How to permanently get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees - ways to fight them

The wax moth, or moth, is a small butterfly that has a modest color. It is considered one of the most dangerous enemies of bees. Therefore, many are interested in how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees. The safest method of control is the use of biological agents. Chemicals and folk recipes also help destroy pests.

Why is the pest dangerous for bees?

Wax moth is the most widespread and dangerous pest of bees. It belongs to the fireweed family. The pest is found everywhere. It predominates in areas where beekeeping is well developed.

This butterfly causes great damage to beekeepers. It affects weakened families and tinder fungi. Also at risk are layerings that were formed incorrectly. The pest lays eggs at night. Gluttonous larvae subsequently emerge from them. They penetrate the cell storage. These pests feed on honey, beebread, and honeycombs.

Over the course of a season, three generations of moths can destroy up to 500 kilograms of land. If the parasite enters the hive, the queen stops laying eggs, and the workers do not produce honey. When insects appear, bees begin to fight them. However, within a few hours there are a lot of pests. If measures are not taken in time, the bee colony will leave the hive. To protect dryness, it is important to use special products.

Causes and signs of appearance

The following factors lead to the appearance of parasites:

  • violation of cleanliness in the hives;
  • weakening of bee colonies;
  • absence of uterus;
  • increased temperature in the winter hut;
  • high humidity;
  • untimely removal of dead bees from hives.

Bee houses need to be cleaned frequently. Often during harvesting, wax moth larvae and excrement are found in bee bread. In this case, you need to empty the hive, clean it well and disinfect it.

To identify a moth infestation, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • slowing down the flight of bees - while all the forces of the family are aimed at fighting parasites;
  • the presence of pests thrown out by bees near the hives;
  • the appearance of bees with cobwebs on their bodies;
  • grouping of insects near the entrance so that they do not fly out;
  • the presence of moths in the apiary;
  • accumulation of debris on the bottom - it includes cobwebs, particles of honeycombs, caterpillars and butterflies.

how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees

Methods for getting rid of wax moths

To cope with wax moths, it is permissible to use different methods. For this purpose, biological and chemical methods are used. Traditional recipes are also very effective.

how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees

Biological method

This option is considered the safest. It is based on the use of plants, the aroma of which repels parasites, and bacteria that can fight moths. To destroy pests, you should use the following:

  • Walnut leaves. They should be mixed with dry hops and the resulting mass should be scattered onto dry frames when storing them in winter.
  • Mint. If you place this plant in a honeycomb storage, it will help repel insects and protect the dry land from moths. Treating hives with a solution made from peppermint can also protect against larvae.

The drug “Biosafe” is considered an even more effective means of combating caterpillars. It includes spores of Bacillus thuringiensis. This substance must be mixed with water and applied to the honeycomb. The drug gives effect within a year after spraying. The first results will appear within a day.

how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees

Mechanical method

To combat parasites, you can simply shake out the larvae from the honeycombs. The frame needs to be pulled out of the hive and cleaned of parasites with a light tap. It is recommended to destroy the fallen larvae immediately.

how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees


It is recommended to use chemicals with extreme caution, strictly following the instructions. It is important to consider that many products leave traces on honey. They pose a danger not only to parasites, but also to bees. Effective means include the following:

  • “StopMol” plates – need to be hung between frames.As they weather, they are replaced by others.
  • Use of OKEBM or methyl bromide gases - substances are used within 24 hours. It is also permissible to use carbon dioxide with a concentration of 95 to 98.5%.
  • Formalin, carbon disulfide or paradichlorobenzene - they can be used to treat frames to destroy eggs.
  • "Endobacterin" - the drug is used by spraying.
  • “Dendrobacillin”, “Insectin”, “Thuringin” - these products have a detrimental effect on pests, but are not dangerous for beneficial insects.
  • “Ascomolin” - this substance must be applied on top of hives with frames. It is recommended to use 10 tablets per frame.
  • "Paradichlorobenzene" - the drug should be placed between cells.
  • "Timol" - used for double treatment with an interval of 5-10 days. To do this, it needs to be applied to the upper bars - 0.25 grams per 1 frame.
It is worth considering that when working with chemicals, it is imperative to use protective equipment.

