Characteristics and description of Bell pepper, how to grow it

Bell pepper was first described by South American gardeners. It belongs to the berry varieties of peppers. It has been known in Russia not so long ago, but during this time it has received high praise from experienced and novice gardeners. Pepper gained popularity due to its decorative beauty and unusual taste.

General characteristics of the variety

Bluebell is described as a bitter perennial variety. In fact, this description is not true enough. Its taste is moderately spicy. It is distinguished by a piquant-spicy aroma. The appearance of the bushes and fruits has significant differences from the usual varieties of pepper.

Bluebell is a spreading variety. The bushes reach a height of 2 meters. The stems are powerful.The leaves are small. The stem of the plant and its leaves are covered with small fluff. The fruits have an unusual shape, resembling a bell or an elongated squash. The weight of the fruit reaches 75 grams. The pulp is juicy and fleshy. When ripe, the pods are red. The bright color and long stalks add decorative appeal to the plant.

Bellflower is a late-ripening variety. Biological maturity of fruits occurs 140-150 days after the appearance of seedlings.

In greenhouse conditions, the variety has high yield. Up to 50 pods are removed from one bush. In weight equivalent, this corresponds to 2 kg of fruit.

The fruits have an unusual taste. They do not have a burning pungency. The taste of the fruit is heterogeneous. In the immediate vicinity of the stalk it is moderately sharp. Pepper petals have a sweetish, spicy taste with light fruity notes. Some gardeners note the lemon flavor. Peppers become hot after reaching technical maturity.

The bell is used for fresh consumption and canning. It is actively added to sauces and stews.

bell pepper seeds

Beneficial properties of pepper

Experts note the beneficial characteristics of the Bell variety. This is due to the high content of vitamins and microelements in the pulp of the plant’s fruits. Regular consumption of pepper minimizes the risk of heart attack and stroke. The beneficial properties of pepper are due to the high content of vitamins B and C.

Using fresh fruits helps prevent viral and infectious diseases, reduces the likelihood of depression, and has a positive effect on mood, the condition of the skin, hair, and nail plates.

Experts highlight several areas of beneficial effects of the Bell variety on the human body:

  • removal of cholesterol;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • strengthening the bone corset;
  • improving blood quality;
  • increasing elasticity and strengthening blood vessels;
  • memory improvement;
  • stimulation of brain activity;
  • improved vision.

Eating red bell pepper has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Planting seeds

Bluebells are grown by seedlings. Seeds are used for sowing. Gavrish seed material is available for sale. One package contains up to 15 seeds. The variety is late ripening. For this reason, seeds are sown for seedlings in the second half of February or the first ten days of March.

Planting is done in special containers with drainage holes. If there are no holes for draining water, they must be pierced. Pepper is sensitive to excess moisture. The containers are filled with a ready-made peat mixture or the soil is prepared independently.

Experts recommend pre-heating the soil in the oven or treating it with an antiseptic solution.

Place 1-2 seeds in one container and sprinkle with a thin layer of earth. Seedling pots are covered with film until the first shoots appear. The optimal germination temperature is 23 degrees. In thickened plantings, peppers are planted at the stage of 2-3 true leaves. During transplantation, it is important not to damage the root system. Watering is carried out moderately, as necessary.

Seedlings should be grown indoors until the onset of stable heat. Before planting bushes in greenhouses or open ground, peppers are hardened.To do this, lower the night temperature to 13-15 degrees, and the day temperature to 17-18 degrees, respectively.

bell pepper bushes

Features of agricultural technology

Adult seedlings are planted after the onset of stable heat. In central Russia this period occurs at the end of May. Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method. The time is chosen evening or daytime, but without direct sunlight. In this case, the transplant will be less traumatic for the plants.

When planting, maintain a distance of 40 centimeters between bushes. The hole is prepared deep enough. The entire earthen lump from the seedling pot should fit into it. A third of the finished hole is filled with ash and filled with manganese solution. The soil of the transplanted plant is well compacted and mulched.

To grow healthy plants you need to follow simple rules.

  1. Moderate but regular watering. Plants do not like excess moisture. Watering is carried out at the root of the plant with warm water.
  2. Loosening the soil. The top layer of soil should be loosened one day after watering. This will improve oxygen saturation of the root system.
  3. Timely feeding. The first feeding is done 2-3 weeks after planting. A solution of mullein is used for it. The second is at the ash flowering stage. The third and subsequent ones - during the fruiting period with potassium fertilizers and calcium.
  4. Removing side shoots. After the plants bloom, it is necessary to remove all lateral shoots located below the first ovaries. This allows you to increase the yield of pepper.
  5. Winter transplant. Bluebell is a perennial variety. In warm climates it bears fruit for several years. In mid-latitudes, plants can be grown in warm rooms during the cold period.

Bell peppers are susceptible to a wide range of diseases. The most common are:

  • blackleg;
  • gray rot;
  • anthracnose;
  • wilt;
  • crown rot;
  • aphid;
  • spotted wilt.

appearance of bell pepper

To combat pests, it is necessary to follow the rules for caring for plant bushes and promptly remove diseased leaves, shoots and entire bushes.
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