How delicious it is to eat salted tomatoes with fried potatoes in winter! They are so juicy and salty and perfect for this time of year. Try to prepare royal tomatoes for the winter this year. Their peculiarity is their deep aroma and sweet taste. It gives the dish an interesting note and allows you to open it from a different side.
Subtleties of preparing royal tomatoes for the winter
The royal tomato recipe has its own specific features:
- You can change the amount of sugar in the brine, but be careful not to make the treat too sweet.
- If for some reason you are intolerant to vinegar, citric acid will come to the rescue. For one liter jar, half a teaspoon will be the norm.
Advice. The preservation will be not only tasty, but also bright if you place the tomatoes alternately not only red, but also yellow. Children will love this idea.
How to choose and prepare tomatoes correctly
When choosing tomatoes at the market or in the supermarket, pay attention to the aroma. If it is pronounced, it means that the fruit is fully ripe; a barely perceptible smell indicates that the tomato is not ripe. Neighborhood with rotten, spoiled, beaten vegetables is not desirable. The fruit should be firm, but easily pressed, rich in color, without dents, yellow or dark spots, with elastic skin. Try to choose tomatoes of approximately the same size, medium size. To prepare a vegetable for canning, rinse it under running water.
Important! Wash the area of the stalk especially carefully - dirt often accumulates there.
After the tomatoes are clean, select a place near the stalk and make a small puncture there with a toothpick or needle. This is necessary so that the tomato does not burst under the influence of boiling water, so that the skin remains taut.
Pickling recipes
There are many recipes for royal tomatoes; below we will talk about the most popular of them.
Traditional way
For one 3-liter can of canned royal tomatoes we will need:
- Tomatoes – 1.5 kilograms.
- Cloves – 3 buds.
- Allspice peas – 3 pieces.
- Hot pepper pod - one small ring.
- Bell pepper – the fourth part.
- Dill - 1 umbrella.
- Garlic – 1 clove.
- Vinegar – 1.5 tablespoons.
- Granulated sugar - 1.5 cups.
- Salt – 1 tablespoon.
- Lavrushka - to taste.
Sterilize the bottles, put in dill, 3 types of pepper, cloves, bay leaves. Place tomatoes on top. Fill the bottle up to the neck with boiling water and wait half an hour. Pour the liquid back into the pan and bring to a boil. Add garlic, salt, granulated sugar, and vinegar to the bottle. Pour boiling water into a bottle and roll up. Place it upside down under a blanket for a day.
With honey
Ingredients for canned royal pickled tomatoes:
- Tomatoes – 5 kilograms.
- Water – 7.5 liters.
- Vinegar – 150 grams.
- Honey – 450 grams.
- Salt – 150 grams.
- Garlic – 2 heads.
- Black peppercorns - to taste.
- Cloves - to taste.
- Dill, blackcurrant leaves - to taste.
Rinse all components thoroughly; after cleaning, chop the garlic into small circles. Pre-sterilize the jars. Place garlic, seasonings, herbs from bottom to top, fill the bottles with tomatoes.
Now let's get to the brine. To do this, combine water, honey, pepper, vinegar and cloves in a container. Boil for about 3-4 minutes. After removing from heat, pour the brine over the tomatoes and wait until the liquid reaches room temperature. Pour it back into the pan, boil again for 3 minutes, transfer to jars. Roll them up, cover them with a warm blanket, placing the bottles upside down. After a day you can put it in a place of permanent storage.
With a spicy taste
Cooking spicy tomatoes will require the following ingredients:
- Tomatoes – 0.5 kilograms.
- Vinegar – 2 tablespoons.
- Hot capsicum – 0.5 pieces.
- Garlic – 1 clove.
- Yellow bell pepper – 1 piece.
- Allspice peas - to taste.
- Sugar – 100 grams (per 1 liter of water).
- Salt – 50 grams (per 1 liter of water).
We sterilize the bottles and add the seasonings. Lay out the tomatoes and sweet peppers, pour boiling water up to the throat. Cover with a metal lid and wait for half an hour. Next, measure out the water, counting the proportions: for one liter of liquid you need 100 grams of sugar and 50 grams of salt. Add to sleep and bring to a boil. Pour acetic acid into the bottle, pour the prepared brine, and you can start seaming. Leave the inverted bottles under a blanket for a day and move them to the cellar.
With honey and onions
The most seemingly incompatible products can be combined to produce delicious dishes. That's what this recipe is. To marinate them, we will need:
- Cream tomatoes – 2 kilograms.
- Onions – 0.2 kilograms.
- Salt – 50 grams.
- Apple cider vinegar – 50 grams.
- Honey – 100 grams.
We sterilize the bottles, wash the tomatoes and let them dry completely (or wipe them with a towel). Peel the onion and chop into rings. Place the tomatoes in jars, inserting onions into the free space in between.
Let's make the brine: add salt to water (1 liter), pour in vinegar, boil, and after boiling add honey. Let's wait a little longer, then you can pour the marinade into jars, topping up to the very neck. Immediately roll up the jars and put them under a blanket.
Recipe for a liter jar
Liter bottles are the most convenient container for preparing preserves. This is enough for several days - for an everyday table, and for one time - for a holiday. You have time to enjoy the taste, but not for so long that the dish gets boring or goes bad.
So, how many ingredients do we need for one such 1 liter jar? We count:
- Tomatoes – 0.5 kilograms.
- Water – 0.5 liters.
- Vinegar – 1 teaspoon.
- Garlic – 2 cloves.
- Onion – 1 medium onion.
- Bay leaf – 2 leaves.
- Cloves – 3 buds.
- Allspice peas – 3 pieces.
- In front of the sharp one - 1 ring.
- Salt – 1 teaspoon.
- Sugar – 1 tablespoon.
- Vegetable oil (if desired) – 2 tablespoons.
We wash the selected tomatoes and peel the garlic. We pierce the skin near the stalk with a toothpick or a pin so that the integrity of the skin is not damaged by boiling water. Peel the onion, cut into rings, then prepare all the other components. We pre-sterilize the jars. Place from bottom to top: cloves, a ring of hot pepper, bay leaf, allspice peas and half an onion. Next is a layer of tomato, followed by the second part of the onion, followed by the rest of the tomato.
The next step is preparing the brine. To do this, bring water to a boil in a separate saucepan and fill the jar full to the neck. Cover with a metal lid and wait for half an hour. Pour this water back into the pan and repeat the process.
While the water boils, put salt, sugar and vinegar in a jar (if you like canned sunflower oil, you can add that too).
The boiling water is ready - pour it into a jar, and you can roll it up. Lowering it sideways, twist it a little so that the bulk ingredients dissolve. Now you can put it upside down, cover it with a blanket and leave it for 24 hours. After this time, remove the blanket, place it correctly, and leave it in this position for a week (make sure that the jars are not exposed to direct sunlight). After this, the preservation can be placed in long-term storage.
How to properly store “Royal Tomatoes”
Preservation is stored in a cool, ventilated area for no more than one year.