Sooner or later, every gardener will be faced with the need to use pesticides. Modern poisons provide optimal protection against pests and weeds. But before you start, you need to study the instructions in detail. Find out about the compatibility of the selected option with fertilizers and other means.
In the end, figure out whether this type of pesticide is suitable for the plant being treated. And that's not it. You need to know about the season in which it is best to carry out the procedure, what precautions should be taken. It is difficult to acquire such knowledge on your own. We suggest turning to the specialized section of our website, where everything about pesticides is available.
When growing vegetables and fruits, it is important not only to use healthy seed material, but also
Chlorpyrifos is a chemical element found in many pesticides. It is actively used in agriculture
Pesticides are special substances that are actively used to control weeds and dangerous
Dust treatment of plants has not lost its relevance to this day, despite the fact that
To obtain high yields of grain crops, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for crops long before
“Planriz” is understood as a biological agent that is effective against various fungal infections. WITH
Plants, like people, are prone to diseases, so they need regular use of special products.
Pesticides used in agriculture belong to different classes of chemicals. Let's consider the physical and chemical properties
“Ortus” is a contact acaricide that is used for integrated protection of grapes, apple trees, and hops. He helps
The Cruiser disinfectant is a systemic pesticide that is used to treat seeds. Thanks to the use of this
Seed protectants are used to treat seed material of grain and other crops. Consider the purpose
Anti-tick is an effective acaricide that helps control most types of ticks. Composition successfully