Classification of insecticides and processing rules, methods of action of the products

The destruction of dangerous insects is considered an important component of combined care of agricultural plants. To cope with parasites, you need to use special means. Today there are many types of insecticides that differ in composition, purpose, and application features. To ensure that the use of such products does not cause harm, it is important to follow safety rules.

What are insecticides

Insecticidal drugs are used to control pests.Such products are often used in large and private farms. They help destroy parasites that lead to damage to cultivated plants, reducing yields and worsening their appearance.

Chemicals affect not only adults, but also larvae or eggs. Before using store-bought products, it is important to make sure that they are suitable for the destruction of a particular species of individuals. Then you need to determine the treatment area and dosage. If used correctly, it will be possible to save the harvest and not harm people, animals and plants.

Classification of poison according to purpose of use

Insecticidal agents are classified according to different criteria. They can be contact or systemic. Depending on the purpose of use, it is worth choosing drugs that help obtain the following effects:

  • control the functions of ion channels - this provokes damage to nerves and muscles;
  • disrupt the functions of receptors of postsynaptic membranes - thanks to this it is possible to block the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • suppress the production of chitin and lipids - this provokes disruption of the processes of molting and subsequent development;
  • suppress mitochondrial functions - this stops the production of ATP.

insecticide options

Classification by method of exposure

According to the method of influencing pests, the following types of products are distinguished:

  1. Contact – provoke intoxication when interacting with different parts of the insect’s body. They are mainly used to combat parasites that have piercing-sucking mouthparts. These products can also be used to combat caterpillars.
  2. Intestinal - these products are intended to be eaten by parasites. They are absorbed by the intestines and cause intoxication of the body.Treatment with such means is used to destroy insects that have a gnawing type of mouthparts.
  3. Systemic - such substances enter the vascular system of crops and can lead to the death of parasites living inside. They also affect those insects that eat stems and leaves.
  4. Fumigants – these chemicals are used for fumigation. They affect the respiratory system of pests.

Types of insecticides by substance

Depending on the chemical composition, the following categories of insecticides are distinguished:

  1. Inorganic - they are also called mineral. This type of product is made on the basis of barium, zinc, and fluorine. Arsenic and paraffin oils are also used for this.
  2. Organic - are synthetic products based on phosphorus and chlorine. These plant treatment substances have a wide spectrum of action and can be used in domestic conditions.

treatment agent

General rules for use

To ensure that the use of chemicals does not lead to negative results, you must strictly follow the instructions. There the manufacturer indicates the features of use, dosage, and safety rules. Depending on the composition and characteristics of the action of the substance, the following measures can be carried out:

  • treatment with an aqueous solution;
  • fumigation - this involves treatment with a substance in the form of gas or steam;
  • pollination - in this case you need to spray fine powder on the green fragments of plants;
  • introduction into soil layers and loosening.
When using water-soluble formulations, it is recommended to first mix the drug with a third of the volume of water indicated in the dosage and wait until the substance dissolves.Then you need to bring the amount of liquid to the optimal amount and use the composition according to the instructions. The working solution must be used immediately. Subsequently, the chemical elements will lose their properties, and the treatment will become less effective.

small drop

When using insecticides, it is important to follow these rules:

  • do not spray plantings at temperatures less than +5 degrees;
  • apply the working solution only in a finely sprayed form;
  • solutions must be carefully filtered and mixed;
  • When using settling compounds, shake the container periodically.

drip irrigation

Safety precautions for use

There are no completely harmless products for people. Therefore, they should be used only when absolutely necessary. If the spray is sprayed, there is a risk of toxic components entering the lungs.

This is why it is so important to protect the respiratory organs with a respirator.

To minimize the risk of negative effects of insecticides on the body, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid inhaling the drug and avoiding contact with exposed skin, mouth or eyes. To prevent this, it is necessary to use protective clothing, a respirator, gloves, and a hat.
  2. After finishing treatment, wash your hands and face well with soap and water. If possible, it is recommended to take a shower and wash things in a soda solution.
  3. Residues of insecticides should be kept in a container marked “poison”. It is recommended to do this out of reach of children and pets. Substances should be kept away from food and animal feed.
  4. Ready-made solutions cannot be stored for long periods of time. Immediately after treatment, the composition must be disposed of, and the dishes must be washed thoroughly.
  5. The duration of use of the insecticide should not be more than 1 hour.

wearing a gas mask

Insecticides are considered effective substances that help control various types of insects. In order for them to give the desired effect, you need to choose the right composition and strictly follow the instructions for its use.
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