There are many benefits to using multi-hull hives for beekeeping. This option allows you to save space in the apiary and provides large bribes. In addition, the structure makes it easier for families to care for them. Multi-hull houses include frames that are considered interchangeable. This is an important advantage of technology. If necessary, sections can be easily swapped.
Design Features
One of the popular methods of beekeeping is the cultivation of insects in multi-hull hives. Such structures have many advantages.In appearance they resemble columns. The structure for keeping bees includes the following elements:
- The body is made of boards that look like a rectangular box. The dimensions are affected by the specific model and the number of frames. The body is complemented by a taphole with a valve.
- The bottom of the structure can be stationary or removable. The shield is made from boards 35 millimeters thick.
- The roof is made flat and given a slight slope. The shield is constructed from boards, and the top is finished with galvanized steel or aluminum.
- The covers are placed between the roof and the top of the hull. Sometimes the element is used to delimit sections.
- The ceiling is assembled from thin boards. For fixation, use 2 stripes. The part is a horizontal diaphragm located between the compartments.
- A frame with a mesh stretched over it is installed as a ventilation grille. This is done on the body or roof.
Positive and negative sides
The use of multi-hull structures has a number of advantages. These include the following:
- ease of removing waste from the hive - this can be done by releasing the removable bottom;
- reduction of time spent on servicing the apiary - the main work is carried out by replacing the entire section, and not the frames;
- ease of preparing food for the winter - the section with cells filled with honey just needs to be cleared of insects and stored in a special place until spring;
- ease of collecting honey - insects put the product in the upper cases, which eliminates the need to disassemble the nest.
In addition, vertical structures are more adapted to the biological regime of bees, since in nature they live in hollows. In them, the nests are located in a vertical position.
However, such structures for keeping bees also have some disadvantages. Key disadvantages include:
- difficulties of transportation and movement - there is a risk of damage to the housings in the absence of reliable fastening;
- feasibility of use only in those farms where it is possible to raise a strong family;
- the need for a good food supply;
- impressive weight of sections.
To make a multi-body hive yourself, you will need drawings. First you need to determine how many frames should be included in the design. The most common options include hives with 10, 12 and 14 frames.
Beginners are allowed to take models for any number of frames. Using a standard drawing, you can make a hive with a different number of frames. The general scheme is the same. The differences relate only to dimensions.
To construct the structure, you will need dry boards, the thickness of which is 35 millimeters. The best option would be coniferous wood. It is also acceptable to use willow or linden. To fasten the boards with a tongue-and-groove lock, you need to use PVA glue. It is this material that provides good sealing of the seams. It is recommended to tighten the walls with self-tapping screws or fasten them with nails.
The following tools will be required:
- milling cutter;
- set of chisels;
- saw;
- hammer;
- plane;
- sanding machine or sandpaper.
You need to start assembling such a hive from the body. The board must be cut into blanks, observing the dimensions indicated in the drawing. Since the wood will be sanded, you need to leave an allowance of 3 millimeters. For trimming, this figure must be increased to 10 millimeters.
It is necessary to cut fragments of the locking joint on the sides. There should be a tenon at one end and a groove at the other.When cutting, it is imperative to comply with the requirements of straightness. If this rule is violated, the wall will be skewed.
The workpieces must be thoroughly sanded. For assembly, you need to carefully coat the joint with glue. When constructing shields, you need to use different widths of boards. In this case, the walls of the housing must be folded so that the seams do not coincide. By spacing the joints it is possible to make the structure more durable. The corners of the housing walls need to be tightened with self-tapping screws.
It is recommended to make folds from the inside of the hive. They need to be placed in the upper fragments of the front and rear walls. In this case, the width should be 11 millimeters and the depth should be 17.
The frame should fit into the folds with its shoulders so that there is a height difference between the top bar and the edge of the body. Its size should be 7 millimeters. The gap is required in order to place the next housing on top. The outside handles need to be secured for transportation. They should be in the center of the side walls.
For the roof, you need to build a shield from boards 25 millimeters thick. The upper part must be sheathed with sheet metal. It is necessary to drill 4 holes in the roof for ventilation. The structure should fit well to the body, but have a slight play to facilitate removal and installation.
It is recommended to make the bottom removable to make cleaning the hive easier. The structure must be assembled from boards and the strapping must be secured. The rear and side rails are made one-piece. It is necessary to cut a taphole on the front element. A ledge is immediately arranged, the width of which is 50 millimeters. It is used as an arrival board.
Terms of use
The use of the structure has certain features. They must be taken into account.
Rearranging sections
When keeping bees in such houses, it is necessary to periodically rearrange the buildings. This strengthens the colony and prevents it from swarming.
Hive expansion
To increase the number of bees, the queen must be forced to lay eggs intensively. In this case, it is necessary to move the compartment with the queen to the very bottom of the house. Under the influence of instinct, the queen will begin to move upward and take care of the brood.
Space saving
A multi-body hive involves installing fragments on top of each other. This helps save space in the apiary.
Features of wintering
To have a successful winter, it is important to properly prepare your bees. First of all, you need to make sure there is enough food. In addition to natural honey, it is worth using half-frames with beebread.
The multi-body design of a bee hive has many advantages. It helps save space in the apiary and ensures the full development of bee colonies. It is important to build such a hive correctly and follow the recommendations for its use.