It would seem that choosing tomatoes for the Rostov region couldn’t be easier. Early spring, hot summer, warm autumn - a paradise for gardeners. Summer residents from Rostov do not even need greenhouses to grow early tomatoes. But the final result of the season largely depends on the correct choice of varieties. Only by sowing seeds of varieties with different ripening periods can you harvest from early summer until autumn.
In 2010, a selection and seed production center from the Poisk agricultural company began operating in the Rostov region; tomatoes are one of the main areas of breeding work. Gardeners in the Rostov region can purchase the best varieties of tomatoes from the Poisk company; an excellent harvest is guaranteed.
Tomatoes from the company "Poisk" for the Rostov region
Tomato seeds for the Rostov region, the best varieties for open ground from the Poisk company will be a good choice for the new season. The company offers a large assortment of tomatoes with different ripening periods, drought-resistant, and disease-resistant.
Volgograd early ripening 323
Suitable for early harvest Volgograd early ripening tomato. Already in May (May 10-20) you can transplant the seedlings into the ground; to do this, sow the seeds for seedlings in the last ten days of March. From germination to harvest it takes 95-110 days. The plant is low-growing, bushes up to 45 cm tall. You will be pleased with the friendly yield of the harvest. The fruits are beautiful, red with a slightly ribbed surface. The shape of the fruit is flat-round, the skin is smooth and shiny. The average weight of one tomato is around 100 g. Plant bushes according to a pattern of 70 by 40 cm.
Bull's heart
To obtain a harvest from mid-July to August, the variety is suitable tomato Ox heart. This is a medium-late tomato, ripens within 118-128 days. Large-fruited tomatoes for salad purposes. The fruits are medium and large, weight ranges from 110 to 225 g. The bushes are of medium height (0.8-1.2 m), need support (garter). The fruits are pink when technically ripe. The fruit shape is classic heart-shaped.
Shuttle is a variety for busy summer residents. It does not need to be tied to a support, the bushes are low 40-45 cm. There is no need to remove the stepsons. Ripening occurs early (85 days).The tomato is cold-resistant, seedlings can be planted in the ground early, which allows you to get an early harvest of universal-purpose tomatoes in June. Small fruits (50-60 g), oblong in shape with a spout, good for pickling, canned vegetables and when used fresh. The color of the fruit is red, the pulp is tasty and juicy. Plus tomato shuttle – does not suffer from late blight.
New products from the company Search
Undoubtedly, the newest hybrid Graceful F1 deserves the interest of Rostov gardeners. Hybrid of medium ripening period (95-100 days), medium height (1.2 m). The fruits are flat-round, dense, bright red, weighing up to 240 g. Sets well, is productive, resistant to TMV and cladosporiosis. The hybrid will delight you with excellent taste.
Another new hybrid, Mongoose F1, is worth trying. The hybrid performed well in extreme weather conditions. The tying ability is excellent in any weather. Mongoose F1 is semi-indent, this makes it easier to care for, but a garter and formative pinching are needed. The bushes are quite tall - 1.4 m, the fruits are medium (150 g), suitable for canning and fresh consumption. Advantages of tomato Mongoose F1:
- recumbent;
- transportable;
- not subject to cracking.
Thanks to its advantages and excellent taste, Mongoose F1 will be a good choice for both amateur vegetable growers and farmers.
What gardeners in the Rostov region advise
Experienced summer residents advise choosing low-growing, determinate-type tomato varieties that tolerate heat well for open ground. List of tomato varieties tested in the Rostov region for open ground:
- Evgenia;
- Gourmand;
- Winner;
- Titanium.
The variety can be grown in the country for the needs of the family and on the farm for sale on the market.The bushes are low (30 cm), standard, determinate type. The leaves are small, dark green. The fruits are red, round, weighing from 60 to 80 g. Ripening early. Productivity 7 kg/m². Valuable qualities:
- increased drought resistance;
- sets fruit well in extremely hot weather;
- the fruits do not crack;
- universal use;
- taste good;
- early maturation;
- the assessment of keeping quality and transportability is high.
Drought-resistant, productive variety. Gourmet is characterized by: immunity to blossom end rot, yield 7 kg/m². The bushes are determinate, 50 to 60 cm high, semi-spreading, with medium foliage. Seedlings are planted at 6-8 bushes per square meter. The fruits are crimson, round, medium size (100-120 g). Main characteristics of the variety:
- early ripening;
- drought-resistant;
- universal purpose.
A new mid-early, productive variety from Volgograd breeders. The bushes are low (60-75 cm), leafy above average. The fruits are red, sweetish in taste, weighing from 70 to 140 g. The pulp is dense. The shape of the tomato is elongated with weak ribbing. The variety is grown on an industrial scale, the yield is 630 c/ha. Under dacha conditions, the yield of the variety is 10 kg/m². The commercial yield of ripe fruits is from 84 to 96%. Ripe fruits tolerate transportation well.
Winner tomatoes are an ideal raw material for whole-fruit canning.
Determinate, mid-late variety Titan tomatoes with standard-type bushes, popular with summer residents and farmers since 2000. It is as easy as possible to care for: no need to tie up or remove stepsons. The maximum height of the bushes is 60 cm. The fruits are round, red, fleshy, weighing 80-150 g. The pulp is low-seeded, the skin is dense.The taste of tomatoes is excellent, the yield is high - 4 kg per bush. Tomatoes are used for preparations and consumed fresh. The advantages of the variety include:
- resistance to late blight;
- excellent taste;
- high transportability;
- high productivity.
Svetlana, Rostov region.
I recommend the Russian Beauty variety for our hot (+50 °C) summer. This is a medium-sized indent and requires gartering and pinching. Dual-purpose tomatoes: salad, pickling. I grew it in open ground and am very pleased with the harvest. The tomatoes are red, heart-shaped, the pulp is sugary, very tasty. The tomatoes were all large, from 200 g, eaten fresh, not allowed for preparation.
Maria, Neklinovsky district, Rostov region.
I grow tomatoes for sale in open ground. I use drip irrigation. This year I planted:
- Pink Newbie.
- Gift of Zavolzhye Pink.
- Solerosso.
- Polbig.
- Lojane.
- Sadin.
The pink newcomer is convincingly productive, the taste of the tomato is a solid 4, in the upper part of the bush the fruits are smaller. Plus, I didn’t get sick.
Gift of Zavolzhye Pink showed average yield, is susceptible to disease, but the tomato taste is delicious. I will plant a little for myself next year.
Solerosso is an excellent, productive hybrid; 3 kg were harvested from the bush. I picked my last tomatoes in October. Resistant to blossom end rot, susceptible to TMV. To obtain a good harvest, abundant watering is required. I noticed a noticeable shrinkage of tomatoes when watering was reduced.
Polbig - tomatoes are selling out in droves at the market. The variety is productive (4.5 kg/bush), unpretentious, susceptible to blossom end rot. The tomato taste is excellent, the yield is beyond praise.
Logane is a fast-growing, transportable variety. The fruit pulp is too dense. The appearance is marketable, the color is beautiful, crimson.The variety is suitable for wholesale, but does not sell well in retail. 3.5 kg were collected from a bush.
Sadin - a variety resistant to diseases, productive, tomatoes are not tasty, they did not go on the market. Tomatoes are flat-round, scarlet with dense pulp.
Among the abundance of varieties, it’s easy to find one just for your dacha. You can choose a variety of Dutch selection, you can support a domestic producer and buy tomato seeds from the Rostov Seed Center.