Instructions for use of Basfoliar Kelp and fertilizer composition, dosage

By “Basfoliar Kelp” we mean a growth stimulator made on the basis of natural phytohormones of growth. The use of the substance helps to achieve a complex effect. The composition stimulates root development, makes crops more resistant to drought, and increases productivity. It also makes it possible to use mineral fertilizers more efficiently and increase yield parameters.

Composition and release form of the Basfoliar fertilizer

Basfoliar contains an extract of plant hormones - auxins and cytokinins. They are obtained from Ecklonia Maxima algae. The composition is released in liquid form.It is sold in 10 liter canisters.

When is it used?

The high concentration of auxins in the product helps actively develop the root system. At the same time, the production of cytokinins is stimulated. This increases the aboveground portion of the crop.

Auxins help achieve the following effects:

  • stimulate root development;
  • enlarge cells and increase their plasticity;
  • slow down the aging and fall of leaves;
  • stimulate flowering;
  • achieve apical dominance;
  • stimulate ovary formation and fruit development.

Cytokinins help to achieve the following results:

  • make cells divide;
  • stimulate leaf growth;
  • stimulate the formation of lateral buds;
  • slow down the aging of foliage;
  • stimulate the opening of stomata;
  • accelerate the formation of the ovary and stimulate the formation of fruits.

basfoliar kelp

Rules of application

"Basfoliar" is used in different ways:

  1. Foliar use. In this case, 2 liters of substance per 1 hectare is required. The minimum dosage of working fluid is 0.2%. Before preparing it, it is worth assessing the pH of the water. This requires a neutral or slightly acidic environment. pH parameters should be 6-7. The interval between use of the product is at least 12 days.
  2. Soaking seedlings. It is permissible to soak seedlings of vegetables, grapes, and ornamental crops in the solution of the drug. It is recommended to do this before planting, using a solution with a concentration of 1%. It is worth treating the bushes right before planting. To moisten crops, a 0.3% solution should be used.
  3. Use in fertigation systems. In this case, 1 hectare requires 10 liters of working fluid with a concentration of 0.3%. After using the composition, it is worth rinsing the irrigation systems.This can be done with ordinary water.

spraying vegetables

The consumption rates of the substance depending on the crops are given in the table:

Culture Consumption rate of the product, liters per 1 hectare Processing Features Waiting period (number of treatments)
Cereals and fodder plants 0,3-2,0 The plants should be sprayed for the first time at the stage of full germination. The following treatments are carried out with an interval of 10 days. The consumption of working fluid is 150-400 liters per 1 hectare. — (1-4)
Vegetables It is necessary to carry out foliar feeding at intervals of 10 days. To do this, you need 150-400 liters of working solution per 1 hectare. — (3-5)
Fruit and berry plants It is necessary to carry out foliar feeding throughout the entire growing season with an interval of 10-14 days. 800-1000 liters of working solution are required per 1 hectare — (1-5)

Concomitant medications

"Basfoliar Kelp" can be used in combination with protective substances. It can also be combined with mineral supplements. The exceptions are substances containing sulfur and copper. Before use, you need to do a test on small areas.

drug solution

The dosage of the product and the number of treatments should be recommendations. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the phase of plant development, the presence of external factors and the expected crop yield.

Terms and conditions of storage

The substance must be stored in its original packaging. It is recommended to do this in a dry and well-ventilated place. At the same time, it must be protected from direct sunlight.

The temperature should be +5-30 degrees. The composition cannot be frozen. In this case, the distance from heating sources must be at least 1 meter.

The product must be kept separate from food products, medications, and animal feed.The drug should be kept out of reach of children and animals. The shelf life is 2 years.

spraying vegetables

Analogues of the product

Effective analogues of the product include the following:

  • "Medax Top";
  • "Kelpak";
  • "Architect+Turbo".

Basfoliar Kelp is considered an effective remedy that helps stimulate the development of various crops. To achieve the desired results, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for use of this drug.
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