Growing, characteristics and description of the Aggressor cabbage variety

In 2003, Dutch experts developed a new vegetable variety - Aggressor cabbage. The name is very harsh, and there is a reason for this. This hybrid is created for unpleasant specific colds, can grow even on poor soil, and copes with a lack of watering.

This culture is included in the state register for the Center of Russia. Our gardeners have already appreciated this variety for its stability and richness of results, for the possibility of cultivation in large areas, for long preservation and rich taste.And so, “Aggressor” has firmly taken its place on dacha land and field spaces.

Characterizing the “Aggressor”

“Aggressor” f1 is a cabbage variety that ripens when cold weather arrives. According to experts, this is a medium-late hybrid. About 4 months pass between sowing the seeds and the readiness of the heads of cabbage.

One hundred square meters can give about a ton of this crop. According to official data, the maximum yield in the Moscow region was 800 centners per hectare. Commercial yield is at the level of standard varieties, approximately 450-650 centners per hectare, and marketable yield is about 95%. Therefore, the hybrid is optimal for use in industrial agricultural areas.

Features of cabbage forks

As for the forks, their characteristics are as follows: round, leveled, dense and flattened, of medium size, weighing on average three to three and a half kilograms, and sometimes a couple of kilograms more.

When cut, the heads of cabbage are yellowish-white in color, the internal structure can be described as medium-thin.

The leaves of the vegetable crop are of a covering type, the color is anthocyanin, of medium intensity. The leaf rosette is distinguished by its elevation. The shape of the leaves is concave, rounded. The stalks of the internal and external types are of average size, approximately 17 cm. The description of the variety also does not ignore the high taste and juiciness of the leaves. As for planting density, it is 30-40 thousand plants per hectare.

cabbage aggressor in open ground

The Aggressor cabbage variety is good for use fresh in salads, for use in main hot dishes such as borscht and cabbage rolls, for pickling and pickling. The shelf life of forks is short - about 6 months, maximum until mid-spring. The composition indicates the presence of dry matter - 9.2%, and total sugar - 5.6%.

About the rules for seedling planting of the described cabbage

Aggressor cabbage has gained recognition due to its amazing resistance to weather disasters. This property makes it possible to grow crops using seedlings and direct sowing in the ground.

If the first option is chosen, then the seeds should be planted in pots, containers or tablets with peat in early April. Next, it is important to make sure there is a place with enough heat and light for the seeds to germinate successfully. Ideally, to begin with, place them on the sunny side of the windowsill at a temperature of +18 °C.

As the seedlings grow, they are taken out for a day in a cool outdoor environment at +6-8 °C or placed on a balcony. When night falls, the seedlings must be taken inside. Such hardening should take place without problems, thus confirming the varietal quality. The event is important for the normal development of seedlings, otherwise the plants will be elongated and weak, which can lead to their death.

How to sow "Aggressor" in open ground

To sow the crop directly into the ground, we wait until the end of April. A bed is prepared on the sunny side, and pegs are installed along the edges to stretch the film. Under the excavation, diluted humus is placed for fertilizer: this is a useful procedure for feeding seedlings during their development.

Seeds are planted two or three in one hole to a depth of a centimeter and covered with film to preserve earthly warmth. When the seedlings begin to grow, the strongest ones are selected or the usual planting is carried out. The 60 x 70 scheme works both when you plant seeds and seedlings, and for varieties of any type of ripeness.

It is recommended to fertilize the hole with the following mixture:

  • a handful of peat and sand;
  • two handfuls of humus;
  • two teaspoons of nitrophoska and 50 grams of wood ash.

Sprinkle the resulting composition with a little earth and add a sufficient amount of water. This pillow is a storehouse of nutrition for seedlings.

cabbage seeds aggressor

There are gardeners who like to grow cabbage using seedlings in open ground. This also has its advantages compared to the procedure at home. This method will help you survive the transplant at the selected location without any problems. However, this vegetable does not like transplants; seed sowing in a direct plot of land would be optimal. The seeds are soaked for 30 minutes in the Epin solution with a proportion of a couple of drops per 200 grams. This procedure will give greater vitality to the seedlings and give better rooting to future plants.

About important nuances of care

  1. The description of the variety of this crop notes such a quality as love of moisture. Therefore, watering should be organized with the utmost care.
  2. It is recommended to water in the evening. In cloudy weather, an interval of 5-6 days is made between water procedures, and when it is hot and dry - a couple or three days.
  3. Each watering involves loosening the soil, weeding and hilling the Aggressor f1 cabbage.
  4. The use of a mulching substance, for example, a 5-centimeter layer of peat, is not prohibited: it will help retain moisture and will be a valuable cabbage feed.
  5. To prevent slugs and fleas on young seedlings after any transplantation, ash and tobacco dust are used.

The use of toxic chemicals with cabbage is prohibited. However, there are ways to protect against external influences. Examples of useful infusions are given below.

  1. The first is 5 liters of water with 2 kilograms of tomato tops, infused for 3-4 hours, followed by boiling for three hours.It is cooled, filtered and diluted in water 1 to 2. And 30 grams of tar soap will give the infusion the necessary stickiness.
  2. Second - a liter jar of onion peels is filled with two liters of boiling water to infuse for a couple of days. The solution is filtered with the addition of 2 liters of water and a tablespoon of liquid soap.

When planting crops, avoid acidic soils and areas affected by bacteriosis. Radishes, turnips, rutabaga, radishes and cabbage itself are not recommended as predecessors. After such vegetables, a three-year period is counted before it is possible to plant cabbage again.

cabbage aggressor in the garden

About the pros and cons of this cabbage variety

When describing the “Aggressor” cabbage variety, its authority among professionals and amateurs has long been noted, and for good reason:

  • Excellent taste;
  • No head cracking;
  • Crispy and juicy properties of the leaf;
  • High content of vitamin C;
  • Good presentation and optimal transportability;
  • Strong root system;
  • Maximum seed germination;
  • Resistance to any temperature changes;
  • Optimal resistance to nutritional deficiencies;
  • Harmonious ripening of the crop;
  • High productivity.

The description of the variety also contains some nuances that should be taken into account:

  • Possible presence of heads of cabbage with hard leaves;
  • Damage to aphids, whiteflies and fungi;
  • Requires plenty of moisture.

But, despite the noted difficulties, positive reviews of this culture make up the absolute majority.

cabbage harvest aggressor

About vegetable storage options

Aggressor cabbage requires the following storage methods:

  1. Stack the heads of cabbage in two or three rows in the cellar or basement, but not on the floor itself, ideally in wooden boxes.
  2. Positioning the plugs on the ceiling using stumps.This method will provide the necessary ventilation.
  3. Wrapping vegetables in paper, placing them in a plastic bag and then hanging it.
  4. Place the head of cabbage in a bucket of sand and fill it completely with sand.

The stability and richness of the harvest are the main reasons for gardeners’ sympathy for this modern variety. Vegetable growers admit that growing Aggressor will not require any extra expenses or hassle.
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