Pork knuckle can confidently be called a truly multifunctional and inexpensive product. It is used in the cuisines of many countries around the world. This part of the carcass is usually boiled, smoked, baked, or stewed. It is also often cooked on the grill. If you choose and cook this meat correctly, you will get a very tasty and tender dish. However, not everyone knows where the pork knuckle is.
Where is the knuckle of a pig?
Pork knuckle is the part of the ham or drumstick that is adjacent to the knee joint. Essentially, it is located between the thigh or shoulder blade and the knee joint. According to world standards for cutting meat, knuckle belongs to the fourth grade.
At the same time, this part of the carcass is considered very popular all over the world, although it does not contain much meat. This product mainly consists of sinew, ligaments and fat. It is important to cook the drumstick correctly. Usually the result is very good.
Description and characteristics
The shank has certain differences from other parts of pork. It has darker meat. In addition, it is characterized by a rather rich taste. Visually, this product can be recognized by its wide top and thin stem, at the end of which there was a hoof. As a rule, a massive bone comes out, which has a rounded shape.
The weight of the drumstick depends on the characteristics of the animal that was sent for slaughter. In a small pig, this part of the carcass weighs a maximum of 700 grams. In larger individuals the shank is heavier. Its weight can be 1-1.5 kilograms. It is worth considering that the front part weighs 300-500 grams less compared to the rear.
In cooking, there are 2 types of shanks:
- back - contains more meat and less veins;
- anterior - includes fewer tendons, the fat layer is also slightly thinner.
When choosing a specific product, you should focus on the dish you plan to prepare. If the shank will be fried, stewed or baked, you should choose the back part. It contains more meat. The front part is more suitable for jellied meat.
Distinctive qualities of knuckle meat
This type of meat is characterized by a fairly pronounced taste. In addition, it is quite soft. However, for this it is important to prepare the product correctly.
Softness and tenderness of meat
This kind of meat cannot be called very tender, so it needs to be cooked for a long time. In addition, there is a large bone in the central part. However, this product has many fans. Its dishes come out rich and satisfying. The front part is more tender because it contains less tendons. This meat is more juicy.
What can you cook from pork knuckle?
Many interesting dishes are prepared from pork knuckle. These, in particular, include the world-famous icebein and boar's hoof. However, in reality there are much more variations. This product can be used to prepare broths, rolls with different fillings, and classic jellied meat. You can also use it to make stews and fake hams, which taste just as good as the real thing.
The drumstick, which is stuffed with garlic and baked in the oven, turns out to be very tasty. It can also be boiled with the addition of spices. Pork prepared this way should be served hot or cold.
In nature, the knuckle is often baked on the grill. However, the meat must be boiled first. To get a spicy taste, it is recommended to prepare a marinade of cherry juice, chopped chili pepper and soy sauce. Any vegetables can be used as a side dish. Sauerkraut would be an excellent addition to this product.
When choosing spices, it is recommended to give preference to marjoram and juniper. Red pepper, rosemary, and dried garlic are also great options.A good addition to this type of meat would be nutmeg.
When preparing this product, it is recommended to consider the following:
- When baking, make deep cuts in the skin. Thanks to this, the product will turn out tasty and covered with a golden brown crust. In the dish in which you plan to bake the meat, you should add a little water and a couple of tablespoons of cognac.
- To make the stewed shank juicier, add a small amount of vinegar or pomegranate juice to the bowl in which it is cooked.
- Before smoking or baking the shank, it must be boiled. In this case, it is recommended to first grate the product with rosemary and marjoram and wrap it in cling film.
- To make tough meat more tender, rub it with dry mustard and leave it aside. Before cooking, it is important to rinse the product well in cold water.
How is a knuckle different from a shank?
Both names mean the same thing. The term shank is popularly used to refer to the leg above the hoof. Knuckle is considered a more correct concept, which is used by professionals.
How to choose a quality pork knuckle
When choosing a product, consider the following:
- Impeccable appearance - the knuckle should have a light skin without dark spots or bruises. There should be no damaged areas on it.
- Elasticity - when buying pork, you need to press it with your finger. Fresh meat will quickly restore its shape.
- Freshness – a quality product has a pinkish tint. It is slightly moist but not sticky.
- Smell – there should be no strong foreign odors.
- Cut - a dense brown crust appears on the stale product.
Features of cutting pork knuckle
This part of the carcass is large in size.If you do not plan to bake the meat completely, it needs to be cut. The quality and speed of cutting is influenced by the sharpness of the knife. First you need to make an incision in the skin, then carefully remove the skin with your hands. If the shank contains a lot of fat, it is recommended to partially cut it off. It is also better to remove large bones. To do this, make 2 longitudinal cuts on the sides. For jellied meat, you need to leave the bone.
Pork knuckle storage
Fresh product can be kept in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days. After this, the meat needs to be cooked or placed in the freezer. You should not wash the drumstick before storing it. It is recommended to do this before starting cooking. You can keep the knuckle in the freezer for a maximum of six months.
Pork knuckle is a sought-after product that is used in cuisines around the world. At the same time, it is important to choose and prepare it correctly.