Green peas not only have a pleasant, juicy taste, but also many useful qualities. The vegetable is recommended for consumption for preventive and therapeutic purposes for many diseases. Peas do not lose nutrients even when frozen, canned and dried. Despite the large list of healing properties, in some cases its use is undesirable and even contraindicated.
- Composition of green peas
- Green peas: benefits and harms
- Benefits of fresh green peas
- For the body
- For women
- During pregnancy
- When breastfeeding
- For weight loss
- For men
- For children
- For diabetes
- For cholecystitis
- For gastrointestinal diseases
- Benefits of raw, dry, boiled and canned peas
- Sprouted peas
- Benefits of pea pods
- Who is not recommended to eat peas and dishes made from them?
- How to choose fresh and canned peas?
- Folk recipes
- For heartburn
- From a splenic cyst
- For constipation
- For headaches
- For obesity and urolithiasis
- For furunculosis
- For beauty
- Fresh pea mask
- Anti-blackhead mask
- Nourishing mask
Composition of green peas
Green peas are low in cholesterol and fat. The vegetable is rich in carbohydrates and protein, which is easily digestible and almost completely digested. 100 g of product contains only 85 kcal.
The vegetable is a source of vitamins and minerals. Almost 50% belongs to vitamin C, 15% belongs to vitamin A, 33% belongs to potassium, a slightly smaller percentage belongs to vitamins E, PP, B1, B2, B6.
Peas are enriched with iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine. The composition includes a substance - lysine, which normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, as well as pyridoxine, which is involved in the formation of useful amino acids.
Green peas: benefits and harms
Fresh green peas and dishes made from them improve the functioning of all internal organs. The beneficial properties are determined by the rich content of the vitamin-mineral complex and other useful substances.
It should be taken into account that in addition to the benefits, the vegetable can also be harmful to health. Green peas can provoke allergic reactions and disrupt the functioning of the digestive system: bloating, heaviness in the stomach, and upset stool.
Benefits of fresh green peas
Green peas are eaten not only fresh. You can cook soups, porridges from it, and add it to salads. In any form, peas have a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems.
Peas strengthen and activate the growth of muscle tissue without increasing fat mass, improve blood composition, cardiac activity, and improve immunity.
For the body
Green peas are characterized by the following beneficial properties:
- reduces the level of bad cholesterol due to the content of nicotinic acid;
- helps remove sand from the kidneys and relieve attacks of urolithiasis;
- fiber improves intestinal motility;
- selenium, which is present in the product, prevents the development of cancerous tumors;
- peas, due to the high content of potassium, folic acid, lutein, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, eliminates arrhythmia;
- improves immunity and fights pathogens;
- helps cope with heartburn;
- calcium and manganese prevent the development of diseases of the skeletal system.
This is a list of the most common uses of the vegetable crop, but there are other beneficial qualities of the product.
For women
Green peas, due to their calcium content, improve the condition of hair and skin, and restore the nail plate. Iron maintains hemoglobin levels at the proper level, this is especially important during menstruation. Folic acid helps rejuvenate the skin, restore damaged cells and improves the functioning of the reproductive organs.
During pregnancy
In moderate doses, peas will only benefit the expectant mother and the fetus:
- folic acid accelerates the process of cell division, RNA formation and is involved in the development of the baby’s nervous system;
- potassium and calcium are involved in the formation of the skeletal system;
- the vitamin composition prevents the development of vitamin deficiency and anemia;
- sleep improves, irritability disappears.
In large doses, pea dishes can cause increased gas formation, which will create discomfort for the expectant mother and child.
When breastfeeding
The product is not recommended for use during lactation. The digestive system of infants is weak and not fully formed, so unpleasant symptoms may occur: colic and abdominal pain, frequent regurgitation, diarrhea or constipation.
For weight loss
Green peas are a low-calorie product with a high content of fiber and protein, which is easily and completely absorbed by the body. These components help quickly saturate the body, giving energy and strength for a long time. Fiber normalizes intestinal function and removes accumulated toxins.
For men
The product helps to quickly restore strength and energy after sports training and helps build muscle mass.
Regular inclusion of legumes in the diet prevents the development of diseases of the genitourinary system. Green peas increase potency and improve the quality of sexual intercourse.
For children
Peas enrich children's growing bodies with vitamins and minerals and increase appetite. Calcium strengthens teeth and the skeletal system, prevents the development of skin diseases.
