The pear, known to many gardeners under the name Abbot Vettel, has large and oblong fruits. These fruits have a delicate sweet taste, they are juicy, but do not spoil for a long time and can, if properly stored, last until the New Year. Pears ripen in early autumn and are picked from the branches half green. Fruits ripen not on trees, but in cool rooms. This harvesting method was not chosen by chance - if the fruits ripen on the branches, their taste characteristics decrease.
- Description and characteristics of the Abbot Vettel pear
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Landing Features
- Deadlines
- Landing location
- What is the best material to grow from?
- Distances between trees
- Planting technologies
- Tree care rules
- Watering mode
- Top dressing
- Wintering
- Rejuvenation
- Diseases and pests
- Which regions is the variety more adapted to?
Description and characteristics of the Abbot Vettel pear
The French variety of unusually fragrant pears has been grown for a long time in southern European countries. Now these fruits have spread to the gardens of Central Russia. Abbot Vettel is a sweet, juicy, melt-in-your-mouth fruit.
It has a pleasant taste, subtle sour notes are felt. The pulp of the fruit is sweetish-spicy, oily, dense, cream-colored. The fruits are large and oblong, the weight of one fruit reaches 250 grams. The skin of a ripe pear is rough, yellow in color, and brown dots are visible on the surface. This dessert variety of pears During ripening it becomes covered with a slight blush.
An adult tree reaches a height of 3 meters. Begins to bear fruit 4 years after planting. Abbot Vettel is a self-fertile variety. To get a good harvest, there is no need to plant other varieties of pears nearby.
Advantages and disadvantages
- self-fertility;
- commercial appearance;
- excellent taste characteristics;
- average resistance to scab, rot, cancer.
- low frost resistance;
- average yield.
Landing Features
Abbot Vettel loves black soil and fertile loam. Like all types of pears, it hates acidic soil. To normalize the acid-base balance, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with ash or lime. Pear can be grown on sandstone. First you need to fertilize the ground with mullein, add turf and black soil.
Seedlings can be planted in autumn and spring. Many gardeners prefer autumn planting. The tree is planted when the leaf fall ends. Before the onset of cold weather, the young seedling must have time to adapt to new conditions.In spring, trees are planted before the buds awaken. Spring planting is preferable for the southern regions, autumn planting for the Middle Zone.
Landing location
Abbot Vettel is recommended to be planted in a bright place, away from tall trees and tall buildings. Pear does not like swampy soil. As it grows, its root system reaches 8 meters in length. The roots go deep into the ground, so areas with too high groundwater levels should be avoided.
What is the best material to grow from?
Abbot Vettel is best grown from a 1.5 meter tall seedling that is one or two years old. It is advisable to buy young trees from nurseries, where you can always ask the seller for a quality certificate. It is not recommended to purchase fruit tree seedlings at spontaneous markets. Sellers do not always provide reliable information about the product.
Pear can be propagated by cuttings or grafting. True, for this you need to cut a small branch from the mother tree. It is rooted into the ground or grafted onto any other variety of pears. The tree reproduces by layering. To do this, a young pear branch is bent low to the ground and sprinkled with soil. When the roots appear, the cuttings are cut off from the mother tree.
Distances between trees
Abbot Vettel reaches only three meters in height. It is advisable not to plant other plants near the pear that will shade it. The distance between neighboring seedlings is 4 or 5 meters. Between rows - at least 5 or 6 meters.
Planting technologies
To plant, you need to dig a hole 70 centimeters deep. It is recommended to enrich the soil with compost (5 kilograms), superphosphate and potassium. Before planting, it is advisable to place the roots of the seedling in water for 12 hours; you can add a Heteroauxin tablet to it. Place stones at the bottom of the hole for drainage.
The seedling is inserted into the hole and covered with earth up to the root collar. Then 3 buckets of water are poured under the root. The soil near the tree is compacted tightly. Pear is a very fragile plant. A support must be installed near it.
Tree care rules
This variety of pears, with proper care, regular pruning and timely feeding, can produce a harvest of up to 45 kilograms per tree. If you do not take care of the pear, its crown will become thick and the fruits will become small and sour.
Watering mode
Abbot Vettel is watered during dry spring and summer. A young tree needs 3 waterings per week. One bucket of water is poured under the root. An adult pear tree is watered more often. In a dry spring, during flowering and formation of ovaries, the tree is watered every other day. 2 or 3 buckets of water are poured into the soil. Watering can be combined with fertilizing, removing weeds and loosening the soil.
Top dressing
In the spring, Abbot Vettel is fertilized with a solution of chicken manure or mullein. Take 3 kilograms of organic matter per bucket of water. The area around the trunk is mulched with humus. During the formation of ovaries, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are added to the soil. Pears are fed with Urea, Ammonium Sulfate, and Ammonium Nitrate.
In the fall, before wintering, powdered Superphosphate, Phosphorite flour, and Potassium sulfate are added to the soil. Organic and mineral fertilizers cannot be applied at the same time. There must be an interval between them - at least 14 days.
In the first winter, the young tree must be covered. The trunk is covered with dry mulch to a height of 30 centimeters. The tree is wrapped in dry straw, agrofibre, and construction insulation. Before wintering, the trunk must be painted with slaked lime. Whitewashing protects the pear from rodents and pests.You can lay spruce branches around the tree. It has good thermal insulation properties and protects the trunk from mice.
Abbot Vettel is a light-loving plant. Its crown needs to be thinned out periodically. By eliminating unnecessary branches, they form a tree skeleton that will support large fruits. Pruning is carried out in early spring, before the buds awaken. Branches are removed by shortening or thinning. If the tree grows strongly upward, the tops of the branches are shortened by a third. When thinning, the branches are removed completely. This procedure prevents the formation of a too thick crown.
Old pears need rejuvenation. Mature trees are rejuvenated to increase productivity and activate fruiting. Once every 3 years, old branches are cut off by a third or completely, leaving young and healthy ones. Be sure to remove the central trunk - it is unfruitful. In the fall, before wintering, dry, rotten, broken branches are cut off.
Diseases and pests
The fight against diseases and insects needs to begin in the spring. It is recommended to treat the tree trunk with slaked lime. To prevent diseases in the summer, the crown is sprayed with fungicides, a solution of Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate. During the period of flowering and fruit formation, the pear is irrigated with insecticides to prevent the appearance of pests.
Diseases and treatments:
- Scab.
Brown spots appear on leaves and fruits. The fruits crack, stop ripening, and become hard. Diseased fruits are removed from the tree. The remaining ones are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or fungicides (Scor).
- Moniliosis.
The fungus attacks the fruits and causes them to rot. Sick pears are removed from the branches. The remaining ones are irrigated with Bordeaux mixture or a weak solution of lime.
- Rust.
Leaves and fruits are affected by a fungus that leaves orange round spots on them. Sick fruits are picked. The tree is treated with Bordeaux mixture or Kuproxat.
Which regions is the variety more adapted to?
Abbot Vettel was originally grown only in southern countries. Now this variety has begun to be planted in the Central region of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Pear has adapted well to life in the Middle Latitudes. True, the tree needs to be insulated for the winter.
Having successfully overwintered, the tree awakens in the spring, bears fruit in the summer and ripens in the first half of September. Fruits are picked from the tree while still unripe. Dense and healthy fruits are removed along with the stalk. During harvesting, it is advisable not to scratch or drop pears, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate. Store fruits in a dark, dry, cool room, at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees Celsius.