Without proper care, the bee colony is exposed to parasites and diseases, which increases the risk of losing the apiary. For treatment and preventive treatment, the universal drug “Timol” is used, which is an excellent protection for bees against acarapidosis, varroatosis and other dangerous diseases. In what other cases is Timol used, and how to use the drug correctly, we will look into the details further.
Composition and release form of the drug
"Timol" is a 100% natural drug, characterized by antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, strengthens the immune system of hardworking insects.
The composition of the remedy includes:
- cresols or methylphenol - organic compounds with a strong disinfectant effect;
- the organic substance isopropyl is a natural antiseptic and is characterized by fungicidal properties;
- thyme extract actively counteracts fungi, viruses, bacteria and parasites that can develop in the body of insects.
The drug is produced in the form of white powder or crystals, soluble in hot liquid, ether, acetic acid and alcohol. The remedy has a pleasant aroma with a tart, burning undertone.
"Timol" goes on sale in hermetically sealed bags, weighing from 5 g to 2 kg, or in glass bottles, packaged in 3 g.
Important! The drug "Timol" is insoluble in cold water and is not compatible with menthol and camphor substances.
Principle and scope
In beekeeping, the drug is used as a preventative and therapeutic agent.
- The parasitic varroa mite is carried by drones and quickly spreads in the brood. Without timely treatment, the entire hive family is affected by varroa and dies.
- The tracheal mite Acarapis vude reproduces in the respiratory organs of bees. If timely measures are not taken when an acarapidosis infection is detected, the insects die.
- Nosema most often appears in late winter or early spring. The bees weaken, the insects' abdomen becomes very swollen, and a digestive system disorder appears. Without treatment, the family dies.
- Foul rot is an infectious disease that poses a danger to insect brood. Without intervention, the disease spreads quickly, increasing the risk of complete extinction of the apiary.
- The fungal infection ascopherosis affects the brood of insects, which die while in a cocoon state. To avoid infection, the hives are treated with the drug.
To avoid the death of insects and loss of bee apiary, “Timol” is used in dry form or a solution is made based on hot water or sugar syrup.
Important! Before using the medicine, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the hives and insects.
Rules for use in beekeeping
"Timol" is used strictly following the instructions for the drug.
- It is recommended to carry out preventive treatment and treatment of insects in early spring or autumn, after the activity of bees decreases.
- It is also necessary to take into account the weather conditions of the insect breeding region. Treatment is successful at temperatures not lower than +7 and not higher than +27 degrees.
- It is prohibited to use the drug while pumping out honey. If bees are being treated at this moment, the procedures are completed 7-10 days before the planned removal of nectar from the hives.
The following methods of using Timol are used:
- granules in an amount of 3 g are diluted in 100 ml of hot water, and then mixed with 25 liters of sugar syrup. 100 g of the finished solution is used for each frame. The course of treatment is 4 days with an interval of 5 days;
- dry granules are poured into bags made of natural linen fabric and placed in the hives for 14 days;
- seven of the drug and sugar syrup are sprayed into the hives, after which it is closed for 2 days;
- a medicinal product in an amount of 3 g is mixed with 10 kg of kandi and 40 g of the nutrient mixture is placed in each frame. The course of treatment is 3 days with breaks of 5 days.
Important! The use of "Timol" reduces the risk of insects being affected by diseases and parasites, is used as the main therapeutic agent, helps to increase brood, and increases the immunity and productivity of bees.
Contraindications, side effects and restrictions on use
If the dosages and methods of use are followed correctly, the natural preparation is completely safe for insects and does not affect the quality and composition of honey.
To work with the drug, you must follow some safety precautions:
- It is not recommended to use the remedy in small, weak families;
- when it gets on the skin and mucous membrane, “Timol” causes severe irritation and burns, so contact with it should be avoided;
- If it enters human blood, the drug can cause paralysis and lead to death.
Important! To avoid unpleasant consequences, when working with Timol, use a protective suit, respirator and gloves.
Shelf life and storage conditions
Store the drug in its original packaging, in a dark, cool place, away from food, small children and pets. If all conditions are met, Timol remains active for 2 years.
Analogues of the product
As analogues of "Timol" to combat diseases and parasites, drugs based on amitraz compounds are used. "Apitak", "Bipin", "Tanis", "Yantrin" and "Tactic" also show high effectiveness in treating bees.