The components of the product improve memory, attention, restore intestinal function, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
For diabetes
For type 2 diabetes, peas are allowed to be included in the weekly menu. The composition of the product helps lower blood sugar levels and normalize them, without drastic changes. The level of bad cholesterol decreases, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.
For cholecystitis
For cholecystitis, the inclusion of the product in the diet is allowed only during the remission stage, but only in small doses.Beans lower cholesterol and prevent the development of gallstones.
For gastrointestinal diseases
For any diseases of the gastrointestinal system during an exacerbation, green peas are contraindicated. During the remission stage, the product can be included in the diet, but only in small dosages. For pancreatitis, you are allowed to choose only fresh peas or use sprouted beans for food.
Benefits of raw, dry, boiled and canned peas
Green peas in any form prevent the development of vitamin deficiency, dermatological diseases, normalize the functioning of metabolic processes and the nervous system, and give strength.
Sprouted peas
Pea sprouts are rich in enzymes and inulin, which can reduce blood glucose. Dietary fiber improves the functioning of the intestinal tract, removes harmful impurities and toxins. The content of useful components in the sprouted product increases several times.
The beans are filled with water and left for several days. Peas sprout quickly, within 5–6 days.
Benefits of pea pods
Pea pods are also characterized by beneficial properties.. They contain a concentrated vitamin and mineral complex, including folic acid. Peas with pod can be eaten when the plant is still young.
Who is not recommended to eat peas and dishes made from them?
If the recommended dosages are observed, the product will not cause negative consequences. If there is an excess of vegetables, you may experience a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, pain and flatulence in the abdomen, and nausea. You should not eat beans in large quantities during pregnancy.
For gout, it is allowed to eat beans in small doses, but only in boiled form. Fresh product is prohibited. Complications can be caused by the product for gastritis and ulcerative formations.The product is contraindicated in acute manifestations of any diseases of the digestive tract, as well as in cases of blood problems.
How to choose fresh and canned peas?
To get only the benefits of the product, you need to choose a fresh and high-quality product. If you have to choose a fresh product, then the rich green color of the pod, without white inclusions, dry and rotten spots, indicates high quality.
Among dry peas, it is better to choose beans that are small in size, green or bright orange in color. It is advisable to buy a packaged product that is protected from moisture.
For a canned product, you need to check not only the expiration date, but also the date of manufacture of the product. Early harvest dates indicate a fresh harvest: late May or early June. The composition should not contain any impurities or preservatives.
Folk recipes
Many folk recipes include green peas. Compresses, infusions, and decoctions are made on its basis.
For heartburn
Dried or fresh peas help with heartburn. Enough to eat a couple of peas. Dried beans are pre-soaked in boiling water. After which the water is drained. It is enough to chew 3-4 peas. The remaining beans can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.
From a splenic cyst
A two-week pea diet helps get rid of spleen cysts. It is useful to eat legume porridge on an empty stomach and before bed without adding spices. The peas are soaked in the evening and the water is drained in the morning. Then add new water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
For constipation
Canned or dried peas stimulate intestinal motility due to the high content of plant fibers and fiber.
For headaches
If headaches bother you frequently, you can eat 5 g of pea flour daily before meals up to 4 times a day. Flour improves nutrition of brain cells and restores metabolic processes.
For obesity and urolithiasis
Shoots that are collected during the flowering period help against urolithiasis. Pour boiling water over them and cook for another 10 minutes. Then leave to infuse for 20 minutes and filter. You need to drink the prepared solution four times a day, 40 ml.
Due to its low calorie content, this legume is recommended to be included in the menu for obese patients.
For furunculosis
Pea flour, 35 g of which is mixed with honey until a thick mass is formed, helps against boils. A little of the mixture is applied to a bandage and applied to the sore spot. The compress is left for 2 hours, then washed off with warm water.
For beauty
Masks made from pea flour rejuvenate the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles, and get rid of blackheads and pimples.
Fresh pea mask
The composition of fresh peas improves the condition of the skin, making it elastic. To prepare, you will need to mash 15 g of peas with a fork. Add an egg yolk and a couple of drops of essential oils to the resulting mass. The mask is distributed on the face and washed off after 30 minutes.
Anti-blackhead mask
A mixture of rice and beans will help get rid of blackheads. Take 5 g of rice and 10 g of peas and grind them in a coffee grinder. The resulting mixture should be diluted with carrot juice (20 ml). The mask is applied to the facial skin for 3-4 minutes.
Nourishing mask
For a nourishing mask, you need to grind 20 g of cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with 10 ml of whey and 5 g of pea flour. The composition is applied evenly to the skin of the face and washed off after 30 minutes.