Recipe for making seedless raspberry jam for the winter

Raspberries are considered the healthiest berry, stimulating the immune system and helping the body cope with colds. It is frozen, dried, and used to make desserts. An excellent treat for the winter is raspberry jam, cooked without seeds, which even kids can eat. It will take a little more time to prepare, but the result is worth it.

Features of preparing seedless raspberry jam

Even an inexperienced housewife can cope with cooking raspberry jam, from which the seeds are removed. However, you need to take into account some rules for making and storing dessert.


  • use fruits of the same variety and degree of ripeness;
  • follow the recipe;
  • It is better to cook the delicacy over low heat in 3-4 batches;
  • To remove the larvae, the berries must be kept in salt water for 10 minutes;
  • pour the jam into sterilized containers;
  • follow the product storage rules.

The jam will turn out more aromatic and tasty if you add red currant juice to the mixture instead of water.

Recipe Ingredients

Raspberries and sugar are used to make jam. The berries are juicy, so there is no need to add water.

Apples, pears, other berries, and spices will change the taste of jam. Honey will make dessert healthier.

raspberry picking

Selection and preparation of berries

For jam, it is better to use raspberries collected in your own garden, but they can also be purchased at the market.

Selection rules:

  • berries are chosen of the same size, large fruits are considered high quality;
  • the aroma should be clearly defined, there should be no chemical odors coming from the raspberries;
  • the shape of the berries should be round; if the fruits are flattened, the raspberries have already been sitting for several hours;
  • When purchasing, it is important to look at the berries lying at the bottom of the container - they may be very wrinkled or rotten.

Purchased or picked berries are cleaned of leaves, twigs, and debris. Raspberries have very soft fruits, so washing them is quite difficult. If the berry is very dirty, pour it into a bowl of water and after 2 minutes carefully fish it out with a slotted spoon.

You cannot store washed raspberries.

pick raspberries

Preparing containers

To preserve the beneficial properties and taste, raspberry jam should be placed in sterilized jars.

Glass containers of different sizes are used for the blanks, without chips or cracks. Before use, wash all containers with baking soda and rinse with water. It is recommended to soak new jars in hot water for 2 minutes before sealing.

Sterilization options:

  • ferry;
  • using a kettle;
  • in the oven;
  • in a microwave oven or multicooker.

It is allowed to sterilize jars with contents together. To do this, place the filled containers in a pan of water, heat and boil for 15 minutes.

preparing jars

The jam is covered with metal lids. They are sterilized in boiling water immediately before twisting.

When using old threaded caps, inspect them for damage and rust.

How to make seedless raspberry jam for the winter?


  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

The berries are washed, cleared of leaves and stalks, and ground through a sieve. Granulated sugar is added to the resulting puree and sent to simmer over low heat. Cooking time depends on personal preference. If the dessert is boiled for less than 5 minutes, you will get jam with the taste of fresh berries. With prolonged cooking, the syrup will thicken and become similar to confiture.

seedless jam

Rules for storing prepared treats

Raspberry jam should be stored in a cool, dark place. The room temperature should not rise above 15 degrees and fall below zero. Period of use – 2 years. However, it is recommended to eat raspberries within six months; over time, the amount of vitamins decreases and the taste of the delicacy changes.

Containers rolled up with metal lids can be stored in the house at room temperature. Opened cans should be consumed within 2 weeks.
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