Business plan and project of a farm for cows, cost and how to build it yourself

Farms for breeding cows are popular today. This is a profitable undertaking, but before starting construction you need to carefully think through the smallest details of construction, find out the requirements for the barn, and draw up a project. A properly managed farm will increase the productivity of animals and allow the owner to run a business.

Business plan for cow breeding

Tethered cows
Tethered cows

To run a full-fledged farm, you need to take into account a number of issues that relate to finances and organizational issues. Drawing up a business plan will help clearly structure construction. Planning should include:

  • method of financing;
  • purchasing a plot of land for a farm and the required livestock;
  • materials, equipment and communications connections;
  • utility bills or rent;
  • staff salaries;
  • feed, vitamin supplements, veterinary drugs;
  • taxes;
  • design and planning costs;
  • payback period;
  • projected net profit.

Animal exercise
Animal exercise

If you plan to build a large farm, then you need to include in this list the costs of advertising and setting up retail outlets.

Benefits and advantages

Having the desire and a well-designed plan, you can create your own cattle breeding business. Many people start with mini-farms for 5-10 animals. However, given how quickly the costs are recouped, beginning farmers are expanding their business.

Automatic milking of cows
Automatic milking of cows

It is known that both meat and dairy products are in demand. No family can eat without meat and milk. Wanting to produce and sell an exceptionally high-quality product, even a novice farmer quickly finds regular customers. Therefore, building a farm often becomes a successful business.

Where to get capital

To build a farm for cattle, start-up capital is required. It often happens that there is not enough money to create a full-fledged farm. In this case, you need to think about where you can get additional funds.

Automatic brushes
Automatic brushes

When starting construction, you need to find out about possible subsidies from the state. Recently, the government has been providing comprehensive support to farmers.

In addition, you can take out a loan from a bank or attract outside investors. However, obtaining funds is not easy, so it is important to prepare in advance. In addition to drawing up a competent business plan, you need to find an opportunity to organize a presentation and convince creditors of the quick payback of the future enterprise. It is also necessary to interest partners in an environmentally friendly product.

A bank loan can be obtained for a period of 5 years. With the amount received, a novice entrepreneur will be able to purchase equipment, machinery, building materials, and livestock. It is possible to receive a subsidy for the creation of a farm in the amount of up to 3 million rubles, as well as for improving the owner’s living conditions (up to 250 thousand rubles).

Determining direction

Milking machines for dairy sector
Milking machines for dairy sector

A modern cow farm can have two main directions - meat or dairy. Each has its own specifics. The main thing that is required for a dairy farm is a large room for the milking procedure. It should be borne in mind that the requirements for construction and arrangement are strict and regulated by standards. In addition, special equipment will be required for the collection and further transportation of the resulting products.

The meat sector is considered less expensive. The main task of the farmer is to competently approach the selection of heifers or bulls for further fattening. A meat farm will not require additional premises or special equipment. If the owner’s priority is to quickly make a profit, then it is recommended to build a meat farm.


Profitability should be calculated based on the direction of the farm. If the farm is a meat farm, then you can pre-calculate the fattening period and slaughter time. The meat breed reaches its peak at 16 months.No earlier than six months or a year later, you can start slaughtering (the exact time depends on the age of the animal when purchasing). About 50% of live weight is spent for sale. To this you can add up to 15% of the weight of internal organs (offal). Next, you need to find out the average price of a kilogram of beef on the market and multiply by the weight of the meat after slaughter.

Dairy shop
Dairy shop

As for the profit from a dairy farm, it is necessary to take into account that the cow will begin to milk in about 1.5-2 years. Therefore, it is important to select animals by age. Next, you need to take into account that from one cow, on average, you can get up to 15 liters of milk daily and sell it wholesale or retail (prices differ by more than 2 times). This way you can roughly calculate how much income you can expect from a cow per day.

Thus, the dairy direction is considered the most profitable in terms of payback. However, milk is a perishable product, so it is important to establish uninterrupted distribution channels.

How to build a farm for cattle

The decision to start building a farm must be balanced. At the very beginning, you will need to resolve a number of issues:

  • select a site and obtain a building permit;
  • buy the necessary materials and tools for construction;
  • hire a team of builders;
  • select personnel to care for the livestock.

Before obtaining permission to build a farm, it is necessary to collect the necessary package of documents, which should include a plan of the architectural structure.

Selecting a location

The location of the future farm plays an important role. The farm should be located at a distance of at least 300 m from residential buildings. It is advisable to foresee the possibility of providing the household with running water.

There must be pasture on the site
There must be pasture on the site

Another nuance is the occurrence of groundwater. To avoid flooding or storm flooding, their level should be 5-6 m from the ground. It is extremely important to select an area with meadows for pasture. This will allow the herd to exercise daily, which increases productivity and has a positive effect on animal health. If there is a forest or grove nearby, the livestock will be reliably protected from strong winds.

Preparing for construction

At the early stage of building a building with your own hands, you need to decide on the number of livestock, the size of the premises, the method of keeping the herd, the direction of the farm, as well as the climatic features of the area. Based on this, you need to choose the type of barn and the type of construction.

Necessary materials and tools

Tools you need to purchase:

  • hammer, hammer-pick;
  • roulette;
  • stapler and construction knife;
  • concrete mixer;
  • shovel;
  • electric drill;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • electric saw.

Tools are stored in a dry place, so it is advisable to build a shed.

Interior arrangement
Interior arrangement

As for materials, it is necessary to understand that animals will be kept in the barn all year round, so the structure must be permanent.

Traditional materials that are often used to build a farm include:

  • brick or blocks;
  • tree;
  • various types of metal structures;
  • sandwich panels.

The material must reliably protect from heat, but, at the same time, keep warm in winter.

Size calculation

Size chart based on the number of heads
Size calculation

There are established standards for cattle breeding. Based on them, one cow should have 5-6 m2. This must be taken into account both when building a mini-farm and when building a large farm for 100 or more animals, using minimal resources.

At the stage of drawing up a business plan, you should plan the number of heads. The size of the future building depends on this. The layout is important and will largely depend on the direction of the farm.

Size chart based on the number of heads

With the construction barn for 20 or less heads you can handle it yourself. Construction for 30 or more heads of cattle must be carried out with the help of a team.

Farm equipment

Barn structure
Barn structure

After completing the main stages of construction, you need to start equipping the barn. A dairy farm requires a milking parlor, a room for storing products, and a separate room for calves. It is necessary to think in advance about floors with a slight slope and a chute for collecting waste. A ventilation system, heating system for regions with harsh climates, lighting, milking installations, as well as automatic water and feed supply will be required.

Farm equipment

The following equipment is required:

  • drinking bowls and feeders;
  • bedding;
  • combs and brushes;
  • headlocks.

Every farm should have a stun gun to quickly calm the animal if necessary. If the farm is large, then it makes sense to include automated devices in the project.

Pasture for walking

One of the conditions for increasing productivity is daily exercise. The owner needs to equip a walking area. It is important that cows can consume green feed while walking.

The area should be securely fenced. Place containers with fresh water on the territory. Care should be taken to construct a canopy to protect animals from the sun and precipitation.
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