If you know the recipes for making red currant juice for the winter and put them into practice, you can rest assured about your health. Constant support of the body in tone is achieved not without the help of a drink. There are legends about the beneficial properties of currants. Every summer resident tries to plant a currant bush on his plot. Red currant decoctions have a beneficial effect on the activity of many human organs, remove salts along with urine, relieve toxicosis, and so on.
- Features of preparing red currant juice for the winter
- How to select and prepare products?
- Preparing containers
- Best Recipes
- Currant juice in a juicer
- Redcurrant recipe
- With apple and raspberry
- With honey
- Sugarless
- With lemon and mint
- With orange
- With raspberries
- Spiced
- In a juicer
- Black and red currant juice
- Storage periods and rules
Features of preparing red currant juice for the winter
Currant juice turns out rich, bright, aromatic in the hands of any cook. To create a unique taste, you need to consider a number of points:
- The branches from the berries must be torn off, otherwise the drink will acquire a bitter taste and will be stored worse.
- For aroma, when cooking currants, add 3 leaves from a berry bush to the container.
- For better preservation, add sugar.
Attention! It would be more advisable to boil concentrated juice, and when drinking, dilute it with water.
How to select and prepare products?
Often, unscrupulous sellers in the market place a low-quality product. Therefore, you need to know how to choose the right berries. They should not be overripe, otherwise everything will turn into mush.
- A sour smell is a sign of fermentation. Such juices do not last long.
- Unripe berries should not be used.
- You need to take bright red berries that spring back but don’t burst.
- Buy only dry berries, otherwise the drink will turn out watery.
- If there is a chalk residue, it means that the currants have been chemically treated.
- Currants must be bought with branches.
These tips will help you choose tasty, aromatic berries for winter preparations.
Preparing containers
Red currant juice often turns sour, so storage containers are carefully sterilized.
The jars are washed under running water with soda, turned over onto a clean kitchen towel, allowed to drain, then proceed to sterilization.
Place jars on a baking sheet and place in a cold oven. Turn it on at 120 degrees and wait until it warms up. After 15 minutes it turns off.The juice is poured hot into heated jars. The lids are sterilized in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Best Recipes
The drink can be stored for a long time, both in concentrated form and with the addition of water. One of the best is considered a recipe for rich juice without adding water.
Currant juice in a juicer
This dish with sugar is prepared in a juicer as it speeds up the cooking process. The berries must be washed and the water allowed to drain. Proportions: two hundred grams of sugar are taken per liter of drink.
Strain the currants through a sieve, add sugar and place on the stove. Cook for 5 minutes. When hot, pour into jars and roll up.
Redcurrant recipe
You will need 250 grams of water, and for a liter of currant juice - one hundred grams of granulated sugar. First, you need to wash the berries and remove the stem. Grind in a meat grinder to break up the small seeds and add tartness. Place in a container, add water and place over medium heat. After boiling, remove and let cool.
Strain through cheesecloth and measure the amount of juice obtained. Based on this, add sugar and boil for about five minutes until it dissolves. Pour into jars and cover with lids. You need to store the currant drink for a year in the cellar or in the refrigerator.
With apple and raspberry
It is necessary to prepare apple and raspberry pieces in advance. For a liter of drink you will need half an apple and one hundred grams of raspberries. Sort and rinse apples and raspberries. Cut in any order. Place in a container and pour in the prepared redcurrant drink. Leave it like this for two hours.
Then put on low heat and bring to a boil. Pour into sterile jars, close the lids, and store in a cool place.
With honey
You will need two kilograms of raspberries, the same amount of honey, 50 grams of citric acid and 1.5 liters of water. Ripe currants are peeled from the stalk. Place berries in a porcelain or ceramic bowl, add water and add citric acid. Leave for a day, during which time carefully stir several times with a wooden spoon.
The next day, filter through cheesecloth. Pour honey into the broth, stir and place on low heat. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. Pour into sterile jars. Store in the cold.
Red currants are taken, washed, and separated from the stalk. Place it in a container, add a little water and put it on the fire.
The juice is poured into a glass jar, sterilized in advance, which will again have to be pasteurized. It will take 15 minutes to sterilize in the oven or in water, then the jars are closed using a seaming machine. Store refrigerated.
With lemon and mint
For a kilogram of currants, take 2-3 mint leaves, 150 grams of sugar, lemon, half a liter of water. Add sugar, lemon zest, washed mint leaves to the water and put on fire. After boiling, simmer for another five minutes, remove from heat and strain.
Remove the stem from the currants, crush them in a blender, and pass through cheesecloth. Mix sugar syrup and berry juice. Squeeze the lemon and put on fire. After boiling, remove from heat and pour into sterile containers. Roll up and store in the cold.
With orange
The same technology as with lemon and mint. Orange is used instead of lemon. You don't need mint, you can use sugar to taste.
With raspberries
For a kilogram of currants, take 700 grams of raspberries, 200 grams of sugar and 300 grams of water. Wash the berries, separate them from the stalk and place them in a saucepan. Mash with a blender until mushy.
Place on the stove, add water, cook for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, cool, strain the juice. Add sugar, bring to a boil. Remove the foam, pour into clean jars, and screw.
For preparation you will need:
- 500 grams of water;
- sugar - to taste;
- cinnamon stick;
- two carnations;
- a piece of ginger;
- a third of vanilla;
- a little nutmeg;
- and the juice itself (1.5 liters).
We put the juice on the fire, add water. We put the spices in cheesecloth, tie them and throw them into a pan with juice. It shouldn't boil. Then remove the gauze and squeeze it out. Add sugar and bring to a boil. Close the lid.
In a juicer
Pour water into the liquid compartment and let it boil. We sort the berries, remove the stalk. Place in the food compartment, sprinkle with sugar and close with a lid. Everything should be cooked over low heat for 1.5 hours. Then carefully open the tap and drain the drink. The jars can be filled and rolled up immediately.
Black and red currant juice
For a kilogram of red currants, take 600 grams of black currants. The branches of the berries are separated, washed and put on fire. Add 50 grams of water. As soon as they boil, remove from the stove and let cool.
The resulting drink is filtered through cheesecloth, put back on the fire, sugar is added to taste and boiled until it boils, skimming off the foam. Pour into clean jars, roll up and store in a cool place..
Storage periods and rules
If the container with currant juice has been washed, sterilized, and so on, then the shelf life of the product reaches a year. Banks are stored in basements and cellars. If you have space, you can put it in the refrigerator.