For what reasons do calves chew boards and what do they lack? Prevention

Calves often mouth or bite various objects after weaning on colostrum. This problem is caused by vitamin deficiency in young children and the occurrence of hypovitaminosis. At the same time, kids can chew wood, eat soil, and tear paper. To deal with the problem, it is important to determine why calves are chewing boards. In some situations, this requires the help of a veterinarian.

Why and what to do if calves chew on boards

There are many reasons why calves may chew on boards or other wooden objects.


This term refers to pathology that appears due to metabolic disorders.The provoking factors for its development are considered to be an unbalanced diet, a deficiency of carbohydrates, and the liver processing of excess fat.

In addition, the cause of the development of pathology is considered to be a lack of walks in the fresh air. If measures are not taken in time, there is a risk of the process becoming chronic. At the same time, ketone bodies accumulate in the calf’s body, which provoke damage to internal organs. In this case, the heart, liver, and glands may be damaged.

Veterinarians note that the risk of developing ketosis increases when feeding pets with concentrated food. At the same time, animals face a shortage of hay or root crops.


If the calf chews on boards or licks walls, osteodystrophy may be suspected. This pathology is characterized by a lack of vitamin D, phosphorus and calcium. The reason is also a violation of the proportions of these compounds. Deterioration of absorption functions in the digestive system may be due to poor nutrition or inflammation of the mucous membranes. As a result, metabolism is disrupted and hypocalcemia develops.

Vitamin D deficiency in the calf's body and impaired calcium and phosphorus metabolism provoke noticeable problems in the process of bone formation. The baby may also develop rickets. When the first symptoms of problems appear, it is recommended to give the calves vitamin and mineral complexes. They must contain phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D.

a lot of calves


This pathology predominates in regions with peat-boggy soil types that contain little copper. A deficiency of this element occurs when its content in the soil is less than 15 milligrams per 1 kilogram, and in feed - up to 5 milligrams per 1 kilogram.

In calves, pathology can develop against the background of prolonged feeding with milk or its substitutes. A lack or excess of a certain element in the feed provokes a chain reaction. Hypocuprosis is caused by a deficiency of cobalt or iron. Excessive amounts of calcium and lead also cause problems. The same applies to inorganic sulfates, sulfur, and molybdenum.

Common symptoms of the disease include the following:

  • developmental delay;
  • a sharp drop in hemoglobin;
  • violation of the structure of the coat;
  • softening of bones and curvature of joints;
  • diarrhea;
  • anemia;
  • perversion of appetite.

To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests of soil, feed, and blood. For therapeutic purposes, calves should be fed copper sulfate in the amount of 50-150 milligrams per day. It is recommended to use other substances. They are introduced into the diet as premixes. To prevent the disease, it is worth introducing 8-10 milligrams of copper per 1 kilogram of dry weight into the diet. When growing food yourself, it is recommended to introduce fertilizers containing copper into the soil.

It is important to avoid an overdose of copper, since this substance provokes intoxication of the body in a short time.


This pathology is caused by a deficiency of cobalt in the soil. It belongs to the category of endemic diseases. Symptoms of the disease are usually diagnosed in spring or winter. Pathology occurs in areas with peaty-boggy, podgold and sandy soil types with a cobalt content of up to 2 milligrams per 1 kilogram. In grass and hay, its amount is 0.6 milligrams per 1 kilogram. The pathology is characterized by the following signs:

  • violation of digestive functions, in which diarrhea is replaced by constipation;
  • perversion of appetite;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • symptoms of general anemia.

a lot of calves

To replenish the lack of cobalt, calves chew wood, boards, and bark. They may also lick walls or other animals. Often the cubs try to eat soil or dry grass. To eliminate pathology, cobalt chloride and sulfate are used. In this case, it is worth using 10-20 milligrams of the product per day. The composition is used in tablet form, feeding or premix. It is also permissible to buy substances with metal salts.

The inclusion of feed with a high cobalt content in the diet is of no small importance. These include legumes, beet and rutabaga tops, and meat and bone meal. Feeder yeast can also be used. In advanced forms of the disease, it is worth using injections of vitamin B12.

It is worth considering that an overdose of a substance is more dangerous than its deficiency. If there is an excess of the drug, changes are observed in the mucous membranes of the eyes, digestive organs, lung tissue or circulatory system.

Prevention measures

To avoid problems, it is important to feed calves properly. It is recommended to check hay and feed for the presence of the required components. If a deficiency of substances is identified, it is worth introducing minerals and vitamins into the diet. You can find special salt licks on sale. There are also salts that include the necessary components. If bezoar disease is suspected, it is necessary to check the productivity of the uterus. If the cow's productivity is insufficient, it is recommended to feed the calf.

To prevent the baby from getting bored, it is recommended to let it out to pasture all day and put it in hay at night. This is acceptable if the calf can eat roughage. Calves may chew on boards for a variety of reasons.Most often, the provoking factor is a lack of certain substances. To cope with the problem, it is important to make a correct diagnosis and choose a balanced diet.
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