Instructions for use and composition of the Ampligo insecticide, dosage and analogues

The insecticide "Ampligo" provides lightning-fast action against parasites. This new drug has contact-intestinal properties. It helps protect tomatoes, apple trees, potatoes from various pests - Colorado potato beetles, aphids, flower beetles. The composition is also effective against leafhoppers and other parasites. The composition provides long-lasting protection and is resistant to washing off by precipitation.

Active substance and release form

The drug is produced in the form of a microencapsulated suspension in a container with a volume of 500 milliliters.The substance is a new generation insecticide that provides reliable and long-term control of the activity of lepidoptera and other parasites.

An insecticide is a combination product that simultaneously includes 2 active components. These include chlorantraniliprole and lambda-cyhalothrin.

Principle of action of the product

The product provides complete protection of crops from lepidoptera and other parasites that are found in the fields. Efficiency is based on the components that are present in its composition. "Ampligo" contains the following:

  1. Lambda-cyhalothrin - affects the channels of nerve cell membranes. As a result, nerve conduction is disrupted, and their constant activation is observed. Due to this, pests quickly lose control over muscle activity.
  2. Chlorantraniliprole – helps activate ryanodine receptors. This allows the release of internal calcium reserves from muscle tissue. As a result, the contractile activity of muscle tissue is disrupted in parasites. Also, nutrition and mobility immediately stop, after which complete death occurs.

ampligo insecticide

The advantages of the product include the following:

  • double principle of action - the drug contains 2 active substances;
  • long period of protection – it lasts 2-3 weeks;
  • death from dehydration and secondary changes occur over the next day;
  • high level of tolerance to cultivated plants;
  • effective control of all stages of parasite development - this helps to avoid damage to crops by pests;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations - the composition functions effectively at parameters from +10 to +30 degrees;
  • good resistance to precipitation - the substance remains effective even in rain 1 hour after spraying;
  • prevention of mycotoxins.

Why is Ampligo needed?

The drug can be used to treat row crops - tomatoes, soybeans, potatoes and other crops. The composition is highly effective when spraying other plants. It can be used for fruit and ornamental trees and bushes.

ampligo insecticide

"Ampligo" is effective against representatives of the order Lepidoptera. It can also be used to control aphids, cicadas, and moths. The drug successfully destroys moths, flower beetles, bugs, sawflies, and moths.

Plants need to be treated with a sprayer. The solution is quickly absorbed through the surface of the crops. After 1 hour, a powerful protective layer is created around the plant. It is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation. The protective properties last for 20 days or even more.

Consumption rate and use of the product

According to the instructions, only fresh Ampligo solution must be used to treat plants. To do this, it is recommended to use 5-10 liters of water per 4 milliliters of the drug. For effective treatment it is necessary to use only high-quality water. It must first be settled to make it softer.

ampligo insecticide

It is recommended to use warm water to prepare the solution. The composition will not completely dissolve in cold liquid, which will worsen the quality of processing.

The dosage and features of use of the product are given in the table:

Culture Impact spectrum Application time Consumption rates, liters per 1 hectare Number of treatments / waiting period
Corn Corn borer and bollworm It is necessary to spray the plantings during the growing season. 0,2-0,3 2/30
Soybeans Moths, cutworms and other lepidoptera 0,2-0,3 2/30


Cotton bollworm and meadow moth 0,2-0,3 2/30
Sorghum Corn borer and bollworm 0,4 2/30
Apple tree Flower beetles, sawflies, bugs, aphids, leaf rollers, codling moths 0,3-0,4 3/30
Tomatoes Aphids, cicadas, cutworms 0,4 2/20
Cabbage Cabbage cutworms, moths, moths, cruciferous flea beetles 0,3-0,4 2/20

ampligo insecticide

Safety precautions

This insecticide belongs to hazard class 2 - moderately toxic substances.

To minimize the negative impact on health, it is necessary to protect the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory system.

To minimize negative reactions of the body, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. When processing plants, wear protective overalls. It is necessary to use goggles, a respirator, and gloves. The head can be protected with a hood or scarf.
  2. The solution should be prepared indoors with a hood or in the fresh air.
  3. Food-grade utensils must not be used to prepare the working fluid.
  4. After completing the procedure, clothes should be washed and dried in fresh air.
  5. During treatment, you should not eat, drink, or smoke.
  6. If the solution gets on the skin or mucous membranes, they must be rinsed with water.

ampligo insecticide

Drug compatibility

Ampligo combines well with a variety of crop protection products. However, it cannot be combined with drugs that have an acidic or alkaline reaction.

Before carrying out treatment, it is important to evaluate the compatibility of the products.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug can be stored at a temperature of +10-35 degrees. This should be done in a dry and dark place, out of reach of children and animals. The composition should be stored separately from food and animal feed. The shelf life of the substance is 3 years.


Effective analogues of the product include:

  • "Karate";
  • "Coragen."

"Ampligo" is an effective insecticidal agent that helps cope with many parasites. To achieve the desired results, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.
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