TOP 12 delicious recipes for pickling whole bell peppers for the winter

The question of how to salt whole sweet bell peppers for the winter, without removing the seeds and stalks, arises among those housewives who previously pickled peppers, but at the same time cut them. In this form (cut into slices), the vegetable can easily fit into a container, but if you pickle it whole, the pepper will be juicy and sweet. This appetizer will surprise guests and become the highlight of the table.

Features of preparing bell peppers for the winter

If you decide to marinate whole bell peppers, then take into account some of the features of creating preservation:

  1. Choose fruits of milky ripeness, make sure that the walls of the vegetable are thick and fleshy.
  2. Pepper is successfully combined with various seasonings; Garlic, allspice, and paprika can improve the taste characteristics of the product. Do not skimp on seasonings in the process of creating preparations.
  3. During heat treatment, the vegetable does not lose its beneficial properties; it retains vitamins and beneficial elements.
  4. Pickling peppers whole, without cutting them into slices, is more practical, since after opening the jar, such a product is used to create various dishes.
  5. You can create a preserve by sticking to the basics of the recipe, without resorting to various experiments. Or you can add something “interesting” to the recipe, which will to a certain extent change the taste of the usual preparation.

Selection and preparation of vegetables

It is believed that red and yellow fruits are better suited for making preparations than others.

It is also worth paying attention to:

  • on the appearance of vegetables - if there are signs of mold, rot, strange inclusions or dots on the surface, then it is better to refuse to use them in creating preservation;
  • It is believed that peppers that are too ripe are not suitable for preparation; during the pickling process they lose their characteristics, burst, crack, and change appearance;
  • on the size of the fruits - it is better if they are medium-large, approximately the same in parameters, in order to fill the jar evenly;
  • on the stalk - if it rots, then there is a high probability that the inside of the pepper has undergone similar changes.

bell pepper

Externally, vegetables should be intact, without cracks, damage, moderately ripe, without signs of rot or mold. Such fruits can be used to create preserves without fear that the jar will explode during storage.

How to prepare the container?

Rolling up jars is a simple procedure, but before you start, you should do the following:

  1. Inspect glassware for chips and damage.
  2. Rinse the jars under running water using soda or a biological agent with a clean sponge.
  3. Dry with a towel or allow time for the water to drain down the sides of the container.

pepper in jars

Attention! After washing, clean containers are sterilized; you can do this in various ways. The jars are held over steam, boiled in a saucepan, and placed in the oven or microwave.

After sterilization, the container can be used for its intended purpose - to create preparations for the winter.

How to pickle sweet peppers?

There are several methods that will help you prepare delicious preserves. Let's look at popular recipes that are so loved by housewives.

Cold salting

Salted peppers are not difficult to prepare; for this you will need:

  • mix salt and water, prepare marinade;
  • select and prepare vegetables for preservation;
  • season them with herbs and pepper;
  • Place the fruits in a pan, cover them with a cloth, then put a press on top.

pepper for the winter

After 12 days, if the container is in a dark and cool place, the vegetables will be ready. They should be placed in jars and closed with lids.

In Bulgarian

In a jar, peppers salted using this method look impressive. To create a blank, you should:

  1. Wash the fruits, sort them, remove the seeds without cutting them into slices.
  2. Place them in boiling water for a few minutes, then rinse them with cold water.
  3. Mix salt and water, prepare liquid for marinade.
  4. Sprinkle each fruit with salt and spices, pour in the marinade, cover with a cloth, and place the press.

Bell pepper

After 10 days, you can remove the press, put the vegetables in containers, fill them with juice and marinade. Store the workpiece in a dark and cool place.

Quick salting

It is carried out without sterilization; To salt peppers, you should follow the recommendations:

  • remove the core of the fruit, prepare the marinade in advance;
  • put Aspirin in a jar, then vegetables (peppers, onions and garlic), pour marinade;
  • cover with nylon lids.

In Assyrian

This recipe is simple, you will need:

  1. Make several punctures at the base of the vegetable.
  2. Then prepare the marinade by mixing salt, spices and water.
  3. Place the peppers in a jar, sprinkle them with herbs and spices, and pour in the marinade.
  4. Place the containers in a cool and dark place where they will be stored.

In Polish

Peppers in brine can be prepared following the following recipe:

  • select fruits of the same size;
  • prepare a marinade from oil, citric acid, sugar, salt and water;
  • vegetables are doused with boiling water, then placed in jars;
  • pour marinade over everything, add spices and seasonings;
  • cover with a lid and place upside down for a day.

canned pepper

In Georgian

Involves the use of various seasonings, including suneli hops. Choose vegetables of different colors. Ground pepper, both red and black, herbs.

The vegetables are left whole; the garlic is crushed using a press. Place everything in jars and pour in a marinade of water, vinegar and sunflower oil.

In oil

In this case, warm oil mixed with seasonings and spices is used as a marinade.The peppers are poured with warm marinade, having previously been placed in jars.

With eggplants

First you will have to cut the eggplants into large rings, then salt them to remove the bitterness.

The peppers can be cut into strips, or you can put them whole in a jar and pour marinade over them. It is advisable to add chopped garlic and herbs to it.

Pickled bell pepper

The brine is prepared from oil, vinegar, sugar and salt - this mixture is poured over the vegetables.

Salting whole peppers in a barrel

Not a complicated recipe that is suitable for those who want to try something new or well-forgotten old:

  1. It is worth piercing the peppercorns with a fork in several places.
  2. Place them tightly in the barrel, leaving room for the brine.
  3. Mix water with salt and spices, pour marinade over vegetables, cover with a lid.

How to salt hot peppers with garlic and dill?

If you decide to try this recipe, follow the step-by-step diagram:

  • select suitable pods, wash them;
  • chop the garlic and herbs;
  • sprinkle the vegetables with the resulting mixture;
  • put them in jars and fill them with marinade.

Pickling stuffed peppers

I recommend the following method:

  1. It is worth peeling the vegetables from seeds and removing the stalk in advance.
  2. Stuff the peppers with your chosen filling.
  3. Prepare a marinade from oil and vinegar (it will extend the shelf life of the product).
  4. Sprinkle the peppers with seasonings and spices on top, pour in the marinade, having previously placed them in jars.

Stuffed with cabbage

The correct algorithm of actions when creating a workpiece:

  • rinse vegetables - onions, carrots; remove the stem and core from the peppers;
  • pour boiling water over them, leave for 3 minutes, then remove and let the brine cool;
  • chop the onion, grate the carrots, chop the cabbage;
  • simmer carrots and onions for 5 minutes;
  • Mix carrots and onions with chopped cabbage, salt and add spices.

pepper for pickling

Stuff the peppers with the resulting mixture, put them in a saucepan, after 3-4 days you should put the preserved food into jars.

How to properly store workpieces?

It is worth storing cans of preserves in a cool and dark place, but protect them from sudden temperature changes. Heat will shorten the shelf life of the product and lead to its deterioration, as will contact with direct sunlight.

Pickling or salting peppers is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Even for those housewives who do not have deep knowledge of cooking, it will not be difficult to create preservation.
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