A relatively new type of pea, which gardeners grow for beauty. But few people know that purple peas are very beneficial for the body. It is not difficult to grow it on the site; it does not differ in any special care. They choose it due to its appearance, which makes it unique.
Characteristics of purple peas
The crop is gradually being replaced from summer cottages by the abundance of canned peas. They simply buy it without wasting their time on growing and caring for it.Only a few gardeners plant peas at home, and only with the goal of pleasing the child.
The climbing plant is an excellent decoration. During flowering, the aroma is very strong and pleasant. And thanks to the fact that its pods are purple, peas are very easy to collect. The beans contrast against the greenery.
The pods contain anthocyanin, a substance that gives them a purple color. It breaks down when cooked. But many people prefer to eat peas straight from the garden, so the benefits are undeniable.
Once upon a time, peas were an indispensable product, mainly due to the fact that dried peas are stored for a very long time, and the variety of dishes using them is very wide.
Since purple peas were developed only recently, there are few varieties available for sale in stores. Each of them differs from each other in some features.
Types gaining popularity:
- Purple sugar.
- Purple King.
- Everything is purple.
- Leafless creeper.
- Afilla.
In order to understand the difference between them, the summer resident studies their descriptions and, based on this data, makes the final choice.
Purple sugar
Plant height 1.50 m, peas are rich in proteins and minerals. It blooms from May to July, the flowers are large, purple, and have a very strong aroma. Purple sugar is a medium-ripe variety; peas ripen in 60-70 days. The pod is green-violet, 8 cm long. The peas are purple, green at the stage of wax ripeness.
The plant is cold-resistant, used for any purpose, for growing for food and decorating the site. Planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Used to prepare salads, soups, purees and many other dishes. The yield of the variety is comparatively lower than that of green species.
Purple King
A variety of crop that has purple pod leaves and green peas. The plant is highly branched, when it blooms, it is covered with buds of a soft pink color. Often used in site decoration.
When fruiting begins, the purple beans stand out against the background of the green mass of the bush. Height 60-90 cm.
Peas tolerate temperature changes well. Young shoots can withstand light frosts. The yield of this variety is 1.5 kg per 1 m2. Caring for it is usual, watering, loosening fertilizing. Capable of growing without support. Its fruits are consumed in any form, but most of the beneficial substances are contained in fresh beans. Ripens a month after flowering ends.
Everything is purple
Refers to mid-season varieties of crops. Ready for use on day 70. The pod is 10 cm long and contains 9 peas. The leaves are purple, the peas are green. They are consumed in all types and methods of preparation, including as green beans.
Plant height is 2 m, reviews are mostly positive. Summer residents praise the variety for its high yield, external beauty and excellent taste. Caring for the plant is no different; all standard agrotechnical practices are performed.
Leafless Sugar Slider
This is an early type of culture. The plant has no leaves at all; it can grow without support. Since the modified tendril leaves cling to each other. The beans are 10 cm long and contain 8-9 peas. Tasty and nutritious, they are enjoyed by all family members.
The height of the plant does not exceed 70 cm. It is used for canning, freezing, preparing various dishes and salads. The fruiting period is long, the yield is high.
Caring for bushes involves timely watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil.
Included in the category of late varieties. The height of the plant is only 50-55 cm. The yield of the variety depends on the gardener; if you remove the beans from the bush in a timely manner, it forms new ones, thus extending the fruiting period.
The variety is leafless, the fruit has an excellent taste, and is grown in the same way as other crop varieties. There is no need to provide a support; the plant can support itself.
Growing rules
First you need to decide on the place where the crop will be grown. Areas that are well-lit and protected from drafts are most suitable. Then you should choose a variety that will feel great in a certain area and the climatic characteristics of the growing region.
Prefers fertile soil. Not worth it grow peas in acidic soil, this will not lead to any results.
Preparation of planting material. In order to reject bad seeds, take 1 liter of warm water and add a tablespoon of salt to it. Pour peas into the solution. Those that float are removed immediately, those that sink to the bottom are taken for landing. After checking the seeds, they are washed and dried.
It is recommended to soak the planting material and plant swollen peas in the ground. The water with which the peas are poured should be warm; growth stimulants are added to it.
If plant peas immediately into the ground without soaking, the plants will sprout later. But at the same time the bush will be stronger and faster in development.
Landing. Seeds are planted early, directly into the ground. Only the beds are prepared in advance, in the fall. Preparation includes digging up the soil with fertilizers. In the spring, wood ash and nitrogen fertilizers are added to the holes.
The main thing to remember when planting peas is that they should not be planted in the heat.The seeds won't even germinate.
Peas are grown using the strip method. Where 1 tape consists of 3 lines. The distance between them depends on the pea variety. After the seeds are planted, the top layer needs to be compacted.
Features of care
Purple peas do not require special care requirements. Everything is standard, as when growing ordinary green peas.
Attention is paid not only to loosening the beds and removing weeds, but also to fertilizing. In order for peas to produce the declared yield, they need to be fertilized at least 2 times during the growing season. Any complex fertilizer is suitable as a top dressing; it should be applied before flowering and during the appearance of ovaries.
Water the peas regularly and thoroughly, preventing the soil from drying out. The plant requires the greatest care immediately after sprouts appear, then during budding and formation of beans.
Loosening is important for the crop; it provides oxygen access to the root system. When the sprouts are 20-25 cm in size, they are provided with supports for weaving.
When aphids appear, wash them off with a stream of water to avoid spreading to other plants. Bushes infected with powdery mildew are pulled out and destroyed, preventing the spread of the disease throughout the entire area.
Advantages and disadvantages
Culture has positive and negative properties, which are assessed individually by each summer resident.
- Decorative appearance.
- Versatility of use.
- Peas are rich in vitamins and minerals.
- Improves the functioning of the heart, liver and kidneys.
- In combination with grains it provides complete protein.
- Has medicinal properties.
- Purple peas contain anthocyanin, a substance that fights cancer cells.
- Increased gas formation.
- Restrictions on use for older people.
- Those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders should not eat peas.
A person who eats peas determines for himself a set of advantages and disadvantages of the culture.
Pests and diseases
Hybrids are immune to diseases, but most varieties suffer from powdery mildew, fusarium wilt, rust, downy mildew and other diseases characteristic of this crop.
To avoid their spread, preventive measures should be taken, crop rotation, loosening, removing weeds from the beds and planting disease-resistant pea varieties.
It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it afterwards. A diseased plant must be removed immediately to avoid infection of neighboring bushes.
Harvest and storage
Peas are a universal crop; summer residents prefer to eat them fresh from the garden beds. But for those who want to preserve them in canned form during the winter, they should harvest the peas at the stage of waxy ripeness. It can also be frozen.
Some gardeners wait for the peas to ripen, then harvest them, dry them, and store them. Dried peas last for several years. But, it should be remembered that it must ripen well, dry and remain inaccessible to insects.
Purple peas, a useful find for exotic lovers.