Timpanol dosage for rabbits, instructions and method of use

Rabbits are animals that are not very healthy. The digestive system is especially often affected. Stomach bloating is a common problem that medications have been developed to combat. Let's look at the composition and method of using Timpanol for rabbits, dosage and contraindications. How to properly store the drug, what is the shelf life, what medications can replace it.

Composition and release form of "Timpanol"

The drug contains hellebore tincture, wormwood, alcohol, lactic acid and an antifoam.“Timpanol” is an emulsion of uniform density, yellow-green or grayish in color. Precipitation may form during storage; shake the liquid before use. Bottled in 200 ml plastic bottles.

When should you use the product?

Tympany in rabbits causes discomfort and severe abdominal pain. Due to the pain syndrome, the animal cannot eat and quickly weakens. The danger of bloating also lies in the fact that the enlarged stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, disrupting the rabbit’s breathing. There is a disruption in the functioning of other organs, which often ends in the death of the animal. Therefore, Timpanol should be used immediately as soon as swelling is detected.

The drug for internal use is intended to inhibit gas formation, destroy and remove gas bubbles.

It has antiseptic and ruminator effects. "Timpanol" accelerates the peristalsis of the digestive organs and relaxes the sphincters of the proventriculus. The drug is prescribed to rabbits for the formation of gases and bloating of the stomach caused by overeating or eating easily fermented food.

tympanol for rabbits dosage

Method of application for rabbits

The liquid in the bottle is shaken before administering to rabbits. According to the instructions, it is then diluted with water at a ratio of 1 to 10. Stir again until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

For rabbits, the dosage of Timpanol is 0.5-1 ml per 1 kg of weight. The drug acts quickly, but if the swelling does not disappear after 20 minutes, the procedure must be repeated. It is allowed to use the product up to 5 times a day. The diluted liquid is injected into the rabbit's mouth using a syringe without a needle. Animals do not drink the medicine on their own, so it is not poured into drinking bowls. If the animal resists, you need to force the solution into the mouth.To do this, you need to grab his head with one hand and hold his legs with the other.

After the solution is in the stomach, the rabbit needs to have a massage. It enhances the functioning of the organ and intestinal motility, promotes gases into the intestines and helps remove fermented contents.

The massage should be done with your palms, moving in a circular motion along the sides of the animal. You cannot put pressure on the walls of the stomach; the pressure should be minimal at first. Then it can be strengthened a little. The massage time should not be less than 10 minutes, but not more. If the rabbit is in pain, it must be stopped immediately.

tympanol for rabbits dosage

The effect of the massage can be achieved by making the rabbit run. Active movements help remove gases and restart the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

What side effects and contraindications may there be?

If the drug is used correctly, choose the dosage according to the instructions, there are no side effects. Sometimes an allergic reaction may occur, but only in sensitive animals. There is only one contraindication: intolerance to the substances in the product. If it is not there, Timpanol can be used without restrictions. Rabbits that have been given the drug can be slaughtered without observing any waiting period. Other medications can be used simultaneously with Timpanol. The product is sold in veterinary pharmacies.

How to store it correctly and for how long?

"Timpanol" is stored in a dry, unlit place. In the original bottle, tightly closed with a lid. Temperature storage conditions – 0-20 ˚С. Under such conditions, the product can be saved for 1.5 years. Then, even if the liquid is not consumed, the drug must be replaced.

tympanol for rabbits dosage


In addition to Timpanol, you can use Timpanon, Espumisan, Almagel, Meteospasmil and other products for rabbits that are designed to eliminate the problem of bloating. You can buy them not only at the veterinary, but also at a regular pharmacy.

"Timpanol" is a veterinary drug that is most in demand by rabbit breeders among veterinary drugs that help with stomach bloating in rabbits. The product contains natural ingredients, so it does not cause side effects and is not contraindicated for healthy animals. Based on practical observations, it has been established that the drug acts effectively, helps to cope with indigestion and save the lives of rabbits.

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