seedling, leaf arrangement and venation.
Description of culture
Peas are believed to have originated in Southwest Asia. Archaeological research allows us to trace the spread of this culture around the world. More than 20 thousand years ago, this plant was cultivated in many countries along with cereals - wheat, barley and millet.The vegetable was popular among the poor population of France, England and other countries. However, it came to the New World only at the end of the fifteenth century.
Peas are one of the fastest ripening legumes. Its growing season varies from 65 to 140 days. As a rule, self-pollination of the crop occurs at the closed flower stage. However, in hot and dry weather open flowering is often observed, creating conditions for cross-pollination. The culture blooms for 10-40 days.
The plant goes through several stages in its development - the appearance of sprouts, budding, flowering and ripening. The second two stages are distinguished by clearly expressed tiers. This means that flowering and fruit formation begins at the bottom of the stem and gradually moves to the top. During the same period, the formation of the maximum amount of greenery is observed.
Pea germination begins at a temperature of +1-2 degrees. In this case, the formation of vegetative organs occurs at +12-16 degrees. In general, the most favorable temperature regime for growing this crop is +5-19 degrees. However, the plant can withstand frosts down to -8.
When growing a crop, it is important to consider that it is considered to be very demanding in terms of the amount of moisture. As development progresses, the need for water only increases. A deficiency of watering leads to a decrease in yield, and an excess of water increases the growing season.When the humidity level is properly maintained, the plant stem becomes strong and the fruits become juicy.
The optimal humidity parameters for peas are 70-80%. At the same time, maximum sensitivity to watering is observed in the plant during the period of flowering and fruit formation. It is best to moisten the beds 1-2 times a week. In this case, you should use quite a lot of water - up to 10 liters per 1 square meter. In hot and dry weather, this amount is increased to 15 liters. After watering, it is advisable to loosen the beds.
Peas are best grown in balanced soil. It should not contain excess nitrogen. In this case, the soil must contain a sufficient amount of minerals. A suitable option would be fertile soil with a neutral reaction. It is important to avoid high groundwater levels and soil acidification.
Its structure
Peas are an annual plant that belongs to the genus of herbaceous crops and the legume family. In Latin it is called "Pisum". The above-ground part of the culture is covered with a waxy coating. However, some varieties do not have it.
This plant is distinguished by a tap root system that can penetrate 1.5 meters deep. At the same time, it branches widely. If the soil in which the crop grows already contains nodule bacteria, nodules may form in areas of the root system. This has a beneficial effect on the accumulation of nitrogen in the soil. This substance has a good effect on the development of all cultures. After peas, any garden plants grow well - primarily cabbage, root vegetables, nightshade and pumpkin crops.
Peas are distinguished by a herbaceous, weakly climbing, rounded stem.Its length varies from 25 centimeters to 3 meters - it all depends on the variety and growing conditions. Based on this criterion, peas are divided into the following categories:
- dwarf or low – does not exceed 50 centimeters in height;
- semi-dwarf - its height is 51-80 centimeters;
- average - reaches 81-150 centimeters;
- tall - grows up to 1.5-3 meters.
In addition, the stem is divided into the following varieties:
- simple or lodging - reaches a size of 0.5-1 meters;
- fasciated - also called bush or standard and includes from 7 to 21 nodes.
Leaf arrangement
Peas are characterized by an opposite arrangement. This means that in a node there are 2 leaves opposite each other. The plant has a large stipule, which is shaped like half a heart. On it and the leaves there is a grayish pattern that shimmers with silver. In appearance it looks like a mosaic. The size and location of this element vary and represent the varietal characteristics of the plant.
Peas are characterized by complex leaves, which are arranged in 2-3 pairs on the petiole. They can be feathery and end with antennae. With the help of these elements the plant is attached to the support. Like other monocotyledonous crops, pea leaves are characterized by reticulate venation.
Other types of pea leaves are also found:
- acacia-shaped - this leaf is devoid of tendrils and is located on the upper part of the bush;
- mustachioed - is an odd-pinnate mustache that is formed instead of leaves;
- multiple imparipinnate - is a highly branched vein that ends in 3-5 microscopic leaves.
An important sign of the variety of a crop is the color of its leaves. However, it is highly dependent on growth and maintenance conditions.Depending on the shape, the leaves can be oblong, round, ovate or obovate. The color also varies - light green, dark green, yellow-green, bluish.
Peas are characterized by butterfly-type flowers. In this case, the inflorescence of the crop is a brush that includes 1-2 flowers. They are bisexual and self-pollinating. As for color, the flowers are usually white, soft pink or light yellow. Purple or reddish shades are also found. Flowers include 10 stamens and 1 pistil. In this case, 9 stamens are connected and surround the pistil, while 1 stamen is located separately.
After flowering, fruits appear on the pea bushes, which are called pods. They differ in shape and can be straight, curved, or crescent-shaped. The length of the beans also varies. It varies from 4 to 12 centimeters. There are 4-10 peas in 1 pod.
Peas are a popular garden crop that many people grow. For this process to be successful, it is necessary to become familiar with the structure of the plant and the main features of its agricultural technology.