Causes and signs of abscess in a cow, cattle treatment and prevention

An abscess in a cow is a limited formation that is filled with purulent contents inside. It appears under the skin. Most often, this problem is caused by a violation of the integrity of the epithelium. An abscess causes severe pain in the animal and poses a great danger to health and life. If an abscess ruptures, there is a risk of developing sepsis.

What is it and what parts of the body does it affect?

This term refers to an abscess or abscess that appears on a specific cow body parts. This abnormal formation is a separate cavity that is filled with pus. It appears due to purulent damage to loose tissue. Damage to other organs or tissues is also possible. Abscesses can have different types:

  • acute, subacute, chronic;
  • aseptic, infectious;
  • benign, malignant;
  • deep, superficial;
  • edematous, cold, metastatic.

Pathology can lead to damage to different parts of the cow’s body. These include muscle tissue, bone structures, subcutaneous tissue, internal organs, and lymph nodes. Education is often localized in the udder area.

When identifying and treating an abscess, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the damaged area and systematically wash it.

Reasons for appearance

Most often, the cause of problems is a violation of the skin structure. The development of suppuration is caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the wound. These can be staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci. Bacteria enter the damaged area in the following ways:

  1. Blood poisoning from haircuts, injections or other medical procedures. This is observed very rarely.
  2. Mechanical damage. In this case, a secondary infection is often associated, which causes the formation of an abscess. Even minor damage can provoke active reproduction of pathogenic flora.
  3. Contact with chemicals. The problem is caused by exposure to kerosene, turpentine or croton oil.

abscess in a cow

Signs of illness

It can be very difficult to identify an abscess, since its appearance is not accompanied by serious disorders in the body. However, over time there is a risk of the following signs appearing:

  • decreased or complete loss of appetite;
  • increase in temperature;
  • general weakness associated with intoxication;
  • constant anxiety - it manifests itself especially strongly when touching the affected area;
  • the formation of a round lump under the skin;
  • pain when touching the damaged area.

Diagnostic methods

The doctor diagnoses the pathology based on the clinical picture. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to puncture the affected area. Any compaction in the subcutaneous structures can be felt. When pressed, a small depression can be revealed. In this case, after a few minutes it returns to its original position on its own.

It is important to consider that it is impossible to identify an abscess in the liver while the cow is alive, especially if this condition is not accompanied by the appearance of symptoms.

Methods for treating abscess in cattle

If symptoms of inflammation are detected, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a veterinarian, especially in large areas of the lesion.

General recommendations

To avoid negative health consequences, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  • provide the sick cow with maximum rest;
  • in the absence of aggression, warm the affected area;
  • isolate the animal from the herd by providing a room with clean bedding;
  • add Sulfadimezin to food.

With this diagnosis, it is strictly forbidden to use cold compresses or massage. This causes the movement of microorganisms to healthy organs, which provokes their infection.

abscess in a cow

Opening an abscess

It is recommended to open the abscess if there is a strong tension on the walls of the organ. The procedure should be performed under local anesthesia.

This is permissible only if the education is benign.

To carry out the procedure, do the following:

  1. Pierce the abscess with a trocar and tube. Through it it is necessary to remove a certain part of the pus.
  2. Insert a scalpel into the most protruding part and perform a dissection. This should be done before the granulation shaft.
  3. Clean and dry the cavity thoroughly.
  4. Finally, fill it with drainage and Vishnevsky ointment.
  5. Apply a sterile bandage. It is recommended to change it every day.

If a malignant tumor is detected, you should do the following:

  1. Make a tissue incision with excision of the affected fragments.
  2. Stop the bleeding.
  3. Irrigate the opened abscess for a long time using a special disinfectant solution.
  4. Powder the wound with Tricillin.
  5. Drain the cavity with proteolytic enzymes.

It is impossible to remove a huge abscess using other methods. In such a situation, it is necessary to open it and carry out excision.

Drug treatment

Most often, the following drugs are used to eliminate an abscess:

  • "Desi spray";
  • "Genta-10";
  • "ASD-3";
  • Dorogova balm No. 10;
  • Vishnevsky ointment.

Preventive actions

The development of abscesses is quite slow. Therefore, it is important to identify pathology at the initial stage of development. To prevent the growth of the inflammatory process, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. After walking, carefully examine the condition of the animals’ skin. If you have time, it is worth carrying out palpation. When an abscess appears, it is possible to feel the compaction.
  2. Treat damaged areas with special antiseptics.
  3. Provide dry and clean bedding for cows. Pathogenic bacteria often accumulate in old layers, which cause dangerous damage.
  4. Choose desert areas as pasture. It is advisable that there are no bushes or insects on them.

The occurrence of an abscess in a cow is considered a common problem that leads to negative health consequences. To avoid complications, it is important to show the animal to a veterinarian in a timely manner.
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