Obtaining lamb fat is one of the goals pursued when keeping sheep and rams. The fat is called lamb fat or fat tail. The product is especially popular in the Caucasus, as well as Asian countries. Its use is not limited to cooking; fat tail is the basis of numerous folk recipes that are used to treat various diseases.
Composition and calorie content
Lamb fat is obtained by melting fat tail fat.The product is not recommended for use as an independent dish; its calorie content is 897 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. It is suitable for frying, seasoning dishes, and preparing national Mongolian drinks. The chemical composition of fat tail is unique. This explains the various beneficial qualities that are attributed to it.
Element | Description |
Fats | 97 percent |
Water | 0.2 percent |
Vitamins | 2 percent |
Macronutrients | 0.3 percent |
Information! Lamb fat is extracted from the back of a sheep carcass. The fat tail is located near the tail.
The benefits of tail fat
The benefits of sheep fat, rendered in a special way, are explained by the unique beneficial effects on the systems of the human body. Lard can be used both internally and externally.
For women
The medicinal properties allow the product to be used to eliminate disorders of the reproductive system in women. Lamb fat, taken according to a certain schedule, helps get rid of infertility and regulate the menstrual cycle.
Internal lard helps cure erosion and eliminate the consequences of inflammatory processes. To do this, make cotton swabs. They are dipped in a mixture of lard and sea buckthorn oil. Tampons are left overnight. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.
The lanolin content allows the product to be used as the basis of a moisturizing and nourishing body cream. To give the base a pleasant and light aroma, essential oils of orange or lemon are added to homemade creams.
For men
Lamb tail is useful for those men who have been diagnosed with disorders of the reproductive system.When taken regularly, the product increases potency, helps get rid of the prostate and improve the functioning of the urinary tract.
For children
Children are treated with lamb fat for severe bronchitis and tonsillitis. At this age, the bronchi and lungs are not sufficiently strengthened, so colds are complicated by accompanying symptoms. Lamb fat is mixed with milk and given to children provided there are no allergies.
This drink helps remove mucus from the bronchi and reduce swelling of the laryngeal mucosa.
Lamb lard is used for children as an immunomodulatory agent. Regular intake of 0.5 tsp. Helps strengthen the child’s general immunity and increase protective qualities during seasonal colds. You can give healing mixtures to children only if there are no contraindications.
Use in folk medicine
The content of valuable substances makes lamb fat an effective remedy that is available for use in traditional medicine:
- The content of lanolin and a natural antioxidant complex allows it to be used as an external remedy. Internal lard is used as the basis for various remedies or is used as the only component of treatment. It is customary to rub it on the back and chest when you have a cold.
- With its help, joint pain is treated, using internal lard daily as a means of rubbing.
- For varicose veins on the legs, take fat, add herbal extracts and rub the problem areas.
- Melted lard is applied to the wen on the body, rubbed and left for 15-20 minutes. This technique allows you to get rid of problems in several sessions.
- For skin irritations, burns, tumors, and heel spurs, a composition based on lamb fat, propolis, and onions is used.The components are crushed, combined in equal proportions, and applied to the heel spur overnight.
- For bronchitis or severe cough caused by various disorders, lamb fat is used to prepare drinks. It helps remove mucus from the bronchi and promotes tissue healing.
- A compress of fat tail grated on a coarse grater helps cure a hernia. The compress is applied to the problem area, held for 15-20 minutes, then massaged a little. The course of treatment lasts 10 days.
Use in cooking
Lamb fat is an essential ingredient in the national cuisines of Asia and the Caucasus. There it is valued for the specific smell of lamb meat. Vegetables are fried in fat and made into a base for pilaf or soup.
Dishes prepared using sheep or lamb lard:
- Kutaby. For this dish, lard is mixed with minced meat. Adding lard helps maintain juiciness and taste.
- Chickpeas. This is an Azerbaijani national dish, which is prepared exclusively with lamb fat.
- Samsa. To prepare samsa, fat must be added not to the minced meat, but to the dough. The dough is kneaded exclusively by hand.
- Baked leg of lamb. This recipe is especially popular in the Caucasus. Lard cubes are used to stuff a leg of lamb. Melted fat makes the dish more juicy and also helps achieve a crispy crust.
Reference! Damascus chefs prepare national sweets using melted lamb fat.
Are there any harms and contraindications?
Animal products have numerous contraindications, despite the proven benefits of their consumption:
- cholesterol content makes the product dangerous for those diagnosed with kidney, liver, and gallbladder diseases;
- it is necessary to limit consumption to a minimum in case of atherosclerosis, elements of lamb fat can cause irreversible changes in blood vessels;
- with a diagnosed stomach ulcer, animal products can provoke exacerbations.
How to select and store
You can talk about the beneficial properties of fat tail only if you have purchased a high-quality natural product. It can be recognized by several signs:
- Color. Old lard has a grayish tint, while young lamb lard has a white or milky tint. A yellowish tint indicates that the fat tail was taken from an adult ram.
- Smell. The specific smell of lamb occurs when frying; when purchased, lard may have an unobtrusive smell of minced meat.
- Consistency. Despite the fact that lamb lard is purchased for melting, its consistency should be dense and firm.
Reference! The smell of ammonia indicates that the product is beginning to deteriorate.
Fat tail is stored for 4-6 months without loss of beneficial qualities. To keep the product fresh and suitable for cooking, it must be placed in a glass or plastic container that can be tightly closed with a lid. Depressurization and further entry of air can lead to weathering of the piece, violation of the temperature regime and spoilage.
Salted fat tail is used for cooking. Salting allows you to store it in a dark pantry, hanging it from the ceiling with a hook. Salting retains its beneficial qualities, but excludes further use for therapeutic purposes.