Is it possible to plant cabbage in July, the advantages and disadvantages of the timing

Is it possible to plant cabbage in July? Of course it is possible, but there are some points without knowledge of which the work expended will not be justified. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Cabbage is a valuable vegetable crop that grows in almost all climatic zones. A tasty and beloved vegetable by all, it is very rich in vitamins and fiber, therefore, in addition to its nutritional value, it also has medical value.

This culture is used as a remedy for many diseases, as it has an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.

Classification and types of cabbage

According to the time of ripening, cabbage can be early, middle and late. Early varieties take 45-55 days to grow before sowing in the ground. The growing season for medium cabbage is 35-45 days, and for late cabbage 30-35 days.

We usually grow white or cauliflower cabbage on our plots. But this vegetable has many tasty and healthy varieties and varieties.

There are seven types of cultivated cabbage:

white cabbage

  1. Headed. This species includes white cabbage, red cabbage and Brussels sprouts.
  2. Colored. These include cauliflower, asparagus and Romanesco.
  3. Kohlrabi.
  4. Savoy.
  5. Leafy.
  6. Beijing.
  7. Chinese.

Timing of sowing seeds and seedlings

Sowing seeds for seedlings should be done taking into account the growing region. For the southern regions this is the middle and end of February, for the middle regions this is the beginning and middle of March, and for the northern regions this is the end of March, the beginning of April.

cabbage sowing dates

To the question: can cabbage be planted in July? The answer is yes. Some types of this crop can be planted twice per season. For example, in June you can plant kohlrabi, Beijing, Chinese or early white cabbage seedlings for a second time on a young leaf. These types of vegetables can be planted on the ground until mid-July. But in July, until the end of the month, they sow only Chinese and Chinese cabbage, and only if they want to get salad greens.

Advantages and disadvantages of planting in July

You should not postpone planting seedlings until July also because at the end of June and July the days are hot, sunny, and long. And vegetable sprouts do not tolerate extreme heat. Long daylight hours are also unfavorable for the development of forks.


Cabbage is planted everywhere for the second harvest in June and July. However, most often, to ensure a harvest, late crops are planted on plots. varieties of cabbage or cauliflower. Less commonly planted are lettuce or Peking. Sowing late varieties in April and May gives the seedlings time to get stronger. These varieties are more adapted to high temperatures than earlier ones.

But if the middle and late seedlings do not work out, you can sow the seeds of kohlrabi, Chinese or Chinese cabbage directly into the ground in early June. With proper care, the harvest will be good. Vegetables planted in this way will yield their harvest in October.

Recommendations and agricultural technology

To grow a generous harvest without any problems, you should follow some rules:

  • When sowing seeds late, they are planted directly into the ground, choosing a cool, shady, ventilated place on the site for seedlings.
  • In general, seedlings grow well and quickly only in moderate temperatures of 16-18 degrees. Increasing temperatures to 22-24 degrees inhibits the growth and development of plants.
  • The soil in the beds should be fertile, moist and loose. Therefore, drip irrigation is best suited for it.
  • Manure and bird droppings are organic fertilizers that are also very important for this crop. And to prevent crusts from forming on the soil, it is covered with mulch, which protects the soil from drying out and also additionally enriches the soil with microelements.
  • When planting seedlings in a permanent place, all the long leaves of the sprouts are plucked off, leaving only one or two of the youngest in the middle.
  • Seedlings are planted in the evening in moist holes, deepening them only to the junction of the root and stem.
  • The cabbage fork curls well when daylight hours lengthen, and when vegetables are planted in July, it is better to choose leafy varieties, since the length of daylight hours shortens during this period.
  • Early varieties of cabbage or Chinese can be sown as seedlings in May or early June for a second harvest, then after harvesting onions, garlic and early potatoes, you can also grow a crop of cabbage and the plot will not be empty.
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