Productivity, characteristics and description of the Bogatyr pepper variety

Sweet pepper is an annual vegetable, the fruit of which is a false, hollow, multi-seeded berry. The homeland of pepper is America, where in the wild it is found in nature and these days it does not taste at all sweet. Sweet bell pepper occupies one of the key places in cooking.

Russian breeders are famous for creating especially tasty, juicy, fruitful bell pepper varieties different in size and taste. The Bogatyr bell pepper attracted particular attention from vegetable growers and summer residents.

Features of the variety

Sweet peppers have received permanent residence in Russian summer cottages and vegetable farms.Among all varieties, the Bogatyr variety has particular preference. According to the description of the Bogatyr pepper, it is an excellent mid-season variety for growing in open ground and greenhouse conditions. In this case, the following are usually distinguished:

  • Friendly germination of seeds;
  • Resistance of seedlings to light frosts;
  • Powerful branched root system, strong tall bush with a spreading crown, average height of the bush is about 60 cm;
  • The variety has a high percentage of fruit set;
  • The fruits are large, cone-shaped or cuboid-shaped. At technical maturity, the fruits are green in color; when ripe, very aromatic, juicy, smooth, the fruits acquire a rich red color. The fruits contain a large percentage of amino acids and vitamin C;
  • The fruiting period lasts from August until frost;
  • The hollow fruit weighs approximately 180 g and has a thick juicy wall of about 5 mm, which ensures freshness during harvesting, storage and transportation. These properties allow not only to preserve fresh fruits for a long time, but also to transport them over long distances;
  • The fruits ripen almost simultaneously throughout the season. High productivity is characteristic of this variety: one square meter of planting will provide the gardener with eight kilograms of juicy large fruits;
  • The plant has high resistance to diseases. Verticillium wilt, blossom end rot, mosaic, the scourge of many varieties, rarely affects the Bogatyr variety.

sweet pepper bush bogatyr

This is the description of the Bogatyr variety. Each characteristic is supported by special agricultural technology conditions. A high yield depends on the humidity of the site and its illumination.

Good watering and sunshine allow you to grow a rich harvest of Bogatyr pepper.

Agrotechnical features of growing crops

To grow peppers, seeds are used, the purchase of which in specialized stores guarantees good seed germination, their growth and development, and a high yield. Bogatyr pepper seeds are planted in the first days of February.

The sprouted seeds have time to develop a strong root system, which, when planted in a garden bed, quickly takes root and adapts to open ground.

Sweet pepper Bogatyr has the following growing scheme:

  • For planting seeds, ready-made soil mixture purchased in the store gives good results. It is pre-treated with agents against pathogens that cause pepper disease;
  • Seeds selected for planting are pre-soaked in warm water. Swollen seeds acquire better germination. In addition, this procedure allows you to sort the seeds: seeds that are not swollen are not suitable for planting;
  • Prepared seeds are sown in the soil at a distance of at least 2 cm to a depth of approximately 3 cm. Planting deeper will slow down the emergence of seedlings. Experienced vegetable growers plant seeds in a staggered manner so that future sprouts have enough space for growth and development of the root system
  • A container with planted seeds covered with film or glass is installed in a room where the temperature is approximately 25 0C. Shoots appear after 4-5 weeks;
  • With the appearance of sprouts, the room regime is changed: the shelter is removed and the temperature in the room is reduced by 3-4 degrees. Using a fluorescent lamp, provide the planting with about 12 hours of daylight;
  • The third true leaf of the seedling is a signal for diving the seedlings into cups with prepared soil;
  • For better rooting, seedlings should be placed in a special greenhouse;
  • After the seedlings are well rooted, they begin to fertilize the young plants.

pepper seedlings bogatyr

To plant peppers, a bed is prepared on the site. The place allocated for planting Bogatyr peppers should be well ventilated, but protected from strong winds. The time for planting should be planned for the last days of May. At this time, the return of frost has passed. Although the variety is frost-resistant and hardened seedlings can withstand cold nights, there is no point in taking risks. For young plants that have not yet taken root in the soil, it is better to protect them from the cold with a film, shading the young plantings from the bright spring sun.

Experienced vegetable growers recommend planting in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between plants should be approximately 60 cm. This scheme gives space for spreading pepper bushes on the surface and the development of a powerful root in the soil.

Plants love moisture, regular but not too frequent watering with warm water, fertilizing contribute to stable fruiting and high yields.

Peppers have a good effect on areas where the predecessors were planted with cabbage, pumpkin crops, cucumbers, and various root crops.

The described methods for growing Bogatyr pepper are practically no different from standard methods for growing other varieties of sweet peppersTherefore, its advantage is high yield and unique quality of fruits.

Features of care

The conditions for caring for Bogatyr’s plantings are normal. Like any other variety of red pepper, it needs periodic feeding, which is carried out several times throughout its entire growing season. Organic fertilizers contribute to the good development of pepper.To do this, use manure diluted in warm water: one liter of manure must be diluted in one bucket of water. Feeding manure fermented in a barrel of water and weeds weeded out on the site have a good effect. At the same time, it is good to cover the roots of the plants with the fermented mass.

Before planting pepper buds, it is useful to water the plantings with a solution of two tablespoons of superphosphate in one bucket of water. Later, you can add a mixture of wood ash and superphosphate under each plant, the ratio of which should be: 1 glass of ash: 2-3 tablespoons of superphosphate.

After fertilizing, the pepper planting should be mulched with straw or non-woven material. The soil should remain moist until the next watering.

Compliance with all recommendations will ensure a high yield of juicy, tasty and very healthy product, both fresh and canned.

appearance of pepper bogatyr

Possible diseases and pests of pepper

The pepper variety Bogatyr is resistant to diseases, however, minor violations of agricultural technology can contribute to the appearance of pests or diseases:

  • Excessive moisture in pepper plantings and low temperatures can cause the fungal disease blackleg, which can destroy the entire planting. To combat them, antifungal remedies should be used;
  • Brown spot, a fungal disease, has a detrimental effect on the plant, affecting the leaves and fruit ovary. The fungus first attacks the lower leaves, then rises to the top of the bush. The main means of protection are antifungal drugs. They should also be used in the preventive treatment of plants;
  • Gray rot is dangerous for pepper at all stages of its growth. Putrid spots of gray mold cover plants, causing stunted growth and death of the plant;
  • Slugs cause considerable harm by eating the leaves and fruits of the plant, causing them to rot. The fight against these pests consists of treating the bush with mustard powder. Dusting the plant with hot pepper powder also helps;
  • The spider mite sucks the sap of the plant, which weakens and loses resistance to possible diseases. A good recipe for combating this pest is an infusion of dandelion leaves, chopped onions or garlic with the addition of soap;
  • Caterpillars emerging from a clutch of cutworm eggs devour all parts of the plant. To combat them, use a decoction of 1 kg of wormwood in 3 liters of water. Spraying is carried out twice with an interval of one week.

Growing sweet peppers of the Bogatyr variety in a summer cottage or at agricultural enterprises in compliance with all planting and care rules guarantees a high yield of healthy sweet red peppers in sufficient quantities.
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