For this purpose, you can use gloves, a robe, and glasses. This helps prevent the product from getting on the skin and mucous membranes. After handling the hives, you should wash your hands well.

how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees

Use of salt

To prevent moths from appearing, you can use a saline solution. To do this, it is recommended to dry the honeycombs freed from honey and treat them with salt solution on both sides. It needs to be made strong enough.

After drying, it is recommended to remove excess salt. Moths do not grow in honeycombs treated with salt. With the arrival of spring, the honeycombs should be sprinkled with water. This is done before installing them in the hives. This procedure will provide the bee colony with the required amount of salt.

how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees


Smoke attack leads to the death of wax moth caterpillars. However, the rate of destruction is affected by the source of the smoke.To avoid damaging the honeycombs, it is recommended to use a regular smoker.

To carry out the fumigation procedure, you should do the following:

  • Place the frames in the honeycomb storage.
  • Pump smoke inside through the bottom hole.
  • Fumigate the room throughout the day.

Smoke attacks are recommended to be carried out 2 times a year. This needs to be done in spring and autumn. In total, you need to do 3 fumigations with an interval of 1 week.

To quickly deal with pests, it is recommended to use tobacco smoke. It helps to cope with parasite larvae and repels butterflies. Fumigation with sulfur also kills moths. However, the intense sulfur smell can also repel bees.

Special gas mixtures have a pronounced toxic effect. Therefore, it is recommended to trust their use to specialists.

how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees

Freezing and heating

Temperature effects are highly effective, since the moth at all stages of development retains vital activity only at specific values. Thus, storing honeycombs at a temperature of -10 degrees for 3 days helps to completely get rid of the larvae. Heating to +50 degrees has a similar effect.

how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees

Acetic or formic acid fumes

To remove wax moths, you can place a container with formic or acetic acid at the bottom of a box with frames. The box must be securely closed, and the cracks must be sealed with sealant. The active substances erode well. This treatment does not repel bees.

how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees

Traditional methods

If there are wax moths in the hive, you can use folk remedies. To maintain the health of bees, it is worth using plants whose smell pests cannot stand. These include:

  • mint;
  • Melissa;
  • marigold;
  • thyme;
  • black root;
  • immortelle;
  • elder;
  • sagebrush.

how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees

The combination of these plants enhances the effect and gives positive results. Herbs can be planted near the hives or laid out dry in a honeycomb storage facility. Also, the moth does not tolerate the smell of printing ink. Therefore, to preserve the health of the bee colony, you can put fresh newspapers in the hives.

Ordinary garlic is considered an excellent remedy for fighting wax moths. To protect the hive for a long period of time, it is enough to cut one slice into several parts and place it in the hive.

Tobacco will also help deal with wax moths. To do this, during the flowering period, the plant must be cut at the root and placed between the honeycombs. One bush is enough to process three buildings.


To avoid infection with wax moths, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • provide conditions for the creation of strong bee colonies;
  • keep the hives in good condition;
  • maintain cleanliness and order in the hive and apiary;
  • fumigate the honeycomb storage facility with sulfur for 24 hours, then repeat the procedure after 2 weeks;
  • ensure good ventilation and required air dryness;
  • maintain the temperature in the cell storage at +10 degrees;

how to get rid of wax moths in a hive with bees

  • replace a third of the honeycombs every year with rebuilt ones;
  • store wax in tightly closed containers;
  • make grooves with water around the bee house - this will help prevent the spread of larvae between hives;
  • Stored beekeeping material should be packaged in transparent bags to promptly identify wax moths;
  • regularly clean pallets when using tick traps and get rid of debris;
  • destroy damaged cells.

It is important to consider that sulfur cannot be used if there is honey in the combs. The fact is that sulfur substances can harm bees.

Wax moth is a very dangerous pest that can lead to the death of bee colonies. To deal with parasites, you can use a variety of methods. In order for hive treatment to be effective, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.
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