Reasons and what to do if the bark of a pear tree cracks, how to save the tree

Many gardeners, when growing pears, are faced with peeling of the bark from the tree. At the same time, characteristic depressions are formed on its trunk, which provoke weakening of the plant. If the bark of a pear cracks, what should you do in such a situation? First of all, it is important to establish the causes of this problem. Depending on this, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it.

Possible reasons

There are quite a few factors that cause peeling of the bark on a pear. Depending on this, it is worth taking measures to eliminate them.

The tree is frozen

A cold winter without precipitation with sharp temperature fluctuations can cause cracks in the tree. This is especially true for young pears.

Black cancer

This is a fungal infection that is accompanied by severe drying of the bark and cambium. As a result, black spots appear on the tree and spread rapidly. This process is accompanied by drying of the foliage and falling off of flowers and ovaries.


This disease is also of fungal origin. Under the influence of pathogens, constant drying of the pear bark is observed. At the same time, it almost does not change its color. If treatment is not started in time, the tree will dry out.

Bark beetle

If the bark is cracked, it could be infested by small black beetles as small as 4 millimeters in size. Their years begin during the flowering period of the pear tree. At this time, parasites spread over long distances. Females select weakened trees and gnaw tunnels under their bark, laying eggs there. Then larvae emerge from them and further damage the bark.


Sunburn in winter leads to rapid cracking of the bark. This is observed on cold, windless days, when the trees are not protected from the scorching sun. In such a situation, the branches and bark quickly heat up. After sunset, a sharp cooling occurs and burns form. Gradually the trunk cracks and the shoots dry out.


Hares and mice often cause mechanical damage to the bark. They readily consume tender young bark.At the same time, danger comes not only from gnawed wood, but even minor damage. As it warms, moisture accumulates in them. In frosty weather, it transforms into ice and provokes ruptures in the bark.

Excess nitrogen fertilizers

Nitrogen is considered a tree growth stimulant. Therefore, it is used in spring and summer to improve development and obtain new shoots on the pear. However, in the fall, such types of stimulation only bring harm. The shoots that appear before winter are too young. They do not tolerate frost and freeze, causing cracks in the bark.

Technique for treating the damaged area

It is necessary to combat cracks taking into account the reasons for their appearance. The treatment includes the following components:

  • restoration of the cortex;
  • eliminating the cause of crack formation.

The simplest and most versatile option is whitewashing trees with lime mortar. This procedure is performed in spring and autumn. The substance helps strengthen the bark and prevents moisture accumulation in cracks. As a result, frosts and thaws do not cause such harm to pears.

wrap the pear

Rodent control

To protect trees from rodents, it is recommended to wrap their trunks with plastic mesh. It is also permissible to use ultrasonic devices or poison. Plants that repel mice are highly effective. These include coriander, red elderberry, and black root.

Preventing physical fractures

Abundant fruiting leads not only to cracks, but also to fractures of the tree. It is recommended to remove some of the unripe fruit from a young pear. This will help prevent physical deformation. You can also install supports under the branches. This will help minimize the pressure on them. In winter, it is recommended to remove wet snow from trees.

Control of fungal diseases and pests

To prevent fungal infections, trees should be treated with copper sulfate or special fungicides should be used. Even before buds form, it is worth carrying out spring treatment against bark beetles.

barrel check

For the destruction of beetles, such means as “Confidor”, “Calypso”, “Antizhuk” are suitable. The solution must be drawn into a syringe and injected into the passages made by the parasites. After flowering ends, Clipper and Bifenthrin are used.

Furrow procedure

This method is considered preventative. At the same time, its use provides a kind of core training. The procedure should be carried out in May or June. To do this, you need to make 3-4 longitudinal cuts 1-2 millimeters deep on the trunk. Similar steps must be performed for large skeletal branches.

This procedure is performed at 3-4 years of plant life. Furrowing helps avoid cracks in the bark and stimulate the growth of branches and trunk.

How to save a tree

To save a damaged tree, you need to perform a number of important procedures. It is important to take an integrated approach.

Prevention of burns

To avoid damaging the dark tree trunk, you need to whitewash it. To do this, you should use a lime-clay mortar.

paint with lime

Preventing frost cracking

In this case, you should use ordinary newsprint. It needs to be tied not only to the trunk, but also to the lower branches of the tree. The newspaper helps reflect the sun's rays and provides protection from strong winds. In addition, the material allows air to pass through, and therefore the bark does not rot.

Proper feeding

If cracks appear on a young pear, one may suspect improper application of nitrogen fertilizers.It is important to consider that in late summer or autumn it is worth using minerals. They help the plant survive the winter.

The appearance of cracks in the bark of a pear can be a consequence of various factors. This problem is caused by fungal infections, rodents, and harmful insects. To cope with the disorder, it is important to identify the provoking factor and take measures to eliminate it.
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