Chicory is considered a perennial plant with a thick and fleshy root. This type of plant has a long and smooth stem, which is covered with small hairs, and leaves grow on it. During flowering, it is covered with pink or bluish flowers, which are collected in peculiar small boxes. Regardless of the type of chicory, only the seeds and roots are used.
Description of the plant
The plant is often found in abandoned areas, near roads, and in overgrown wastelands. It also grows in many countries.
From one plant you can get from 2 to 20 thousand seeds. This herb blooms throughout the summer, but seed ripening lasts until mid-September. Roots and seeds are used for consumption. After harvesting, the harvest is ground and used as an additive in coffee to brew the drink. This purpose is justified by its wonderful smell and bitter taste. Decoctions are also made from the roots, which have healing properties.
What varieties of chicory are there?
As for chicory varieties, there are more than 10 varieties, but only 2 of them are popular.
- Endive variety. This type is often used to prepare a variety of salads and side dishes for meat dishes.
- Ordinary. Drinks that are good for health are brewed from it.
For salads, use only fresh and not old leaves. It is important to add it to food. It is especially common in the countries of the Mediterranean Sea, because it is there that the main accumulation of this plant is observed.
The common variety is mainly used in powder consistency. This species produces a drink that tastes like coffee.
Important! The root of the ordinary variety has beneficial substances, due to which this herb is often used to prepare medicinal decoctions.
Red chicory
Red chicory has reddish leaves with distinct white veins. The taste of this representative of the variety is bitter and pungent, but softens after heat treatment. It is believed that this type is a salad type and is suitable for preparing a light dish. Combines with olive oil, beans and similar vegetables.
This plant normalizes the metabolic process in the body and also removes all toxic substances.It also cleanses the kidneys, helps improve health in diabetic patients, normalizes blood composition, awakens appetite, has a positive effect on intestinal function and is used as a remedy for heartburn.
With regular use, it restores body tone, relieves fatigue and exhaustion.
Chicory Witloof-salad
Witloof is a salad variety, often called Belgian chicory. It is grown in greenhouses in winter or autumn. It is at this time, with the help of forcing from the roots, that juicy heads of cabbage and crispy leaves are obtained. The plant is also grown in summer. To do this, it is planted in the beds.
Before using Witloof for salad, it is soaked in brackish water, thus removing the bitter taste. The main feature of this leaf variety is its productivity throughout the winter period, at a time when there are few fresh vegetables. The herb has many beneficial substances that have medicinal properties.
Chicory Endive
The Endive variety belongs to the daisy family and is considered a close relative of dandelions. Among the people it is called salad chicory. This plant is represented by a head of light green color with green leaves. The leaves have a peculiar curliness, due to this criterion it is visually similar to lettuce.
The taste is the same as that of other species, but is not as popular in comparison with them. It is sold in dense heads of greenish color, which have smooth and united leaves, and reach 13 centimeters in length.
Chicory grows all year round; it can be consumed raw, brew drinks, or make fresh salads. The plant has beneficial qualities and healing abilities. Anyone who hasn't tried it at least once has missed out on a lot.After all, it is easy to grow even on a windowsill. By planting the seeds, you will receive a real treasure with a large supply of vitamins.